Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

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Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by fullstringer98 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:35 pm

My mom is going to her office in a few hours and she said I can go to any park of my choice on either lake. Do you have a park that you have had success at lately? Idylwood on sammamish had fish butdidnt bit anything #-o
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RE:Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by Gringo Pescador » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:17 pm

When I was around 12-13, we lived in Kent & my mom worked in Seattle, she would drop me off at the Des Moines Marina on her way to work. I would fish for flounder and perch all day. Then she would pick me up on the way home. Good times!

Coulon in Renton is popular for fishing, lots of dock to fish. And they have a Kidd Valley & Ivars there too:bom:
Last edited by Gringo Pescador on Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by G-Man » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:18 pm

Gene Coulon park at the south end of Lake Washington is pretty good as is Luther Burbank park on the East Side of Mercer Island. The nice thing about both of these parks is that you have access to shallow and deep water and lots of area from which to fish. Do the Google map thing to get an idea of where the docks are if you hit Luther Burbank. If you have a crayfish trap, bring it along and let it soak while you fish. Most of the fish you are going to catch are perch with a few smallies available as well. I haven't fished logboom park on the north end of the lake, but the reports have shown all kinds of fish being caught from there. Good luck and don't forget the bait!

*edit* With the weather that we are having, the bite may be slow wherever you go. Also, the fishing calendar suggests that today today is only fair for catching fish.
Last edited by G-Man on Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by kzoo » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:27 pm

Coulon would be my vote. The kid valley and Ivars is hard to beat.

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RE:Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by fullstringer98 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:18 am

I was going to go to log boom or Coulon but We had to go to Idylwood park on the tip of Sammamish by the slough. I ccaught a small largemouth and had several bites from some assorted panfish. I am not a bass fisherman and was wondering some good lures or plastics to buy for a begginer. BTW, what kind of fish iss that in kzoo's avatar?:-)
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RE:Best park to catch fish at on lake Washington or Sammamish?

Post by kzoo » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:04 am

fullstringer98 wrote:I was going to go to log boom or Coulon but We had to go to Idylwood park on the tip of Sammamish by the slough. I ccaught a small largemouth and had several bites from some assorted panfish. I am not a bass fisherman and was wondering some good lures or plastics to buy for a begginer. BTW, what kind of fish iss that in kzoo's avatar?:-)
Good question about the fish, I'm still not a 100% sure, I believe it's a sculpin. I caught it in the salt at Lopez Island. It was just all head, thought it would be a cool avatar.

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