After a not so dramatic fight, we got it to the boat, ecstatic to see the flash of what looked like a Kokanee. Scooped it up in the net, and our hearts sank a bit when we saw it's head covered in spots! All that work for a koke, and we ended up with a trout... (not that trout are bad, just really looking for kokes)
However, something still seemed a little fishy to me (sorry for the pun) so I decided to investigate a little closer. And upon further inspection, noticed that this fish had a forked tail like a salmon, not a trout. The spots didn't go down it's sides very far, with not a single spot below it's lateral line, and only spots on the upper lobe of it's tail. It also had a black gumline, and silver streaks extending into it's tail. The scales were small and came off easily like a kokanee's. When we cleaned it the meat was red like a salmons, but not as vibrant red as a kokanee's.
So we knew it must be a salmon of some sort, and we have never seen a Sockeye Kokanee look like this... Our best guess, and one I'm fairly confident in the more I look at it, is that it's a Landlocked Silver (Coho)
What baffles me, is that we are not suppose to have landlocked silvers in Stevens (as far as I understand at least) and know I've never caught one out of Lake Stevens before.
So what are your guys thoughts on this weirdo? Maybe there was a mix up at the hatchery?