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by Shad_Eating_Grin » Wed May 04, 2016 10:10 am
jd39 wrote:Still no update in the emergency rule section that Lk WA or Lk Sammamish are closed, says refer to the packet which says they are open. I dont fish these lakes this time of year, if I did I would take a dated screen shot and go fishing. A release is not official to my knowledge, the emergency rule section is.
Maybe its on purpose, if the tribes are going to fish anyway maybe the wdfw is hoping sportfishers will too and drive the conflict into federal court. A federal judge's intervention could potentially change the ballgame but its a gamble if it'll be in our favor. Status quo with NOAA certaintly doesnt seem to be.
Probably wishful thinking on my part but I'm hoping Director Unsworth's WDFW is putting a bigger play into effect with this impass.
Will keep checking the emergency rules, find this all very strange.
This may be as "official" as we can expect as far an emergency rule being in effect: ... 10-068.pdf" onclick=";return false;
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by jd39 » Wed May 04, 2016 11:18 am
Thanks SEG! Well they're posted now. My false hope was well....false.
SY- I'm not your guy. I fish for fun and being on the wrong side of the law is not fun for me. I'll be staying off the listed waters now that the emergency rule section has been updated.
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by countryboy87 » Wed May 04, 2016 1:29 pm
SammamishYak wrote:Clog the system. Keep fishing. I will continue to do so until I am cited. However, I doubt it will be enforced.
First person to be cited will be the first person I start the Gofundme campgain for.

the time for change is now.. i will be on the rivers june 1st and i pray im not the only one
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 2:37 pm
Wow openly posting plans to poach thats a new low. I have no respect for this behavior.
Why fight these closures? Most people have hemmed and hawed about how they want the native nets out of our rivers and salt water. Well, we finally got it! The fish will finally have a chance to recover and you guys want to protest it?? How short sighted and selfish does one have to be to not realize these closures must be had in order to save ps salmon populations?? Go fish for bass, mackinaw or cutties elsewhere. It isnt going to kill you to leave the salmon alone for a while.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by tooboocoo » Wed May 04, 2016 3:06 pm
jonb wrote:Wow openly posting plans to poach thats a new low. I have no respect for this behavior.
Why fight these closures? Most people have hemmed and hawed about how they want the native nets out of our rivers and salt water. Well, we finally got it! The fish will finally have a chance to recover and you guys want to protest it?? How short sighted and selfish does one have to be to not realize these closures must be had in order to save ps salmon populations?? Go fish for bass, mackinaw or cutties elsewhere. It isnt going to kill you to leave the salmon alone for a while.
I absolutely don't condone poaching or breaking the rules in any form..But understand there is a large group of fishermen/women who don't fish for salmon and have never even caught one who are being unjustly punished by this closure. I am a bass fisherman pure and simple. That is all I fish for. Lake Washington and Sammamish are my favorite lakes and I spent 99% of my time on the water there. Now that is being taken away....not to mention the $120 I dropped on a launch permit that I won't use now.
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 3:21 pm
Bass are an invasive, nuisance to salmon, and there are tens of thousands of other lakes to catch bass in. I understand you or your ilk dont care about salmon, and thats the problem. Coho/sockeye absolutely run through lake washington. The salmon need their habitat left alone more than you need your favorite bass fishery. Perhaps a bit of compromise in the name of conservation is in order. And perhaps you should try to get a refund for your launch fees.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 3:39 pm
If bass guys will be allowed to fish lake wa. The natives will surely be allowed to net the salt. There is the problem. Doesnt matter if bass guys never touch a salmon, that part is irrelevant.
To protest against any of these closures is to protest against saving imperiled ps salmon.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by countryboy87 » Wed May 04, 2016 4:14 pm
jonb wrote:Wow openly posting plans to poach thats a new low. I have no respect for this behavior.
Why fight these closures? Most people have hemmed and hawed about how they want the native nets out of our rivers and salt water. Well, we finally got it! The fish will finally have a chance to recover and you guys want to protest it?? How short sighted and selfish does one have to be to not realize these closures must be had in order to save ps salmon populations?? Go fish for bass, mackinaw or cutties elsewhere. It isnt going to kill you to leave the salmon alone for a while.
obviously U had your head so far up your ass from when you fell off your high horse u didnt get the memo.. ... -underway/" onclick=";return false;
but yeah your right lets just idly stand by while these pieces of dogshit rape whats left of our small resource
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 5:07 pm
countryboy87 wrote:jonb wrote:Wow openly posting plans to poach thats a new low. I have no respect for this behavior.
Why fight these closures? Most people have hemmed and hawed about how they want the native nets out of our rivers and salt water. Well, we finally got it! The fish will finally have a chance to recover and you guys want to protest it?? How short sighted and selfish does one have to be to not realize these closures must be had in order to save ps salmon populations?? Go fish for bass, mackinaw or cutties elsewhere. It isnt going to kill you to leave the salmon alone for a while.
obviously U had your head so far up your ass from when you fell off your high horse u didnt get the memo.. ... -underway/" onclick=";return false;
but yeah your right lets just idly stand by while these pieces of dogshit rape whats left of our small resource
Look guy all parties need to lay off the salmon. Poachers are just as bad as native gillnets. Being a poacher isnt going to help anyone. I understand your upset about being called out for a BAD idea, but there is no need for personal attack.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by dutchman2858 » Wed May 04, 2016 5:46 pm
jonb: Since you're "Im so glad i moved to canada lol" you don't have a dog in this fight. Let the guys who DO, discuss the issue. Just sayin'...
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 5:51 pm
Im a us born american citizen who served over seas during a time of 2 wars in the usmc i have every right to discuss this. Nextly who knows what will happen, maybe ill end up moving back. If i did move back it would be a shame if you guys let the salmon fisheries become extirpated, so i will continue to discuss as long as i see fit.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by kodacachers » Wed May 04, 2016 6:09 pm
As I've said before I fully support salmon conservation including a full closure if necessary, but shutting down warmwarter fishing makes no sense. Even if we were to buy into the notion that bass, perch, etc have some negative impact on salmon, that's even more reason to keep these fisheries open. The idea that closing them somehow will keep nets out of the water is fanciful.
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by jonb » Wed May 04, 2016 6:15 pm
The reason to keep these warm water fisheries closed is to not give the natives ammunition to argue for gillnetting. We close down then we make them close down simple. Angler equality right? Be the change you hope to see in the world is the tactic.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by primetime » Thu May 05, 2016 9:28 pm
jonb wrote:The reason to keep these warm water fisheries closed is to not give the natives ammunition to argue for gillnetting. We close down then we make them close down simple. Angler equality right? Be the change you hope to see in the world is the tactic.
Wow! Woo! You seem to be a very opinionated guy after reading all your posts. However, everything you posted is based off of opinion and your own moral standpoint. What study do you have that shows that just leaving salmon alone helps them rebound? Name some rivers? These ideas have been applied. It's much more complex. I think a lot people are angry over the fact they can't fish for bass in certain lakes or steelhead in certain rivers which don't pertain to the large issue. Our state and tribes need to come to a resolution or we are looking at the long hard road (closures). Which is currently happening. We are waiting on permits which who knows how long that will take. So if people want to protest and show there disgust, then they should go for it. We know where you stand: Canada! Enjoy your fishery!!!!
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by jonb » Thu May 05, 2016 10:29 pm
Yep, keep thinking of your personal short sighted wants over the big picture. I know you guys want meat for the freezer but think of your grandkids and dont rush to let the natives net and you keep your token fisheries until their decimated. Salmon have been in decline overall for as long as we have recorded it. If serious work isnt done now, salmon are doomed in washington. Gill nets are non selective and dont care if its bycatch is endangered or not. An example of salmon rebounding when left alone is the elwah river. Since the dam came down king salmon have recolonized without any other human intervention. Nature can and will run its coarse. Giving in for your personal want for your fishery is short sighted and not helping anyone.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by jd39 » Fri May 06, 2016 11:24 am
Speaking of coho specifically I cant believe the short memories, the years prior to this downturn were great and returns were healthy, wild and hatchery. Then ocean conditions changed and this downturn hit hard. I agree with restricting fishing until actual in-season data is available to better assess the runs this year. If they're abysmal keep it closed, if they're better then forecasted offer limited openings where appropriate.
Closing these waters now while there isn't a coho in sight either way is beyond stupid in my opinion but government is involved and well....will just leave it at that.
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by countryboy87 » Fri May 06, 2016 10:10 pm
jonb wrote:Yep, keep thinking of your personal short sighted wants over the big picture. I know you guys want meat for the freezer but think of your grandkids and dont rush to let the natives net and you keep your token fisheries until their decimated. Salmon have been in decline overall for as long as we have recorded it. If serious work isnt done now, salmon are doomed in washington. Gill nets are non selective and dont care if its bycatch is endangered or not. An example of salmon rebounding when left alone is the elwah river. Since the dam came down king salmon have recolonized without any other human intervention. Nature can and will run its coarse. Giving in for your personal want for your fishery is short sighted and not helping anyone.
once again i dont know if canadian media is covering this or not but the indians ARE NETTING... they dont give a ****.. no permits have been issued but multiple tribes are netting the skagit and tulalip bay as i type this. so your theory of we sit and wait and give in and the indians will do the same is asinine.
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by jonb » Fri May 06, 2016 10:53 pm
Does it make you feel tough to fake swear on the internet? I get it your opinionated, thats fine, so am i. Your upset thats fine too. Id rather not have a swearing match on the internet though. The key difference here is your tone. Mellow down a bit dude.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.
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by sickbayer » Sat May 07, 2016 4:53 am
I'm so pissed about the netting and even more about the lakes, but what bothers me there isn't nothing I can do short term to get those nets out. The shutting down of the salmon season sucks but it seems necessary and I feel I am doing something by not fishing to help those salmon run the gauntlet.
I will say because of these nets I. Harbouring some dislike for tribes, this emotion has happened because it seems their actions are discriminatory towards me and my fellow sports fisherman. Not just in the netting issue but the big picture too, mainly taxes.
I could absolutely fake swear every other word in how I feel. Seems he vented one word and you jump his .... We are all on the same team.
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by jonb » Sat May 07, 2016 9:54 am
countryboy87 wrote:jonb wrote:Wow openly posting plans to poach thats a new low. I have no respect for this behavior.
Why fight these closures? Most people have hemmed and hawed about how they want the native nets out of our rivers and salt water. Well, we finally got it! The fish will finally have a chance to recover and you guys want to protest it?? How short sighted and selfish does one have to be to not realize these closures must be had in order to save ps salmon populations?? Go fish for bass, mackinaw or cutties elsewhere. It isnt going to kill you to leave the salmon alone for a while.
obviously U had your head so far up your ass from when you fell off your high horse u didnt get the memo.. ... -underway/" onclick=";return false;
but yeah your right lets just idly stand by while these pieces of dogshit rape whats left of our small resource
He said one swear word? This is on the same page. Do you think this was helpful to our cause or being on the same side. Im just asking him to be civil.
I do agree with all of your other points though sickbayer.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.