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Anyone else going to be at Padden?? Any favorite spring opener lakes?
Tight lines!
Haha! Well for good reason. It often can be a sh-t show as there are so many people thinking they can just go pick some fish out of the lake and take them home for dinner. One thing that was really disappointing to see was a few Russian gentlemen who were at the lake last weekend as I was there with my buddy. They told us they planned to fish at night before the opener. I bet there are a good number of people who get away with that. Too bad we only have a couple Wardens in the county.Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.
I am going to try to fish toad Saturday evening. There aren't a lot of banks spots so I am guessing taking my kayak out will do great! I have fished there tons of times but never from a floating device. But all it takes is four or five people to take up just about all of the public shore fishing there haha.Juniah87 wrote:When I was up in the whatcom county area I used to go to Toad, plenty of fish and less people
Back in 2015 I was fishing a dock and the owner came out to talk. He said that he'd watch people launch their boats at midnight and start fishing, which was legal by the way. He also said that lots of them had problems launching their boats, and he had a good show to watch. Same with Opening Day for Boating. Those who go boating/fishing one day a year.branweeds wrote:Haha! Well for good reason. It often can be a sh-t show as there are so many people thinking they can just go pick some fish out of the lake and take them home for dinner. One thing that was really disappointing to see was a few Russian gentlemen who were at the lake last weekend as I was there with my buddy. They told us they planned to fish at night before the opener. I bet there are a good number of people who get away with that. Too bad we only have a couple Wardens in the county.Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.
The first time I fished in this state was on opening day in '73. From the dock at Lake Meridian. LOTS of boats on the water, and people on the docks. I was sitting there waiting for that big bite - that never came. A man came up and asked me if I'd caught any, I said no. He then flashed a badge at me and asked to see my license, so I showed him, he said "good luck", and walked off to check others who were fishing. lol.rseas wrote:Oh I so wish I could be on the water for opening day. Currently being boatless we will miss the opener for the first time in years. Good luck everyone, be safe and can't wait to read the stories.
My buddy and I are rebuilding his '88 Skeeter. Last night we had to take all of the rotten wood out of the old transom. Not fun! But we are trying to get it on the water by mid May, before some of the bass this far north start spawning. That is the only reason I wont be bassing this weekend hahafisherman92 wrote: This year I'm heading to Big lake with some friends bass fishing to try to avoid the trout madness that will ensue... I hope its not too busy.. We shall see
Not to sound too racist, but we always had problems with Russians poaching, fishing illegals, or in closed waters. We stocked the pond behind bellingham hatchery the Friday before mothers day one year for the kids fishing derby, and had to tell 2 Russians in their mid to late 20s to kick rocks. They came back 30 minutes later while I was leaving, rods in hand. I called the game warden that time, I hope he confiscated their gear. This was a juvenile only fishery, which made it that much worse. We would also catch a lot of Russians snagging on the wall, and fishing roped off and clearly marked closed areas. Very unfortunate.branweeds wrote:Haha! Well for good reason. It often can be a sh-t show as there are so many people thinking they can just go pick some fish out of the lake and take them home for dinner. One thing that was really disappointing to see was a few Russian gentlemen who were at the lake last weekend as I was there with my buddy. They told us they planned to fish at night before the opener. I bet there are a good number of people who get away with that. Too bad we only have a couple Wardens in the county.Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.
That's not being racist, that is stating FACTS.Juniah87 wrote:Not to sound too racist, but we always had problems with Russians poaching, fishing illegals, or in closed waters. We stocked the pond behind bellingham hatchery the Friday before mothers day one year for the kids fishing derby, and had to tell 2 Russians in their mid to late 20s to kick rocks. They came back 30 minutes later while I was leaving, rods in hand. I called the game warden that time, I hope he confiscated their gear. This was a juvenile only fishery, which made it that much worse. We would also catch a lot of Russians snagging on the wall, and fishing roped off and clearly marked closed areas. Very unfortunate.branweeds wrote:Haha! Well for good reason. It often can be a sh-t show as there are so many people thinking they can just go pick some fish out of the lake and take them home for dinner. One thing that was really disappointing to see was a few Russian gentlemen who were at the lake last weekend as I was there with my buddy. They told us they planned to fish at night before the opener. I bet there are a good number of people who get away with that. Too bad we only have a couple Wardens in the county.Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.
Anyone know why that is? Hardly worth much to catch a couple 11 inchersJakefish wrote:In previous years, Toad would get more jumbos than Padden, but this year I see there are no jumbos or triploids planted in the county!
I live pretty close to the Bellingham hatchery, and it has always been annoying to see guys like that setting examples for the kids learning to fish. The derby pond there was the first place my dad ever took me to fish too.Juniah87 wrote:Not to sound too racist, but we always had problems with Russians poaching, fishing illegals, or in closed waters. We stocked the pond behind bellingham hatchery the Friday before mothers day one year for the kids fishing derby, and had to tell 2 Russians in their mid to late 20s to kick rocks. They came back 30 minutes later while I was leaving, rods in hand. I called the game warden that time, I hope he confiscated their gear. This was a juvenile only fishery, which made it that much worse. We would also catch a lot of Russians snagging on the wall, and fishing roped off and clearly marked closed areas. Very unfortunate.branweeds wrote:Haha! Well for good reason. It often can be a sh-t show as there are so many people thinking they can just go pick some fish out of the lake and take them home for dinner. One thing that was really disappointing to see was a few Russian gentlemen who were at the lake last weekend as I was there with my buddy. They told us they planned to fish at night before the opener. I bet there are a good number of people who get away with that. Too bad we only have a couple Wardens in the county.Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.
I have to agree with that! It seems there are always a few opportunities to show a kid or new fisherman how to rig up some power bait, or maybe share an old spinner! Plus people can be quite amusing as well.spokey9 wrote:I love the circus of opening day. There's always something crazy that seems to happen wherever I end up at. Truth is though it's simple fishing and a chance to help a newbie that's struggling or just meet new people. That might be why I like it, but the crazy does amuse me lol
Amx wrote:My FAVORITE place to be on opening day, and weekend, is ON MY COUCH, or I stay in bed.