by AJ's Dad » Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:04 am
After reading roughly 2/3 of this article I just shook my head and clicked out of it. I find it all to much in the realm of Dejavu. We saw it on the Pend Oreille river, we're seeing it in Coeurdalene Lake, and now you folks on the west side are seeing it. All too often we see the same things stringed together. Tribes, "Study", and gillnets. My guess is it will only be a short time before you won't even spend part of a day fishing this lake, once the gill nets have wreaked their havoc. Stay tuned. Soon you'll probably see this tribe with their hand out looking for money to complete their "Study". The Kalispell Pend Oreille Northern Pike Genocide project really got this type of ball rolling didn't it. Sad sad sad