Kokanee losing scales?

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Kokanee losing scales?

Post by eustace » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:22 am

I caught a few Kokanee the other night out of Loon Lake and when I whent to grab them to put them in the boat my hand was just covered in scales and after cleaning them almost all the scales came off while washing the fish.

I used to fish for Kokanee like crazy in my teenage years to early twenties ( I got back into it last year ) and I do not remember the sclaes coming off in hords like this.

I am wondering if this means they are very close too spawning or if it is because the water is so warm?
Well its not called Catching!

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RE:Kokanee losing scales?

Post by Big D » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:20 am

Hey eustace,
I do all of my Kokanee fishing in Lake Chelan (Cold Water)
Kokanee loose their scales very easily. When I'm cleaning mine I spray them with a garden hose to remove any scales that might still be on the fish after handling. It's a lot faster/easier than scaling them with the back of your knife blade. They are the easiest fish in the world to clean/scale. I'm sure your fish are just fine.
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RE:Kokanee losing scales?

Post by eustace » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:26 am

Yeah, I just don't remembering this last year or in the years past.

They taste just fine, we are stocking up with alot of Koks for canning and the bigger ones for the BBQ, Yum.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Well its not called Catching!

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