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Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:24 am
by Mike Carey
I'm willing to concede that web sites like this one can set off a small angler "feeding frenzy" on certain locations. But I think the bigger issue is we just have more and more anglers hitting a limited resource. And also there are more informational resources out there, not just this web site. The online community has probably a half dozen "major" players out there. Then there's weekly reports in newspapers (a dying medium), radio, Sporting Goods/Marine Center/Trade Show seminars (a big draw for the hard core). This all adds up to a whole lot of people on limited waters. One reason I guess why I'm more interested in secluded locations. Saturday on the Skykomish is not my idea of a good time.
Why I'm not as worried about online information freezies - I remember a few years ago lake Joy was getting bunch of attention from bass anglers. The familar concern was expressed about "our secret spot"and everyone over-runnning it. Two years later I haven't heard many reports coming out on Joy. Instead this year it was lake "X". It's like a flavor of the Month club for fishing locations.
If you fish a river location and it was good fishing, odds are others know about one way or another. There's just too many ways to find out.
What do you think?
BTW, I see we have member #13,800. I gotta re-check our guessing contest!
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:42 am
by Coastfishin
I agree, very few of the locations I fish, be it rivers or lakes, are hardly ever mentioned in the media or on the web, but there sure are a lot of people out fishing these areas.
I think most people tend to find places just by word of mouth and just getting out and looking for a good spot. Around here if there are a couple of cars parked anywhere near a river somebody will stop to check it out.
I have gotten a lot of good info on tactics, gear and such from this site but not a lot of info on good spots to fish.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:02 am
by BentRod
100% agreed. I tend to shake my head when someone posts details of a good spot to fish and then gets flamed for doing so. Seems a bit petty. I certainly don't rush out the door to go fish that spot. Can't imagine many other people do either. However, I might bookmark it to check out later if I have a chance, but that is a big "if" and rarely happens. Anyway, this site is about sharing information to help other people catch fish too, right?
Of course there are those few people that ruin it for everyone else. They seem to be everywhere. Tight lines everyone.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:52 am
by hewesfisher
Have to agree with the above replies, I really don't think people are online searching for the hottest places to fish and then rush out take advantage when they read good reports.
What works and where today, can and will change tomorrow. I think more word of mouth or paying attention to the number of vehicles in and out of a particular area does more for activity than anything else.
If the resource being fished is public, then IMO, no one should be flamed for reporting on it. If you are concerned about a "secret spot" or location on a public waterway, and don't want others to find out, then keep it to yourself. Otherwise, anyone else has the same right to stumble onto your "spot' and wet a line there when legal to do so.
I've learned more successful information from local guides and pros than any online resource because that info is tailored to the places I fish. No one in those seminars is complaining about too many people fishing.
![Cool [cool]](./images/smilies/msp_cool.gif)
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:56 am
by 8theB8
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:57 pm
by Gringo Pescador
I dont believe these days on the west side of the mountains there are many truly secret spots, there are just too many people. There are places not everyone knows about, but secret? Nah..
My rules (for myself):
#1. If there is a certain lake I don't want overrun with more people than are already there, then I report it in the secret lakes section.
#2. If there is a certain river spot I don't want overrun with more people than are already there, then I report on the river, but don't specify exactly where.
#3. If somebody lets me in on a "secret" lake or river spot, then I respect their wishes, and go back to rule #1 & #2.
#4. If I let someone in on one of my secrets, and they post it, then I am more careful next time with that person.
#5. If someone posts on a lake or spot that I think of as secret - then it must not be a secret then.
I'd say 50% of the places I fish, I found via Google maps and driving, 40% from this site and 10% from friends I have made from this site.
As far as methods learned, probably 50% growing up and the other 50 split between online sources, friends and books.
I am always happy to share tactics and places to try with people, tactics 100%, places not so... but I also don't see a reason to get all pissed if I see one of my "secrets" posted online. The only way I could have a place that is all mine is to own it - and even then there is no guarantee (thinking back to school days, going in commando style and fishing someone's private pond)
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:59 pm
by Mike Carey
For ten years i didn't even post that there were lakers in Cle Elum out of respect for a friend's wishes to keep it quiet after he showed me the fishery. Eventually the cat got out of the bag. I think the above mentioned rules are good ones.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:48 pm
by sickbayer
Mike Carey wrote:For ten years i didn't even post that there were lakers in Cle Elum out of respect for a friend's wishes to keep it quiet after he showed me the fishery. Eventually the cat got out of the bag. I think the above mentioned rules are good ones.
It is funny you mention Cle Elum Mike, outta 4 attemps at catching ive caught 3, now ive figured it out, i think theyre pretty easy to catch. However studies by other states have shown them to have a 90% mortality rate after they have been caught. So im not to keen to go back anytime soon. But that is just me and my morals. Still if the nets were banned maybe i could stay a little closer to home to catch a decent size fish. After all i really fish to catch.
Although maybe this is kinda on topic too. I love cutt throat fishing and ive really noticed an up-turn of people fishing for them too, on Lake Samamish and Lake Washington. Even the guides have been getting into it. What bothers me is the daily limit. I mean seriously 5 resident cutts per day guide with 4 people equals 20 fish twice a week equals 40 fish. In my opinion this is nuts. If im feeding just the misses and me two small fish or one big one 3 or 4lber is plenty.
So my question is how many people fish there limit no matter what.? Im all for planters at 5 a day but residents im for 2.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:29 pm
by Racer
One of the biggest reasons that I joined this website was for the information. I used to fish alot as a kid but layed off it for awhile do to work and life. As I have gotten back into it again, I find that there are alot of different places and tactics that I would like to try. I have found that the experience and friendliness of the people on this site is second to none.
I haven't found many places that people share their efforts and knowledge as well as here. When a new area interest's me, I just lookup the records for it and atleast I can go into it with a fighting shot at being productive. This has greatly helped me to increase my skill. My thanks to all of you who are willing to share this to better the fishing for anybody.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:41 pm
by kevinb
It might be a little give and take but overall I feel that reports only promote fishing for all.
I personally like giving the folks info on what has worked for me,I suppose if I was catching 10lb bass
all day in one particular spot with such and such lure,I might be inclined to be a little more tight lipped about it.
This isn't to hide my secret but may follow under such debates over catch and release.....and the nortorious "I was here first" Some of my personal reports go into detail...maybe to much story time such as my Silver Lake reports and I hope most aren't bothered by this,as you will see,its more story time rather than me teaching all of my secrets.As you will notice,I have no skill

I have several reports that are more geared towards anglers getting youngsters over fish.
These reports I try to give a very direct locale. Again,I'm not a pro at anything let alone fishing but I encourage all individuals to get their kids,nieces and nephews etc. off the couch and out fishing. I'm lucky to have the best fishing buddy
that I also refer to as my son. The only real way to learn a particular fishery and body of water is to get out there and do it yourself.
Anyway,hope this makes sense. I've been working alot recently and havn't seen a pillow for awhile.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:45 pm
by natetreat
Gringo Pescador wrote:I dont believe these days on the west side of the mountains there are many truly secret spots, there are just too many people. There are places not everyone knows about, but secret? Nah..
My rules (for myself):
#1. If there is a certain lake I don't want overrun with more people than are already there, then I report it in the secret lakes section.
#2. If there is a certain river spot I don't want overrun with more people than are already there, then I report on the river, but don't specify exactly where.
#3. If somebody lets me in on a "secret" lake or river spot, then I respect their wishes, and go back to rule #1 & #2.
#4. If I let someone in on one of my secrets, and they post it, then I am more careful next time with that person.
#5. If someone posts on a lake or spot that I think of as secret - then it must not be a secret then.
I'd say 50% of the places I fish, I found via Google maps and driving, 40% from this site and 10% from friends I have made from this site.
As far as methods learned, probably 50% growing up and the other 50 split between online sources, friends and books.
I am always happy to share tactics and places to try with people, tactics 100%, places not so... but I also don't see a reason to get all pissed if I see one of my "secrets" posted online. The only way I could have a place that is all mine is to own it - and even then there is no guarantee (thinking back to school days, going in commando style and fishing someone's private pond)
It's true, that the amount of people fishing can make or break a day on the river. Lakes on the other hand seem to be bigger with more space and fish. I myself have laid off the reports on account of being recognized by folks while I'm out on the river and being chastized for reporting on other people's spots. But I've been fishing the north rivers and lakes now after having the south all figured out, and this site has helped me immiensely. But no good spot is secret if you have google maps. I use it to scout out almost every trip I'm gonna make, and then I check it with this site. It's really nice having this site because I found out about the places that I could go nearby my new house.
I think the most important part about the fishing is that you enjoy it, and you put time on the water. I obsess on new places and I fish them until I figure it out. It's the puzzle and the chase that makes my time well spent, the fish on the dinner plate and released back to the wild are not only the end goal, but the next challenge. The more people we have that respect fishing in this way, the more people we have respecting and tending to our wild places, and the more community we can create the bigger the positive impact that we can have on our pastime. The folks that pay for our environmental and habit resources, maintain our fish and wildlife money etc. will take our numbers and respect more seriously if we're not shut ins and silent.
But, even though you know where the fish are, does not gaurantee you'll have the skill, time or resources to actually boat 'em. Speaking of Cle Elum, I've been three times this year and haven't figured out how to pull a laker in, only ended up with an awesome looking burbot. Which was spectacular. Of course my boat is an inflatable raft sans motor or downrigger, so I'm at a disadvantage to you guys with garages and gas money. In all I think that those devoted to the search are going to get their due, whether or not there are posts newspapers or radio broadcasts. But they call it fishing for a reason, if you were meant to bring home dinner every day they'd call it catching.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:32 am
by pilchuck
Mike Carey wrote:For ten years i didn't even post that there were lakers in Cle Elum out of respect for a friend's wishes to keep it quiet after he showed me the fishery. Eventually the cat got out of the bag. I think the above mentioned rules are good ones.
Pssst Just to let out a secret Lk Cle Elum holds lake trout... Just find it on the map and put ur boat in and use ur fising skills. Yeah no "secret" the lake has held lakers long before you fished it and ur friend.

RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:30 am
by Mike Carey
pilchuck wrote:Mike Carey wrote:For ten years i didn't even post that there were lakers in Cle Elum out of respect for a friend's wishes to keep it quiet after he showed me the fishery. Eventually the cat got out of the bag. I think the above mentioned rules are good ones.
Pssst Just to let out a secret Lk Cle Elum holds lake trout... Just find it on the map and put ur boat in and use ur fising skills. Yeah no "secret" the lake has held lakers long before you fished it and ur friend.
I know. What I was saying is, I can respect and appreciate a person's request to keep things on the low-down. From the time I was shown this fishery to the time other people started posting laker reports was almost ten years. Now that other people are posting I feel I'm released from my vow of silence, lol. Prior to that I was posting my CLe Elum trips under "secret lakes" which is what we originally intended that section to be for. We don't have a "secret rivers", but maybe I need to get on Aaron to create one.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:46 am
by natetreat
Mike Carey wrote:pilchuck wrote:Mike Carey wrote:For ten years i didn't even post that there were lakers in Cle Elum out of respect for a friend's wishes to keep it quiet after he showed me the fishery. Eventually the cat got out of the bag. I think the above mentioned rules are good ones.
Pssst Just to let out a secret Lk Cle Elum holds lake trout... Just find it on the map and put ur boat in and use ur fising skills. Yeah no "secret" the lake has held lakers long before you fished it and ur friend.
I know. What I was saying is, I can respect and appreciate a person's request to keep things on the low-down. From the time I was shown this fishery to the time other people started posting laker reports was almost ten years. Now that other people are posting I feel I'm released from my vow of silence, lol. Prior to that I was posting my CLe Elum trips under "secret lakes" which is what we originally intended that section to be for. We don't have a "secret rivers", but maybe I need to get on Aaron to create one.
I think we'd get a lot more posts in the river section if that were the case. A lot of the guys I talk to don't post anymore after giving up "secret" spots and "honey holes" in river reports and then the spot explodes with angling activity.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:03 pm
by hewesfisher
natetreat wrote:Mike Carey wrote:pilchuck wrote:Pssst Just to let out a secret Lk Cle Elum holds lake trout... Just find it on the map and put ur boat in and use ur fising skills. Yeah no "secret" the lake has held lakers long before you fished it and ur friend.
I know. What I was saying is, I can respect and appreciate a person's request to keep things on the low-down. From the time I was shown this fishery to the time other people started posting laker reports was almost ten years. Now that other people are posting I feel I'm released from my vow of silence, lol. Prior to that I was posting my CLe Elum trips under "secret lakes" which is what we originally intended that section to be for. We don't have a "secret rivers", but maybe I need to get on Aaron to create one.
I think we'd get a lot more posts in the river section if that were the case. A lot of the guys I talk to don't post anymore after giving up "secret" spots and "honey holes" in river reports and then the spot explodes with angling activity.
Hmm, it might spur an increase in reports, but I for one won't be reading them. I
never read secret lake reports and the same would hold true for secret river reports. If it's a "secret" why bother discussing it at all? I don't get the "secret report" thing at all, but maybe it's just me.

RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:44 pm
by Bodofish
Mike, I know we have our differences but all that aside, you and Aaron have an awesome site and without a doubt the best resource the fishing community has. It has been the go to site for quite some time, the number of members I believe just scratches the surface of it's users. I personally know many folks that just aren't "joiners" that guest on a regular basis. Fishing reports.... well yes they do put people on to different resources but I'm not sure they they've had a negative effect on the overall fisheries. I think we're more in a time when many things fisheries related are just coming to a head and we're going to see some drastic measures in the next few years to come. We've hit an all-time low in our Salmon fisheries. Trout hatcheries are being shut down for lack of funds. Our state is madly trying to reorganize what is left of our fisheries. Some things the state can affect others not, like the tribal situation. As I'm sure all of us are aware of the economic problems. Fishing can be a very low budget activity for a family to engage in. Adults buy licenses, gear them up with a trip to Wal-Mart of Freddy's and the kids too and you have a fine outing that has the ability to bring dinner home to the table, put that against spending $500 day at Wild Waves or the Great Wolf. Buying ORV's and taking the family out riding. Many different things are taking a back seat with the money crunch. I don't know, maybe the site does impact some of the hot spots. Most of what I see posted is old established spots that people have been fishing for years. As far as reports, if I'm concerned about a fishery I'm participating in I won't leave a report. As far as Cle Elum....... It's been a spot since I was a kid, not much of a secret there, or it's neighbors. I'm not too worried as anyone with a little boat has got to have some pretty big ones to cross the lake and fish. It takes about 5 minutes to go from flat calm to breaking the bible out. It does it on a regular basis as I’m sure you know the wind blows just a bit over there. I don’t know maybe just limit reports to members? Maybe paying members?
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:10 pm
by Mike Carey
"breaking the bible out" - good expression, I'll have to remember that one. Cle Elum can get nasty all right.
I've always felt the best strategy with reports is to keep the site open for all to post. It does mean we have to police it a bit but as you say, there are a lot of non-registered readers that also on occasion post reports. We want to keep the site open to those anglers. I think the more reports the better for everyone.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:26 pm
by fishingmachine
I tend to not post the lakes i am fishing but if asked by someone via pm will usually give out location
I have seen an increase in meat fisherman on my favorite bass lakes which has made me be reluctant in sharing info especially during bedding times
I am always willing to share info with others regarding spots, baits, depths.
i do have a few spots that r secret and not known that i keep close to chest and have taken some buddies there.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:38 pm
by natetreat
hewesfisher wrote:natetreat wrote:Mike Carey wrote:
I know. What I was saying is, I can respect and appreciate a person's request to keep things on the low-down. From the time I was shown this fishery to the time other people started posting laker reports was almost ten years. Now that other people are posting I feel I'm released from my vow of silence, lol. Prior to that I was posting my CLe Elum trips under "secret lakes" which is what we originally intended that section to be for. We don't have a "secret rivers", but maybe I need to get on Aaron to create one.
I think we'd get a lot more posts in the river section if that were the case. A lot of the guys I talk to don't post anymore after giving up "secret" spots and "honey holes" in river reports and then the spot explodes with angling activity.
Hmm, it might spur an increase in reports, but I for one won't be reading them. I
never read secret lake reports and the same would hold true for secret river reports. If it's a "secret" why bother discussing it at all? I don't get the "secret report" thing at all, but maybe it's just me.
I can usually figure it out. But I am with you for the most part. If it's a secret than it's really just for bragging rights that you'd report, which is what the forum is for.
RE:Too much information?
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:26 am