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Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:06 am
by ckim85
I'm looking to purchase a pontoon in the next month or so and I have a few lakes in mind but thought it would be interesting to see what other members come up with!
I think it will be interesting if we can come up with a list of small lakes or ponds that are great for floats, pontoons, small boats, etc. These do not have to be fish-specific.
These are lakes I have in mind so far...
Haller Lake - lm bass, rainbow trout, perch
Bitter Lake - trout
Phantom Lake - perch, LM Bass
Tradition Lake - Lm Bass, Crappie, Sunfish
Beaver Lake - Trout, Bass, Crappie
Pine Lake - Trout, LM Bass
Wilderness Lake - LM Bass, Trout, Perch
Rattlesnake Lake - Trout
I know I have more in my head somewhere but can't think right now...
List em!
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:25 am
by Bisk1tSnGraV
Here are some I have visited on my tube this year so far ...
Spanaway (Pierce)
Clark (King)
Dollof (King)
Bass (King)
Lake #12 (King)
Chambers (Thurston)
Long (Thurston)
Bay (Pierce)
Secualitchew (Pierce)
Ohop (Pierce)
Kapowsin (Pierce)
Am sure this list will get really long byt the time the thread ends ... LOL.
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:30 am
by ckim85
yeah im guessing its gonna look a bit like the Lake index haha.
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:43 pm
by Gringo Pescador
What would make a lake NOT pontoon friendly?:-k
I could see where some areas of Lake Washington might be scary - but I've been on it in my lil 5' toon. The only lake I can think of that might not be toon friendly is Union - but even then, if you pick your area wisely and watch your surroundings you probably would be ok.
Unless you are talking about hike in lakes... most toons might be a bit large to carry into some of those.
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:45 pm
by Bisk1tSnGraV
I agree with you Gringo. If there is water and fish I think that makes it pretty friendly ... LOL.
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:52 pm
by ckim85
I guess you guys are right lol. For some reason when I started this thread, I had in my mind that alot of lakes won't be fishable with a pontoon...
I'm just getting all excited for my pontoon and am too lazy to compile a list of lakes i've been wanting to hit.

RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:51 pm
by topdawg47
Well, after certain periods of time like on hot summer days..You can forget about taking your pontonn on big public lakes like LK. WA, Union, Sawyer, lakes that attract a lot of jet skis/swimmers, etc..
Wave city you might think you were in the
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:18 am
by Rich McVey
Gringo Pescador wrote:What would make a lake NOT pontoon friendly?:-k
Come down to Lake Tapps on a sunny afternoon. Not a place Id want a toon or anything with out a gas motor.
The wake boats, cigar boats, hydros, jet skis... its a mad house. Even in the smaller coves you still have people hot rodding around. We took water over the bow on multiple occasions last night on Tapps. (16.5 ft bayliner)
Id say a toon friendly lake might be one that has motor restrictions. My $0.02.
RE:Pontoon Friendly Lake List
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:23 am
by Amx
I don't even go on Tapps anymore. Too many idiot boaters there, and the cop boat just sits there and doesn't do/did anything when a boat cut/cuts me/you off from the wrong/yielding direction.