And there we have it, a bunk trailer with quad rocker bunks! WAAAAY overkill for this little boat, but the way I look at it the boat will be on the trailer for 95% of it's life, it might as well be comfortable on there! One of the lights was bad, so two new submersible light fixtures were mounted on the back and new wiring installed.
So the next step was to drag the trailer over to Trent's and get the boat on it. I jacked the cradle and boat up to the level of the bunks and backed the trailer up until the bunks hit the cradle. Then simply cranked it on with the winch. It pulled on amazingly easily, I easily cranked on with one hand, could've been with one finger! She's pretty light without that monster motor hanging on the back.
So in honor of Valentine's Day, or as I like to call it - Single's Awareness Day, the boat and trailer were married together for the final time. The cradle is finished, it has served it's purpose well and is no longer needed. The axle most likely will be moved back a bit farther once the motor is hanging on the transom, we'll have to see what the tongue weight is once the motor is on.

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Trent even took some video to commemorate this momentous occasion." onclick=";return false;
Here you can see the bunks mate to the hull very nicely, straddles the strakes exactly as I hoped.

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The winch stand will need to be reworked a bit as it was built for a different boat, but that is not going to be a big deal, pretty easy really. Other than that, and some transom strap pick points on the back, the trailer is a finished product. The free bunks came with side guides as well, so those will go on eventually too, but that's a last thing type of deal.
I hauled the boat the long way to the new shop, nothing like a nice cruise for a few exits down the freeway to blow all the fiberglass sanding dust out of the boat!! Here she is in her new home, a nice new heated warehouse/shop where the next phase of work will happen, gel coating the floor.

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Getting close to a water test!!