Winch strap

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Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:20 am

So got a question does it matter if the strap goes over the top or comes out under? I am sure it makes no difference just a matter of preference? Kind of like TP right? I had to replace my winch and the strap is wrapped over the top if I re wrap it so the strap is coming out the bottom side it would pull the boat at a more downward angle (and to me a better hold on the boat to the trailer) then a straight on pull on top.

The old winch was over the top and not sure what caused it but one of the bolts ( that holds the in out lever) was bent really bad and oblonged the hole causing the strap to come loose going down the road. Just don't want to go down this road again in the future.

Let me know your thoughts please.

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Re: Winch strap

Post by hewesfisher » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:32 am

Mine is over the top. I prefer it that way so I can keep the strap edges off the "spool" when winching the boat on similar to what you would do with a non-level wind reel. Then again, my winch stand is set for my boat, so proper load is applied to bow when snugged up. I hope you've got a safety chain between winch stand and boat too, if not, get one! [wink]

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Re: Winch strap

Post by G-Man » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:36 am

I depends on if there would be any clearance issues. If I have my strap come out of the bottom of the spool, it will rub/come into contact with my bottom bow guide/stop. Not much of an issue if you always power load, but that one time you can't, it will make the task that much more difficult.

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Re: Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:28 pm

Thanks guys, Yes I have a safety chain not sure why but there are two on mine. The trailer was set from factory by Weldcraft so it must be right. I have never had bunks with teflon (man they are slippery) and well never had a boat come loose like that. The trailer is a tricker trailer a very nice set up.

I have not had a chance to take it down the road after installing the new winch spent the day uninstalling the after market depth finder and installing my Lowarance elite. It was tough drilling that large of a hole in my transom 1" but it had to be done. I am sure it will take a day or two in this weather for the sealant to set. Got the head unit installed on a ram mount and wired up to the factory fuse box, sure is nice that the leave extra spots for you to use and a grounding bar made it a snap. Can't wait to test it all out.

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Re: Winch strap

Post by Idstud » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:31 pm

All the ones i have always seen is over the top. I think you have more control of the strap better that way as well. All of mine are over the top but that is how my winch works.

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Re: Winch strap

Post by MotoBoat » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:36 am

My understanding of proper trailer to boat eye, and strap adjustment, (bow eye position is only 1 of 4 proper adjustments) is whether the belt is wound on from the top or from the bottom of the winch. Is dependent on which best achieves the proper belt pull angle (level), and bow eye to upper bow eye stop postions. Refer to the link below. The bow eye on the boat should just touch the under side of the upper bow stop if two exist or bow stop if only one exists. The belt then pulls the bow eye from a horizontal position, from just under the bow stop. This helps keep the boat from shifting forward on the trailer in the event the tow vehicle is involved in a front end collision. Also, creates a locking point where the bow eye contacts the bow stop of the boat, to prevent or eliminate bow boat movement during towing." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:48 am

Motoboat, great informtion but I don't have a stop like that one in the picture. Here is my new winch all set up will take it for a test drive in the next day are so. This is my first trailer without the bow roller and I wonder what stops the boat other then the rear straps from sliding forward in a crash? Safety chain is there so food for thought.
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Re: Winch strap

Post by MotoBoat » Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:16 am

Hunter757 wrote:Motoboat, great informtion but I don't have a stop like that one in the picture. Here is my new winch all set up will take it for a test drive in the next day are so. This is my first trailer without the bow roller and I wonder what stops the boat other then the rear straps from sliding forward in a crash? Safety chain is there so food for thought.
This is a factory set up? For this boat?

This trailer appears best suited for power loading only. Hand cranking when loading would require some guessing as to when to stop loading. The two chains must be to stop the boat from moving back or forwards.

At the very least, hooking one end of a a ratchet strap to the bow eye, dangled straight down, looping back up and around the tongue of the trailer frame, and the second hook on the the bow eye. Would pull the bow down toward the trailer tongue frame. It is not ideal, but would help with keeping the bow down.

If a occasional thump is felt, coming from behind the tow vehicle during towing. The bow of the boat is likely bouncing up then coming back down on the bow rest. The ratchet strap mentioned above will stop that.

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Re: Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:09 am

Yes, this is factory as far as I know. I just bought this boat last week and have been cleaning and adding things I want for fishing and fixed things like the winch. I had the bow bouncing on the way home from the dealership that led me to take apart the winch and found the bad hole. I will go for a drive this week and see how she does down the road and I will make some hard stops as well.

This is a powerload trailer with chine guides very nice set up and super easy to load.

Thanks for the idea on running the strap around the frame I will keep that in the back of my mind. I have been adding my FF and downriggers to the boat along with general cleaning and hoping to find someone to remove the bottom paint as I hate that look I want the bare aluminum.
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Re: Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:18 am

Well I have made a few trips to American lake and not had one issue with the boat coming loose. As long as I get the boat all the way up when power loading it does not move. If I don't get it all the way on the trailer as soon as I tap the brakes she slides forward and I hear it then tighten the stap and all is good. When I leave the launch I just give the brakes a good tap at the first stop sign to double check it all. Over all very happy with the new winch from Bass pro's in Tacoma.
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Re: Winch strap

Post by AJ's Dad » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:26 am

Heres my input after yesterdays experience. I believe the strap and hook should always go under the front roller if your trailer has one. The strap on my trailer is currently wrapped so that when I pull the boat up to the front, the strap is wrapping under the spool. Yesterday I was loading on a ramp that was only slightly steep. When the strap winds in to the bottom of the spool, it naturally pulls the very tip of the boat down with it. I had trouble getting the tip of the boat over the front roller. I plan to pull the strap out and wind it back on the spool with the strap winding over the top as it's pulling the boat on the trailer. (like the one in hunter 757's photo. That should help give the boat a little more lift when I load it and at least partially eliminate the problem I had yesterday. I will still have the strap and eye under the front roller giving it protection from sliding forward in a front end collision. (Which I hope I never have). [rolleyes]

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Re: Winch strap

Post by Hunter757 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:16 pm

Aj, I agree with you on that point. I do not have a front roller just a Y for the boat to sit in. I very well may add a roller to mine as I don't want the boat in the bed of my truck if a collision ever happens. The other thing to keep in mind is the deeper the trailer sits in the water the angle changes and you have a hard time getting the bow to clear your front roller don't ask me how I Just try putting the trailer in a bit less and you should avoid the problem you had.

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