strider43 wrote:ScottinMilton wrote:
this thread is just more proof that the problem with us all is our lack of compassion for others. I see people be rude just because they think they can. It is just a shame why cant we all get along? This world is either going to get more crowded or humans will become extinct. I VOTE WE FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET ALONG WITH EVERYBODY

You nailed it. There has to be common courtesy for each other. I get what some are saying here when there is the lack of common sense and the belief that one thinks he has more of a right to be somewhere than another does: you don't. But aggressive actions only makes things worse. I've seen plenty on the Snohomish during humpy fishing just at the launch to make me never want to go back....almost. Ive also seen guys further up river try to act like they have more right to be at a hole because its their "home river" "is this your home river?" What are you doing at this hole?" F@#*ing pure BS.
I'm guessing you haven't drifted the Sky very often. I routinely get people tossing gear at us just below the Sultan ramp and of course above the two bit hole along the rip rap, well right in front of it too. The ramps at pinky time are just nuts. Launch your boat and get away. On the pickup, drop a guy off and don't approach the ramp till your trailer is in the water.
There's all kinds of folks with no regard for fellow river rats. Then there's always the "Eagle Watchers" on the upper Skagit that like to blow up their rafts and load them in the middle of the launch for 45 min. to an hour, then the next half hour to fit the PFD's load all their people. One time (@ band camp
![Tongue [tongue]](./images/smilies/msp_tongue.gif)
) a Watcher Guide even had his big propane two burner set up in the middle of the launch
![Cursing [cursing]](./images/smilies/msp_cursing.gif)
and was serving breakfast to his folks. When I asked him to move so the huge line of people with trailers could launch their boats, his retort was he was there first. I may or may not have popped his raft getting around it and the stove while backing in. And then of all things, they were tossing peanuts at us on the river (really, peanuts?), apparently we are not supposed to fish where they want to take pictures. There's all kinds, we deal with them one at a time. The drifter is nothing compared to having JetBoat out, I'm guessing it's a jealousy thing. Again one at a time and I hope they park a Sheriff's Deputy at the Rotary launch this year. For some reason it gets really civilized when they're watching.