Looking to buy my first boat! Help a newbie out!!

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Re: Looking to buy my first boat! Help a newbie out!!

Post by Noodle Caboodle » Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:07 pm

Sideburns wrote: ...but I cant stand having to reach around behind my back to steer!
How cool would it be to have some sort of foot control? Ive been trying unsuccessfully to brainstorm some sort of twin motor setup that steers by varying power to the left and right motors...
I was going to try zip tying brake cables from a bike down both sides of my old pontoon. A bracket on the minn kota for quick disconnect where the cables could pull the motor side to side. Mount a couple brake levers (probably would want a bracket setup of some sort) to the foot rests. Maybe a couple light springs to pull the motor back to center.
Thats about as far into the idea as i got, never tried it but i bet with some tinkering it could be a cool setup. Still have to give a reach around for speed control unless youre good with electronics.

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Re: Looking to buy my first boat! Help a newbie out!!

Post by The Quadfather » Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:56 pm

Sideburns wrote: ...but I cant stand having to reach around behind my back to steer!
I just swapped the original seat, for a swiveling seat. Then you can sit 90 degrees turned, facing to the side of the vessel, have the Minn Kota handle in your hand and cruise.

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Re: Looking to buy my first boat! Help a newbie out!!

Post by Juniah87 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:35 pm

Thank you for all the advice and the great ideas guys, it has been a huge help! Luckily today I was browsing craigslist and found a great deal on a pontoon boat in really great condition that already has a motor mount, and it is going to cost only about 50 dollars more then it would have cost me to purchase a new set of oars!

I did see that video about the guy who built the front-mounted motor deck out of pvc, that really was a great idea, and may be something I tinker with very soon, I just wanted to get somthing I knew I could use by opening day so I had some way to get out of the crowds, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to procure and build everything needed in that amount of time, so I think the investment was worth it, plus now all I need are another set of oars, and I can take anyone who doesn't have a boat fishing with me, and we won't be stuck on the bank!

I know exactly what you mean about the stearing rod whacking you in the head/neck/chair while trying to stear, I saw that video of the guys who mounted theres in reverse as well, what a great idea! I definitely have some awesome starting points to modify my pontoons now, thank you all for the great ideas, if I end up making something that works well, I'll be sure to document it and post pictures. (And if I make something that doesn't I'll be sure to document it and take pictures so you can all laugh at me [laugh] [flapper] )

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