squiddin 2013

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by toxicavengr » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:38 am

Here are a couple pics of my buggy...
squid.jpg (104.65 KiB) Viewed 9894 times
squid light.jpg
squid light.jpg (85.3 KiB) Viewed 9894 times
squid1.jpg (87.06 KiB) Viewed 9894 times

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by toxicavengr » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:40 am

Holy cow! I guess I should have resized the pics first ! LOL

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:59 am

Wow! That looks like a hassle, if you want I can build you a custom light that's about 10 times brighter than that and you don't have to dangle it off the pier. I built mine for under 100. In fact I think it was only like 50 bucks in parts.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Weekend-warrior17 » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:59 pm

I like the redneck setup!! hah

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by toxicavengr » Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:36 pm

Mordalphus wrote:Wow! That looks like a hassle, if you want I can build you a custom light that's about 10 times brighter than that and you don't have to dangle it off the pier. I built mine for under 100. In fact I think it was only like 50 bucks in parts.
Well to be honest, this was all free, even including the batteries. Everything came off of jobs or I found recycling so I am content for now, considering I haven't even taken it down to the pier yet....I am planning a maiden voyage trip in the next couple days to give it a try. We'll see if it is a pain in the butt..lol
I have only seen a couple other ideas including one guy's who obviously stole a shopping cart so I am open to suggestions but I figured this was better than nothing at all [biggrin]

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:22 am

Nah, that's really cool. I respect a good salvage job. I was just trying to help ya out! I've seen a guy with a Coleman Lantern catch a few squid, so it's not a requirement to have bright light.

I've just seen people with these big generators wasting gas and money to power halogen lights and it's such a waste of money. For around 50 bucks and an hour of time they could build a light that's just as bright but runs 8 hours on a Costco deep cycle battery.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by toxicavengr » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:49 pm

OK ..... for all you squid buggy skeptics....

Here's some redneck logic backed by experience in... Redneck Squid buggy 101........ [biggrin]

Rule # 1
light helps! don't let anyone tell you different!!!!! Tonight , I went to a certain locked gate marina community in tacoma within view of a "certain" Dome LOL with a gas dock that was partially lit by flourecent lights and I jigged for over an hour at various depths and I did get at least one bump that I thought I was a squid....but got nothing.... I was really skeptical when I got there anyway and really did not think the squid woud come that far into the waterway that I was on...

Then.... I deployed "squid buggy" ... posted earlier in this thread......lo and behold!!! Squid ON!!! and it was fast and furious.... ok I am lying, it wasn't fast and furious but I caught 12 in less than a half hour within the lumination of my own device vs the dock light where the locals I had been told were jiggin!

Had it not been for the second hand marine battery getting weak, I may have been able to stay longer and really do some serious squid damage but as a first time guest, I felt I was on a time limit tonight, so as the saying goes, always leave them wanting more, I packed up .... I was then invited to bring squid buggy back . [thumbsup]

Squid Bonus....... I found that there was 110v available at this site so I will not be limited to 12v lighting.... I already have a 110 upgrade/adapter in the works!!

Rule #2 Don't forget your long Johns LOL!!

All of the squid were small tonight and I do not know if it was just because of the timing so far or because of where I was but the biggest one was only 7 inches total....

They are definitely out there now!!!! Good luck!

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by racfish » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:26 am

I guess I do use the Redneck way. I take a waterproof flashlight,Tie on 100 feet of drapery cord and hang it down in front of me. I drop the flashlight in the water. On a calm night it just shines,In rougher water it spins around. Whole set up is $4.00. It works great. When you use that fancy lighting it'll attract 50 moochers honing in on your fishing spot.Wanting to use your light set up .

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by kodacachers » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:11 pm

Anyone been out on the Seattle piers lately? Its break time for the kiddos and I was thinking of taking a herd down for hot chocolate and squid.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:52 pm

Last update I heard was the squid have made it to Seattle, but haven't made it down to des Moines.

It's not like last year though, squid are smaller and the schools are smaller too.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by mizm05 » Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:42 am

They are down south too. A buddy of mine was out last night. He only got one, but that was his first time. He said there was a vet out there with about 10 big ones and 20 small ones. I'm going out tonight to try for the first time. Got 4 different colors, some glow gear to hopefully draw them toward my jig, and a 1500 lumen spotlight.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by ResQ » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:24 pm

Just went xmas night! Best night I have ever had. Granted, we (my nephew and myself shared the pole) only got 9 in about an hour and a half. That sure beats last years total of 2! haha

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by mizm05 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:51 am

Well we are now into January and the squidding has been really slow. Even the Asian regulars are saying it's slow this year so that ain't good. My best night was at Dash Point when a school of jumbos came through, and I only got maybe a pound and a half.

I'll keep hitting it here and there, but it's slow out there from what I've experienced and seen.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:19 pm

That's strange, I've only gone out a handful of times due to having a newborn at home, but every time I've gone out I've gotten at least a pound, best night was 6 lbs.

Are you sticking around long enough? Most people make the mistake of only squidding for an hour or two and then leaving. You really have to stick it out, when I go squidding I get there between 5 and 8, and then stay til at least midnight, but usually 1-2am. It's the only way to reliably hit a big school. Otherwise all you're gonna get is the 6 an hour that you nab between schools. Sure, some nights you'll get no big school, but those aren't that common.

A lot of people skip around too, so if you see a group of them take off, it's not because they're giving up for the night, it's because they got a hot tip from some friends that are down in Seattle, or over in Edmonds, etc.

I only fish Edmonds, but I get consistent amounts of squid October through February. This year, they're smaller and the schools aren't as big, but they're not absent! We got really spoiled last year, foot long big boys and thousands of them! That's an exception to the rule though, I'd say this is more of a typical year.

So don't give up! They're out there!

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by mizm05 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:06 am

Yes I'm sticking around. I've been out there until 4 in the morning some nights. When the Asian guys are telling me it's a slow year, I take that as a sign. Those guys are the bench mark I go by. They usually pull more in than I do, but not by much. They said by December of last year, they were filling their buckets, and this year it just isn't happening.

I agree...they are out there...but it's slow.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Jake Dogfish » Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:03 pm

Its been a good year for me, alot better than last year. Soon as the weather settles down and cools off it should pick up again. I usually hit it after work around 6:30 am. Some mornings the squid keep biting an hour or more after day light which is entertaining for the walkers/joggers. I live right by the pier and usually ride my bike so I don't put in hours. If I don't see anything caught in 30 mins I am out of there. Luckily that has only happened once in many trips this season. Squid are hit or miss, I realized they can show up as soon as you leave but thats the chance you take.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by mizm05 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:23 pm

I'm about to try a new light scheme that I haven't seen anyone else do. Let's see if it's as successful up here as it is in Cali...market squid down there too so I'm hoping they like it just as much up here.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:21 am

Submersible lights?
Anything works, but halogen flood style works best. I find light that moves kinda freaks them out. Like a flashlight on a string, that'll scare them off, which is fine as long as you aren't fishing next to me ;)

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by mizm05 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:39 am

Hmmmmmmm...you fish Redondo bro? That comment about the flashlight on a string may be a coincidence...but maybe not. LOL

Nah, I'm gonna try something different...if it works, or even if it doesn't, I'll report back and say what it is. Wanna test it out first. My light will be here on Thursday...gonna get out to the pier on Friday hopefully to test the theory.

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Re: squiddin 2013

Post by Mordalphus » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:11 pm

No, I don't fish Redondo but I see all sorts of goofy Crap that doesn't work, lol. I made my light for 50 bucks total and it's as bright as a 500 watt halogen but runs for 10 hours on a deep cycle battery.

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