Clam storing issue question

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Clam storing issue question

Post by Fishingadam » Wed May 14, 2014 8:52 am

Went clam digging yesterday. Got limits of mostly butter clams and put them on ice for the remainder of the day while fishing. As they were on ice it caused them to open up a bit. Is this normal. I thought they stayed closed until cooking.. Meat is firm inside with no odor. Do you think this is ok. First time doing this so it's new to me and help is appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by mizm05 » Wed May 14, 2014 9:01 am

You're fine. When you put them on ice, or in fresh water, it kills them and they open up. As long as you keep them iced, the meat stays good. Try to clean them within the first 24 hours. Happens to me all the time.

Going forward, if you want to keep them alive, keep them in a bucket with some sea water and get one of those portable aerators so they have some oxygen in the water. I think you can get a portable aerator for $10-20 at a sporting good store.

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by Fishingadam » Wed May 14, 2014 9:07 am

I have aerator and really like that idea and will use it it the future. As far as cleaning them goes don't you cook the butter clams in shell and just pull meat out and dip in butter. Or do you have to actually clean them like when your razor clamming.
Thanks for the help

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by mizm05 » Wed May 14, 2014 9:26 am

I clean my butter clams first. I keep the connector muscles that hold the shell shut...the "lips" along the edge of the shell, and then i keep the digger, or "tongue" meat. I chuck the rest. Some people keep the stomach, but not this guy.

You get so much more meat from's amazing. And after having razors, they've ruined every other clam for me. LOL...nothing will ever compare to razor clams.

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by BentRod » Wed May 14, 2014 9:38 am

Fishingadam wrote:I have aerator and really like that idea and will use it it the future. As far as cleaning them goes don't you cook the butter clams in shell and just pull meat out and dip in butter. Or do you have to actually clean them like when your razor clamming.
Thanks for the help
Have never cleaned steamer clams (manilla and littleneck), but do clean the butter clams. We typically shuck then cut out the gut and cut the tip of the siphon off.

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by mizm05 » Wed May 14, 2014 9:40 am

Yep...good point BR...cut the dark tip off the siphon. That's where they would be storing the most toxins.

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by DavidA » Wed May 14, 2014 10:58 am

Butter Clams and Varnish clams retain PSP (paralytic shellfish poison), sometimes called red tide, for up to a year after it is in the water. Neither cooking nor freezing will get rid of the toxin. Make sure the area you harvested was safe for PSP (by calling the Department of Health Hotline 800-562-5632) before you eat them (preferably before you dig them). If you've done all this, then enjoy! Butter clams are really nice!

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Re: Clam storing issue question

Post by Bodofish » Fri May 16, 2014 10:39 am

As far as keeping the clams in a bucket of salt water. I've done it for years. Half a bucket of clams and fill it with sea water. Change the water every 12 hours and keep them cool and you're good for ever. They start to clean themselves in short order. I give them 24 is just sea water to spit the sand then I give them a bunch of corn meal and they spit every bit of sand in them. Next step is to rinse then to get a big jar of granulated garlic and give the clams garlic and corn meal to eat for another day. Best clams you'll ever eat, guarantied! Put 'em on a pizza and you'll think someone just gave you a Scooby snack!
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