by Dave » Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:11 pm
Yep its normal and has been going on like you saw today for the last 4 years now. So, about three four ago the State of Washington decided to allow the Tulalip Tribes to commercial crab for one month before the season opens to the public. The result??? The tribes will take the majority of keepers off the sea floor. Thanks to this decision by our fine State, it now takes an all day soak to maybe get a limit of crab unless you know a spot that isn't heavily crabbed. No kidding, ALL DAY and there is no guarantee you will get 5 keepers let alone a couple limits. It sucks big time!!! I tell you this based on 11 years crabbing this area.
Before this decision was made to allow the tribe to fish for crab early, the crab season opened up at the same time for EVERYONE, and it was first come first serve meaning it took about 2 hours tops for everyone on board a boat to limit on nice big crab. There is a spot across from Camano Island State Park where the eel grass is thick and so are the crab numbers. It's a spot that wasn't known to many and you could soak 2 pots for about an hour and both would be full of big male keepers. I say big as in 8” across the back on many of them. I have the pictures. It was amazing!
Now, in the Camano Island area, it is likely that you will soak your pots all day and get lots of females and undersized males and maybe a few keepers which for the most part will be barely legal in size. It's absolutely terrible!!!
Now, this isn't to say you can’t find a spot off of Camano Island to catch some crab. I hear from some of the guys at the city public works department every year that they set their pots and allow them to soak overnight, and they do well for the first few weeks. Because the Camano Island area is so popular for crabbing, there will literally be hundreds of pots set on opening day all around Camano Island for the first two or so weeks, so be prepared for a ZOO. It's a major bummer. Last season we found some great crabbing in area 8-2 so I made the drive every weekend and did well. I am just hoping that area 8-2 isn't crabbed in June before the opener.
So every year I ask the members to write our Governor which I have done every year with obviously no results. If we all wrote her and complained about how unfair this is, (allowing pre-season crabbing) maybe she would reconsider allowing the tribes to have first dibs on the crab. Or if we had a member who had a connection with the news media to file a complaint, that would be even better. It’s fair to allow all of us to crab at the same time. It is not fair to allow any group to have unlimited access before the general public opener. Just my opinion and I believe I am not alone.
I’m not saying any one group (in this case tribal) doesn’t deserve an allotted amount of crab each year, I just don’t think it’s right to let any one group fish for crab a month before the season opens to the public.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.