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Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:47 pm
by reigndawgs
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. But taking a last minute trip with the family to a place up on Penn Cove. I'm wondering if anyone could tell me if anything is in season (including fish actually) and provide some quick tips on hot to catch whatever is available.

Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 9:25 pm
by Larry3215
I'm not familiar with penn cove, but you can download the regs from the wdfw website or pick them up free at most any hardware store or tackle shop. Id recommend doing one or the other rather than rely on someones say-so on the web. The fines are no fun if you get caught breaking the rules.
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:13 pm
by reigndawgs
Larry3215 wrote:I'm not familiar with penn cove, but you can download the regs from the wdfw website or pick them up free at most any hardware store or tackle shop. Id recommend doing one or the other rather than rely on someones say-so on the web. The fines are no fun if you get caught breaking the rules.
I did end up doing that. Still hoping for tips.
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:06 am
by mizm05
Simple...not sure about fishing, but shellfishing there is simple. From Hwy 20, if you're coming from the Clinton Ferry Dock, take a right on Madrona Way. Head down the road a couple miles and there will be a U shaped gravel turn out. See map link. This area has always produced best for butter clams, cockles, and there are plenty of oysters there too. When the tide is out, the locals do NOT own that land that is normally covered by water. Sometimes they will try to say you're on private property, but if you're out in the clam beds, that is public tide area. I've had the wardens come check my limit and asked them about it and you're fine as long as you're out in the tidal flats. When you walk out to the beach, the tidal flats to your right have produced the best every time I've gone out there.
Gear is simple. You also want a tide that's in the negatives if possible. Get there about 90 minutes before low tide so you can follow the water out while you dig.
Gear: Shovel, bucket, rubber boots, gloves (optional). If you get oysters, you're supposed to shuck them at the beach and leave the bring a shucking knife and a tupperware for your oysters.
For mussells, there are huge beds of them over here. Just have to pick a clump of them up off the ground and put them in your bucket!
As far as the Sound is concerned, Penn Cove is my favorite clamming spot.
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:14 am
by mizm05
Clams are the tide is going out, stay in the general area of the water line, and as you walk around, you'll see them spitting water out of their holes, or you will just see their holes....everywhere! They are normally about 12-18 inches down. You should be on the water side, with the water behind you, and dig down around their hole. Don't start digging too close to the hole, as you may cut off their neck, or break their shell. Start 3-4 inches away from the hole and dig down and around the hole, slowly getting closer as you get deeper if the clam hasn't fallen into the loose sand and been scooped out already. As you empty out the general area around the hole, you're eventually going to have a clump of sand with a clam in it! Voila! Easy peasy.
For oysters, they are just laying on the beach. When the tide is out, you can just pick them up, take them back to the beach and start shucking!
Oh...I forgot, there are sand shrimp out there too! If you know the value of sand shrimp as fish bait, you may wanna bring your pump gun if you have one. Not many better fish baits out there for saltwater shore fishing.
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:47 pm
by gfakkema
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:59 pm
by reigndawgs
Bought my license, follow the good advice here and the law. Got a bunch of clams and made some very mediocre chowder but the kids and I had had a lot of fun digging for them!
Thanks as always WA Lakes brethren.
Re: Clueless at Penn Cove
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:04 am
by Bobber_Dogging_Gal
How is it for crabbing out that way? I'm in north Snoho county by the Stilly river. We fish and crab quite a bit at Kayak Point. Would be great to meet people to go clamming, fishing and crabbing with. I do not have a salt water boat, only a small lake boat. Is there anywhere (safe) to camp in that area?
Have Never Fished Penn Cove (anyone going)?
Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 11:47 am
by Bobber_Dogging_Gal
I'd be interested to hear more about Penn Cove from people who have fished it and are planning on fishing it this season. I'd be interested in going along with others planning on fishing it. I'd be bringing a friend along. If you plan on fishing PC and wouldn't mind a couple extra stowaways, just give a holler (

((((Fish On)))))