Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

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Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by VooDuuChild » Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:13 am

Yes, my woman rocks. She got me the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 MOE (Magpul Edition). It received the Shooting Industry Acadamy of Excellence 2010 Rifle of the Year award. It's very similar to the standard AR and even has interchangeable parts (stocks, grips, triggers, the safety, etc.). It also breaks down just like an AR too. It makes an excellent trainer for an AR as it's the same physical size and functions. This model comes with Magpul accessories from the get go, MBUS flip up sights (sweeeet), different pistol grip and a Magpul adjustable 6 position stock. It's light, accurate (has a match grade barrel), and a kick in the ass, I mean, a kick in the brass to shoot. Plus, it's a lot cheaper to shoot than our 5.56mm Stag Arms 2T AR15.....just much quieter, haha.

Did I mention my woman rocks.....last year for X-mas I got a Walther P22.


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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by racfish » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:46 am

First off your Woman does rock.Does she shoot also?. If she could clean a fish or bait a hook I'll take one too.That pistol is what Im looking for. Do you mind if I ask how much approx is the Walther? I have 1 older walther A 32 cal auto.Its a German SS handgun brought back from Germany in 1942 by a older man I used to take fishing in Allentown.Thats the perfect sized pistol I'm looking for.
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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by tmusky1 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:50 am

Can I send her my Christmas list?


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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by Amx » Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:14 am

Congrats on the good woman, and her gift giving abilities. Nice looking firearms.

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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by bionic_one » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:17 pm

I'm hoping Santa brings me an XM-25 :santa:

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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by VooDuuChild » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:05 am

Not only can she shoot, but the 5.56mm Stag Arms 2t is hers....and she, her sister AND her mother are all packin heat as they've got their concealed weapons permits....hell, her mother who's almost 70 is an NRA card holder for ages. She likes campin, also fishes, can bait a hook and clean the fish (although I usually do it).....she's also been known to skin some animals here and there. Umm, what else, she daily drives a lifted Jeep, that we also wheel and use to tow our tent trailer to go camping (or tent it).

As for the price racfish, register and post up the question here
http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/fo ... y.php?f=48
The people over there are real friendly, and super informative....just be ready to take it from behind for extra mags for it if you get it.
If I remember correctly, you can score the P22 for under three hundred bucks. They are a blast to shoot, but be warned. You're not going to be able to shoot crap bulk ammo outta it. There's not enough juice in that junk to cycle the action. I stick with CCI Mini Mags (and also CCI Stingers too cuz they pop real nice, but are more spendy). Of course, cost is all relative when you're talkin less than seven bucks for a 100 rounds of good stuff...when it's like $25 for 20 of the .223/5.56 rounds. If you are lookin at a used one, make sure it's a recent build as they're much less finicky as to what ammo they consume. CCI's are one of the best .22lr caliber rounds you can get. I torture tested my P22 from day one. I never did an initial cleaning of it (always recommended due to the anti-corrosive nastiness they put in there). I put 1000 rounds through it before the slide really started to slow. Then, opened it up, cleaned it and it's good as new. I love it and it's the most comfortable pistol I've ever held in my hand, EVER.

The new M&P 15-22 is physically the same size as an AR, just lighter. It's wicked fun to shoot and accurate. It's not a tack driver like a 10-22, but it's wayyyyyyy effen cooler as you can bolt on all the tacti-cool accessories.

Yeah, my girl does rock...........and it don't hurt that she's a looker too.

Here's the Stag Arms 2t

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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by Amx » Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:49 am

Are any of them women single? :)
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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by Coastfishin » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:07 am

Nice guns! I thought I had the only woman that buys guns for presents and drive Jeeps! Here's a pic of my last birthday present, not as fancy as yours but I like it.

S&W 29-2 .44 mag


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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by Coastfishin » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:08 am

Nice guns! I thought I had the only woman that buys guns for presents and drive Jeeps! Here's a pic of my last birthday present, not as fancy as yours but I like it.

S&W 29-2 .44 mag


Thanks for sharing!

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RE:Happy B-Day to me....Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22!!!!!!!!

Post by VooDuuChild » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:29 am

That 44 mag is SWEET! My girl's 38 looks real similar, it's a snub-nose for ease of concealablility (although heavy as a tank). If my son can keep is grades up, he's gonna end up with a "black gun" too. For the price of right around $230, the Mossberg tactical 22 seems like slam dunk!
I haven't done much research on it yet, and won't buy till I do, but at less than half the price of my M&P 15-22, it seems like a slam dunk...we'll see I guess. I don't really like how the handle isn't detachable, but again, the price and fact that it's for a 13 year old makes it less of an issue.

This seems like it could be a fun thread, maybe we should have a "show your gun thread"....hmmm.....and if we could keep the pics from bein too huge for those of us on crap-speed dial-up, haha #-o
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