and the rut begins ?
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and the rut begins ?
was out fix'n some fence yday and my big 'ol buck goat(about 240lbs and almost 4ft to his shoulder) walked over to make sure i was behave'n myself...i noticed he was smell'n a little and when 1 of his does walked bye he followed her with his nose in the air and his upper lip curled up....hmmmm
- The Quadfather
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RE:and the rut begins ?
Interesting thread title/post... I see the Ol' Dog is in Olympia. If you lived in Seattle and read that post you would have to read it a few times. I thought you were stuck in some kind of "Rut" or something. and your goat smelled bad. 

"Honey Badger don't care.. Honey Badger don't give a ....."
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RE:and the rut begins ?
pretty much
- fishaholictaz
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RE:and the rut begins ?
You must be a randy old goat:-"Amx wrote:I'm in rut?I'm ALWAYS in rut.
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Coming to you from Wyoming!!!
Photo bucket
Hello, my name is Tim and I am addicted to fishing!
Coming to you from Wyoming!!!
Photo bucket
RE:and the rut begins ?
I'm smelly all right.fishaholictaz wrote:You must be a randy old goat:-"Amx wrote:I'm in rut?I'm ALWAYS in rut.

Occupation: old
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Occupation: old
Interests: living
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RE:and the rut begins ?
hmmppffff fish'n guys have some insightful/useful input i see.....
my big boat is still about $5 grand away from be'n done with restoration/repair and my small boat is broke and i cant afford to fix either right now.....
soooo i took the above info, a couple beers and a sandwich, and about $15 worth of gas....threw my 'ol Schwin in the truck and went and visited my deer....
the 1st area i parked at the gate took a nice 3 mile ride up to the top and crack'd a beer and and settled in and started glass'n....lottsa critters....this years fawns looked a lil small to me <shrugs> ....does were still let'n 'em nurse but i also saw a couple get kicked in the head too....these groups were small family groups does fawns and and a few of last years does/fawns....all looked well fed healthy and none of them were BALD.....glad to see that.....
so i rode out the long way bk to the truck(mostly down hill LOLOL) and glassed a few other spots....never saw a buck and the few rub spots i checked didnt have any fresh sign of ' bk to the truck about 10:30 threw my empty can 'n the 'ol bike in and headed west...
i decided on the way out there to scout the river valley on the opposite side from where our property its noon and i head up the road with my lunch 'n gear in my pack and my ultra light in my hand(4ld test and a litttle tiny silver Dick's spoon tied on)and didnt make it 1/2 a mile and a doe and twins crossed the road in front of me...pulled off in the shade and waited but no 1 else came out.....the fawns looked quite a bit bigger than the 1s in Vail....rode on down to where the river was next to the road and harrased the mean lil trout that live in there for a while....river's so low that theyre pretty easy targets....saw no steel....
couple more miles down the road and i stash the bike in the bushs and hike in on foot the rest of the way.... be continued
my big boat is still about $5 grand away from be'n done with restoration/repair and my small boat is broke and i cant afford to fix either right now.....
soooo i took the above info, a couple beers and a sandwich, and about $15 worth of gas....threw my 'ol Schwin in the truck and went and visited my deer....
the 1st area i parked at the gate took a nice 3 mile ride up to the top and crack'd a beer and and settled in and started glass'n....lottsa critters....this years fawns looked a lil small to me <shrugs> ....does were still let'n 'em nurse but i also saw a couple get kicked in the head too....these groups were small family groups does fawns and and a few of last years does/fawns....all looked well fed healthy and none of them were BALD.....glad to see that.....
so i rode out the long way bk to the truck(mostly down hill LOLOL) and glassed a few other spots....never saw a buck and the few rub spots i checked didnt have any fresh sign of ' bk to the truck about 10:30 threw my empty can 'n the 'ol bike in and headed west...
i decided on the way out there to scout the river valley on the opposite side from where our property its noon and i head up the road with my lunch 'n gear in my pack and my ultra light in my hand(4ld test and a litttle tiny silver Dick's spoon tied on)and didnt make it 1/2 a mile and a doe and twins crossed the road in front of me...pulled off in the shade and waited but no 1 else came out.....the fawns looked quite a bit bigger than the 1s in Vail....rode on down to where the river was next to the road and harrased the mean lil trout that live in there for a while....river's so low that theyre pretty easy targets....saw no steel....
couple more miles down the road and i stash the bike in the bushs and hike in on foot the rest of the way.... be continued
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RE:and the rut begins ?
the 2nd area is a old abandoned hay/crop field,from the original homestead, across the river from the "modern" day farm...still some old broken down fruit trees along 1 the west 1 of those large timber companies has a nice crop of reprod ,about 6-7 ft tall,goes up the hill over a mile to the 1st road...beds were evvvvverywhere in the grass along the scent free wasnt work'n to good after bike'n hike'n and beers and i busted some out rrright off the bat ....went to my old stump used the old spring board notchs and a some rusty old spikes(that i put in years ago) to climb up only to find that the poor thing was show'n its age and wasnt very solid up there...but i sat down as dusk settled in,cracked a beer, and watched the show...critters everywhere.....the poor tree company is suffer'n some serious crop damage LOLOL....anyyyways does and fawns all looked grrreat no baldies.....the bucks were still in bachelor groups buttt...i watched a older buck,a 4x5,(a deer a saw last year with all the points broken off on 1 side)try'n to polish his tips stop and chase off a little spike before go'n bk to mangle'n a fir tree......another buck took time out of a sparing match with a 2 point (they seemed to be being real careful with their horns still) stop long enough to kick the snot out of a spike that ran up to see what was go'n on.....
got bk to the truck was pretty much black dark in the big timber at the bottom of the valley on the eastern side of the hill....threw my empty can and my schwin in the truck 'n headed for home 1 tired 'ol DOG
got bk to the truck was pretty much black dark in the big timber at the bottom of the valley on the eastern side of the hill....threw my empty can and my schwin in the truck 'n headed for home 1 tired 'ol DOG
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RE:and the rut begins ?
ya'll think he's start'n to rut ???
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RE:and the rut begins ?
No rut yet, unfortunately. Its WAAAAY too hot and I have kinda given up on bow hunting until we get some weather! Went out and saw 3 deer and got stalked by 3 cats!
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RE:and the rut begins ?
lolol tell that to 'ol Mad Jack ... he thinks tis the season ... he's was clean and snowy white abouta week ago ... now he stinks to high heaven from piss'n all over himself and rub'n in the dirt .... and every morn'n before it gets too hot ... he chases his girl friends around ROAR'n and kick'n at 'em ... see'n if any of 'em are in heat ... he's bout 1/2 crazy every fall 'ol perv ....
RE:and the rut begins ?
Haha You sure have a way with words Dog! Love it. I thought you were talkin bout deer! lol Not sure about goats. Wouldnt doubt you have one horny goat on your hands lol.
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RE:and the rut begins ?
Man I was hopeing this was the start of the Elk rut. Last year the elk were in rut at this time.:rendeer: Will be in the vally this weekend, to the sound of bugles and churps.
My Dad would say," Boy, some people just can't fish"
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RE:and the rut begins ?
yep .. i hear ya HAWG ... live'n with a buncha animals like I have for yearrrsss you learn to pick up ques about what's go'n on in the "REAL" world ...
... i've been get'n out in the woods some ... there are poor defenceless grouse out there that need to die !! lololol ... my ares from over 40 years of hunt'n this state ... run from the Colombia to the OP and from the crest to the coast .... havent seen hide nor hair of a elk ... and 'EDITED' few deer .... too hot/dry ... i assume theyre all lay'd up somewhere tounges hang'n out .... but i've been out there in the dark too and just not see'n anything .... lottsa berries .. grassy areas had good growth ( 'EDITED' wettttt spring) but is all burnt up now .. bleached snowwww white ... had to be EXTRA CAREFUL smoke'n ...
... 1 thing i found (on my sorta private hunt'n reserve) ... after many trips out there and not see'n nuthin !!! .. on my last trek out there .. i made a swing down along the river ... and along a stretch of shadey/muddy bank there they were !!!! .. followed their single file tracks from where they came out of the pasture .. went right to the river ... and you could see in the sign that when they got there they spread out ... side bye side bye side 3 perfect sets of tracks ... 1 BIG !! and 2 small sets of cougar tracks !!! ... now i've always complained that the way the modern licence system is set up that i'm kinda forced to buy a cougar tag ... hate it ... have alllways said that i probably wouldnt shoot 1 if it walked right out in front of me and posed !!! .. BUTTTTT set'n up house in the middle of my hunt'n area !!!! (no wonder i havent seen ANY deer tracks) ... sry NO WAY !!! ... that old 'EDITED' has to die !!! .. (anyone want the meat if/when i get her?) .... talked to the brothers inlaws .. we're going to try to get up there before the blk powder maniacs get in there and stir it up ... and we're guna cong that 'EDITED' and get her outta there ... so i guess i'm go'n to be hunt'n in southern thurston/eastern lewis county for my deer this year ... as far as elk ... i'll spend some time in the "any elk" area(20 min drive) and probably do a overnight or 2 either out to the coast or up to the OP .. depend'n on what the clan is do'n ...
.. on a side note ... at the last stop i made .. to check out a lil game trail i know ... i came bk to a FLAT TIRE !!! on my schwin ... nice mile or so walk push'n a bike instead of ride'n !!! .. because i was STUPID !! and unprepared !!! ...
.. LORDY ... GL out there .. 'n keep ur head low .. DOG
... i've been get'n out in the woods some ... there are poor defenceless grouse out there that need to die !! lololol ... my ares from over 40 years of hunt'n this state ... run from the Colombia to the OP and from the crest to the coast .... havent seen hide nor hair of a elk ... and 'EDITED' few deer .... too hot/dry ... i assume theyre all lay'd up somewhere tounges hang'n out .... but i've been out there in the dark too and just not see'n anything .... lottsa berries .. grassy areas had good growth ( 'EDITED' wettttt spring) but is all burnt up now .. bleached snowwww white ... had to be EXTRA CAREFUL smoke'n ...
... 1 thing i found (on my sorta private hunt'n reserve) ... after many trips out there and not see'n nuthin !!! .. on my last trek out there .. i made a swing down along the river ... and along a stretch of shadey/muddy bank there they were !!!! .. followed their single file tracks from where they came out of the pasture .. went right to the river ... and you could see in the sign that when they got there they spread out ... side bye side bye side 3 perfect sets of tracks ... 1 BIG !! and 2 small sets of cougar tracks !!! ... now i've always complained that the way the modern licence system is set up that i'm kinda forced to buy a cougar tag ... hate it ... have alllways said that i probably wouldnt shoot 1 if it walked right out in front of me and posed !!! .. BUTTTTT set'n up house in the middle of my hunt'n area !!!! (no wonder i havent seen ANY deer tracks) ... sry NO WAY !!! ... that old 'EDITED' has to die !!! .. (anyone want the meat if/when i get her?) .... talked to the brothers inlaws .. we're going to try to get up there before the blk powder maniacs get in there and stir it up ... and we're guna cong that 'EDITED' and get her outta there ... so i guess i'm go'n to be hunt'n in southern thurston/eastern lewis county for my deer this year ... as far as elk ... i'll spend some time in the "any elk" area(20 min drive) and probably do a overnight or 2 either out to the coast or up to the OP .. depend'n on what the clan is do'n ...
.. on a side note ... at the last stop i made .. to check out a lil game trail i know ... i came bk to a FLAT TIRE !!! on my schwin ... nice mile or so walk push'n a bike instead of ride'n !!! .. because i was STUPID !! and unprepared !!! ...
.. LORDY ... GL out there .. 'n keep ur head low .. DOG
Last edited by 'OL GREY DOG on Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: and the rut begins ?
well last fall's rut worked pretty good
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- MarkFromSea
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Re: and the rut begins ?
You are the one with the goats....... and it was a couple years ago I last read this............thread........
Just ate goat this last weekend....... Wapato, Filipino family......... Took the misses to see her cousins....... Do you eat em, milk em, sell em?
Just ate goat this last weekend....... Wapato, Filipino family......... Took the misses to see her cousins....... Do you eat em, milk em, sell em?
"Fish Hard and Fish Often!"
- The Quadfather
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Re: and the rut begins ?
All this Rut/Goat/smelly talk is a little strange for a city slicker. So I guess the goats get the itch.... then they start messin' on themselves, and rolling in the dirt. Then after all that, they look good for the ladies. Then there is "Activity" and some months later Ol' Grey Dog has some goat pups or something.
Can I get a, "Lordy" or a "Humppff"
Can I get a, "Lordy" or a "Humppff"
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Re: and the rut begins ?
uuuuuhhh yup ... bout it ... them kids in the pic are about $2 grand worth ... think'n i'll have to go with a uffffdaahhhh on that 1
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Re: and the rut begins ?
so ... old Mad Jack my Saanen buck had a lil rut this spring ... i think i have a couple does bred !! .. a lil unusual ... but that's all over with now and 'ol Jack is be'n lazy .... put'n on weight get'n ready for the fall rut ... he has taken up a few new hobbies tho !!!! .... there's 1 paddock that had no shelter .. so be'n a builder guy 'n have'n some scrap lumber lay'n around i threw up a couple ... not much to look at but a dry spot out of the wind ... wellll 'ol Jack has decided he's into remodel'n and changed the configuration around a bit !!! .... O-:
his other hobby is hats ... last years ice storm knocked down a buncha branchs that i threw to the goats ... next day 'ol Jack is walk'n around with a branch (about 5 ft long) stuck on his head/horns .. so i help him out 'n yank it off there ... next day there it is again !!! ... lolol so i crawl over the fence and say something to Jack ... he says something i'm sure would have to be edited to put in this forum and ran off ... what ever ya wierdo lolol
well his latest attempt at fashion arose from his remod efforts and i think deserves high points for creative use of materials!!!! ... all the girls in his herd/harem are veryyy jealous lololol YA'LL hagd ... DOG
his other hobby is hats ... last years ice storm knocked down a buncha branchs that i threw to the goats ... next day 'ol Jack is walk'n around with a branch (about 5 ft long) stuck on his head/horns .. so i help him out 'n yank it off there ... next day there it is again !!! ... lolol so i crawl over the fence and say something to Jack ... he says something i'm sure would have to be edited to put in this forum and ran off ... what ever ya wierdo lolol
well his latest attempt at fashion arose from his remod efforts and i think deserves high points for creative use of materials!!!! ... all the girls in his herd/harem are veryyy jealous lololol YA'LL hagd ... DOG
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Re: and the rut begins ?
so i told ya'll Jack's girls were jealous of his hat ... well i dont know what kind of favors were promised or traded but 1 of the ladys was sport'n the latest design this evening ... lol and like Jack bawled at me 'n ran away when i try'd to take it off .....
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