That is the exact words that came out of my mouth when I seen what my wife had done, lol.
We headed up into Hancock property Thursday morning with a friend behind us in his rig and his two kids. Only the kids still had tags. Promptly, in the headlights, a nice 3 point crossed the road. Reprod all around so we just kept going up to where we seen a couple bucks, one on Oct. 31, in the headlights but still legal shooting hours, and the other, a smaller 2-point, on the Friday before general bull started.
We stopped short and I talked to my buddy who had not been in this area before about the plan that I devised. He headed down to the big portion of the clear cut while my wife and I stopped at the head of a spur.
Wifey and I split up. My intent was to hunt a clearcut off the right hand spur and then walk down through it the timber and then continue hunting while she wanted to hunt the timber patch bordering her clear cut, the same area that we had seen the two bucks, previously.
I had came back up to the truck right around 9:30. I opened the back door to my truck to throw my pack in there and I heard "BOOM", and not far away. I thought "That has to be her", I could see most the other roads in the bigger clear cut and there was nobody out there. I took off in my truck, down the road. I find her on the edge of this muddy crud between some brush piles that were stacked up. She was waving me down to her. I thought "What the heck, did she hit a deer and it ran off, or what".
I get down there with my window rolled down and she is standing by this buck. I said "Are you kidding me"!
She is smiles from ear to ear. This is her second year hunting and the first living creature that she has ever had in her cross hairs. She made the shot count with my Ruger Frontier in .308.
One dead deer, one very happy husband, and one ecstatic wife. She is on cloud nine.

I had this posted on another forum so I copy/pasted it over to here