My 23+ yr old external pump Vacu Fresh, which still works btw, is just not sealing like it used to. Takes 2 or 3 bags to get the heat strip hot enough to seal, and more often than I like, I find bags in the freezer that have lost their seal.
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So starts the hunt for a replacement and since I decided I was done with external pump sealers that meant my search was limited to a chamber vacuum unit. Don't want to go into all the detail but simply put, the product to be sealed is placed in the bag which is then placed inside a vacuum chamber, the lid closed, pump turned on until vacuum reached, then the entire chamber is pulled to the vacuum, including the bag and contents. Sealing is instantaneously performed once chamber is evacuated. Cool.
Mike put up a video a while back highlighting Vacupack chamber vacuum sealers but they were almost $4000. I can't justify that kind of money for my use, oh don't get me wrong, $600 isn't cheap either, but bang for my buck is very good. An industrial quality sealer for that price is something I'm willing to take a shot at.
After a lot of searching, I found a top rated (4.8 out of 5) chamber vacuum sealer for $579, yeah really. It's made by ARY and sold online through a wholesale restaurant supply outfit. The exact same unit retails at Cabela's for $799.99 and is drop shipped from the manufacturer.
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So I ordered one this morning, along with a case of 1000 10" x13" chamber vacuum pouches (great economy, a 10" x 13" 3mm thick sealing bag is 6 1/2 cents, yes, that's right less than 7 pennies), from Webstaurant Store. Received confirmation my order shipped this afternoon. That's FAST!
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Here's the link to the unit I purchased - ... VP112.html" onclick=";return false;
This unit was also the #1 pick on Vacuum Sealer Digest. You can read their review of this unit here - ... 12-review/" onclick=";return false;
I'll have it next week and will post a full review in the weeks to come, but somehow I don't think I will be disappointed.
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