Those castable crab snares....
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:45 am
Who out there has experience with those crab snares that you cast from shore?
I’m taking about the ones that are size of a Rubix cube, and have multiple plastics snares to entangle the crab’s legs.
I’m out here @ Roosevelt beach, WA. Coast. Participating in an online Surf Perch derby.
Thought I’d pick up a couple crab, as it’s da wife’s birthday, and she loves crab. You catch crab all the time while just fishing surf perch, so I picked up these crab snares.
Anyway, crab snares loaded w/bait, comes with a HUGE snap swivel for tying off to. I also attacked 2-3 oz sinker.
1st cast out crab snare go bye bye, only sinker left. Pull out backup crab snare... 1st cast out, same story.
Heading to beach seafood stand, for dungies.
Am I missing something on these things? I guess I’ll just tie completely to the crab snare next time. But the snap swivels I used are the largest salt water versions you’ve ever seen. Shoulda been fine.
I’m taking about the ones that are size of a Rubix cube, and have multiple plastics snares to entangle the crab’s legs.
I’m out here @ Roosevelt beach, WA. Coast. Participating in an online Surf Perch derby.
Thought I’d pick up a couple crab, as it’s da wife’s birthday, and she loves crab. You catch crab all the time while just fishing surf perch, so I picked up these crab snares.
Anyway, crab snares loaded w/bait, comes with a HUGE snap swivel for tying off to. I also attacked 2-3 oz sinker.
1st cast out crab snare go bye bye, only sinker left. Pull out backup crab snare... 1st cast out, same story.
Heading to beach seafood stand, for dungies.
Am I missing something on these things? I guess I’ll just tie completely to the crab snare next time. But the snap swivels I used are the largest salt water versions you’ve ever seen. Shoulda been fine.