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Those castable crab snares....

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:45 am
by The Quadfather
Who out there has experience with those crab snares that you cast from shore?
I’m taking about the ones that are size of a Rubix cube, and have multiple plastics snares to entangle the crab’s legs.
I’m out here @ Roosevelt beach, WA. Coast. Participating in an online Surf Perch derby.
Thought I’d pick up a couple crab, as it’s da wife’s birthday, and she loves crab. You catch crab all the time while just fishing surf perch, so I picked up these crab snares.

Anyway, crab snares loaded w/bait, comes with a HUGE snap swivel for tying off to. I also attacked 2-3 oz sinker.
1st cast out crab snare go bye bye, only sinker left. Pull out backup crab snare... 1st cast out, same story.
Heading to beach seafood stand, for dungies.

Am I missing something on these things? I guess I’ll just tie completely to the crab snare next time. But the snap swivels I used are the largest salt water versions you’ve ever seen. Shoulda been fine.

Re: Those castable crab snares....

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:04 pm
by The Quadfather
OK, 8 hours later... picked up another castable crab snare, this time bought ZIP TIES.
Heading out in AM. Also, first razor clam dig of 2020 is 0600 tomorrow AM.
Should be a good time if I don’t lose another crab snare.

Re: Those castable crab snares....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:42 pm
by Shad_Eating_Grin
Here's my tips for using those crab snares (rubix cube things) with the plastic snares:

The plastic snares are too few and too stiff to effectively snare crab legs. They seem to be basically weed eater line. I found the trap will be much more effective if I tie on another 10-15 loops/snares. I used heavy monofilament (40--50 lb test), and those add-on loops caught most of my crabs. Adding those extra loops really helped.

Don't use a snap swivel. Just tie directly to the strongest joint on the metal cube. Adding your sinker is a good idea.

Re: Those castable crab snares....

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:14 pm
by spokey9
Snares are great if get the right ones. I used to buy mine off ebay. My preference was ones that had the loops tied out of 50lb mono. The loops would cinch right up in the leg clusters on crab pretty easily and hold them there. The danielson ones that most stores carry have too stiff of loops to really be effective. You gotta swing hard to close the loop and hope it stays close on the retrieve.

I always used a down rigger sized snap on my mainline for connecting the trap and a piece of bailing wire to attach the weight. I lost a few stinkers and kept the snare that way.

Re: Those castable crab snares....

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:05 pm
by The Quadfather
Thanks for the follow-up Spokey and Shad.
I did wind up with 2 razor limits, and I think I never lost that last crab snare? It’s Ben awhile.

I totally can see doing your own 50lb mono snares would be great. Admittedly, I can be lazy, so that sounds like I’d have to actually do something in my garage...hmmm.
I’ll be back out there Nov 13th, see what happens.