I along with Keith tied up a bunch of wedding rings before our first day on Lake Sammamish.
You can never be sure what a fish wants to eat.
Needless to say Keith was getting bit 3 to my 1.
I break down and ask what wedding ring are you using as his rod is bent down again.
On close observation, as Keith was reeling in a beautiful 17+ inch Cutthroat I noticed something different about his wedding ring.
He stats "this one is just beads and doesn't have a blade, I ran out of blades for them last night. LOL.
That got me to thinking. Running a spinner blade behind my sling blade causes it to loose some action as the spinner blade has drag.
That night I tied up some beads with out a blade and to top it off added some flash to spruce things up as I do with my spay flies.
Keith's Fancy was borne.

For more photos of our outing go http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... d71f200fe1
To read the WL fish report go http://www.washingtonlakes.com/ReportCo ... id=466&t=1
Tight Lines...