A line tossed just for the Halibut -

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A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by Gonefishing » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:03 am

Was trolling around seattletimes.com and came upon the following link. If I didn't have a bad case of gotta-go-fish-a-titis happening before this I sure do now. And if I do have a case of wanna-go-fish-a-titis my condition is now much worse!

http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/r ... ish_a.html

Surprise catch by state Fish and Wildlife test fishery boat in northern Puget Sound

The state Fish and Wildlife test fishery boat was out Friday morning plying the waters of northern Puget Sound in search of winter chinook when they hooked into something clearly unexpected.

Toby Black and Pete Sergeef were downrigger trolling off the Tin Shed drift on Possession Bar located on the south side of Whidbey Island.

Much to their surprise instead of battling a chinook they found themselves going toe-to-toe with a halibut that they estimated weighed about 34 pounds before releasing it back into the briny deep.

Halibut populations have made a fairly good showing in recent years mainly around the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound.

Those halibut fisheries get underway May 5 through May 29. They will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and closed Sunday through Wednesday except for Memorial Day weekend when they will be open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by Marc Martyn » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:31 am

In reading that, I was wondering if they have to have a fishing license.[razz] :scratch:

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by Amx » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:37 am

I wonder if they even LIKE fishing? :-"

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by The Quadfather » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:02 am

What's even more interesting to me is that the fact that a 34lb halibut even makes the news! Of course the story is about the fact that in Puget Sound waters the halibut fishery is not much of a fishery at all, and that this seems like a large halli for Puget Sound. But I honestly thought for a news story they would have pulled in a 100 lb halli or something.:-"
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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by A9 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:15 pm

Happens occasionally in our local waters. Happened to me once, same thing trolling for blackmouth, altough it certainly wasn't as big as that 34lber..

Heard several other second hand reports of guys out trolling Jeff Head, poss pt and similar well known spots and a halibut makes a mystery appearance. There are halibut out there if you know where to look for em...
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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by wintersteelhead » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:03 am

To answer the question, Ya, they love to fish. Pete is the regular checker during summer Elliot Bay king season (when its open) and on his off time is usually in a boat out there. I would only assume that its required to have a valid license.......Maybe Matt can chime in and clarify (speaking of someone who fishes during down time:salut: ) on license requirements.

Halibut used to be common at PO BAR but when bottom fish were depleted...well you know the rest of the story. The past couple of years I have been catching True Cod while fishing for kings as far south as Jeff Head. It was only a matter of time till the rest of the species made a showing.

It's good to see that "some" management and conservation is working in puget sound. (Not intended to start a political pissing match)

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by scott080379 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:22 am

Their always is butts in the sounds this time of year..............no one should be surprised to hook one even as far south as the south end of blake island.

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by Marc Martyn » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:25 am

I was just kidding about the license requirements needed while at work. [wink] Of course they need a license while fishing on the own time.

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RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -

Post by BARCHASER10 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:43 pm

I've run into those guys several times. They are in a North River Mariner with green trim that says "Research" on the side, no boat numbers. I usually pull up alongside them and get a fishin report from them. Good guys.

Also in the Times today, the article below. The powers that be want to put in a new Sports rule in SE Alaska, release all Halibut less than 37" long which is only about 25 pounds. Seems that there is more concern about the status of the west coast Halibut resource. I know where I fish for Butts, the Strait and off of Ucluelet, the ave size of Butts is way down over the last few years. Now only 15 pounds or so vs 30-40 pounds a few years ago.

http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/o ... utn20.html

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