What a weekend! First off, we get out to neah bay and put the boat in... We fire her up and my RPM guage isnt working for some reason. I had just gotten it out of the shop that rebuilt the engine 10 hours ago. I took it in to get it serviced per their instructions at the 10 hour mark, so I figured that they must have accidentally unhooked it by mistake. No biggie. All the other guages look good, so we head out. We make it just out past Tatoosh and the engine starts to knock and fail. I shut it down and open the hatch. White smoke smelling like burned rubber pours out. We had burned a belt off of the alternator. CRAP! So we putt back in on the kicker. Several hours later, we get it fixed and go to fire her up again. It is still knocking like crazy.... I pull the oil dipstick to check for water or coolant and guess what?? There is no oil in the engine!!!!

They drained the oil and changed the filter, but didnt fill it back up! I look at the oil guage, which read 60psi the whole time and it is still reading 60psi with the key off! It all worked like a dream before taking it in to get serviced...I mean really, do you check your oil level after the guy from minute lube pulls your car out of the bay before driving off in it? Discouraged and very pissed off I head back to camp and get my drink on. The next day, very hung over... I decide to just drop the kicker down and putt out to Waddah Island and try fishing there. Lucky enough for us, the pinks are in good as well as the coho and Kings. We limit out easily both Sat and Sunday. BTW... the pinks are HUGE this year. Most of ours were in the 8+ lb range with one going over 10lbs. Funny side note... We were catching Native Kings quite regularly, and releasing them... turns out that you can keep them inside of Tatoosh island after June 25th...