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Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Yours

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:20 pm
by fishnislife
While messing around in the garage doing my boat modifications ( ... 20&t=20980" onclick=";return false;) I noticed that I needed a good rod storage set-up. To utilize the most space I thought of how I could attach to the garage door and still have the rods stay put. Well, after a little bit of thinking, cutting and an hour later.....this is what I came up with.


It is a 2x4 cut to fit the inside of one garage door panel. I hole saw cut, 4- 3/4" holes and used a speed square to mark out 45 degree angles down to each hole. This would allow the rods to roll as the garage door opened and not fall out when in the up position. Clean and completely out of the way. I could only comfortably fit 4 rods in the space I had. If I wanted, I could make another set and off set them a little lower in the next panel. To mount them I drilled through the inside of the support with 3 screws.

I also added a wall rod storage to take up space and add decoration to the garage. I used the same concept as above but only did 3 holes.


Each was sanded and all corners rounded.

Not sure if I will paint, stain or just keep the raw look.
I will take a garage door up picture when it is light out.

Share your rod storage?


Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:20 am
by Larry3215
Nice! Much better than my setup - piled in the corner!

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:56 am
by rseas
Great post and you did a nice job with the garage door racks.

Although I will admit that I still have longer than 9' rods leaning in various corners of my garage and office the bulk of my rods call these milk crates home. When I lived in SoCal (I grew up in the PNW and live here now) I was always looking for another buck. Once a month I would rent an outdoor swap meet space and set up "7Seas Enterprises". I sold plastic swim bait kits, assorted other stuff and these milk crate rod racks. Although the ones I sold were custom 7Seas Enterprises branded anybody can make one. Materials are readily available; a milk crate and a bunch of PVC or ABS plastic plumbing. Using a table saw cut the required number of plastic plumbing tubes to length (in this case 63 per crate) and just load the crate up with them. Easy-peasy and safe storage for our beloved rods.

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:41 pm
by fishnislife
Nice idea rseas. I like it. That is simple and easy.

Thanks for sharing another cool way to store rods.


Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:52 am
by Gringo Pescador
Dude, that garage idea is awesome! You can see some of my rod storage in the how-to videos Mike & I did out of my garage but that space is full up. You just gave me my next project :cheers:

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:21 pm
by fishnislife
Gringo Pescador wrote: You just gave me my next project :cheers:
Sweet! [thumbup]
Let's see the final product when your done.
I'm gunna go check out the how-to video.


Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:29 pm
by fishnislife
Can't find the video you speak of gringo. Can you post a link?


Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:39 pm
by Mike Carey
Jerimiah, your garage door idea is brilliant! Here's that link:

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:51 pm
by sickbayer
I have mine on the garage door IMO best place for them when at home.

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:05 am
by Gringo Pescador
fishnislife wrote:Can't find the video you speak of gringo. Can you post a link?

Guess it doesn't show as well as I thought. I've got a 10' ceiling in my garage so I was able to make a vertical rod rack that holds 20 rods along the wall. On the bottom/base I put a 16" deep shelf and it is high enough I can fit milk crates (and other stuff) under it for more storage (wader boots, backpacks, tents, etc.).

Hanging just in front of the rod rack and below the ceiling about 4" I installed a heavy duty clothes rod holder and spanned a pipe across it. I then took a 4' 1x2 and screwed a hook in the side of one end. With this I can hang my fishing clothes (Summer & Winter waders, hip boots, rain jackets vests, etc.) on the hook, then lift them up to hang on the rod. This keeps the waders hung up to dry and still out the way. You can see the bottoms of my summer and neoprene waders behind Mike in the video

I will try to remember to take pics tonight and post them up.

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:25 pm
by Gringo Pescador
ok, so here's my setup to date - and it has served me well for awhile now.
IMG_3861.JPG (50.92 KiB) Viewed 32390 times
For the rod holders I just ripped a few lengths of cedar fenceboard. For the bottom I took a 2" doorknob hole cutter and made the holes, then laid that piece on another solid piece.
IMG_3862.JPG (52.25 KiB) Viewed 32390 times
For the tops, drilled holes, used a jig saw to cut back to the holes to complete the "U" shape, then tabs from a Costco milk jug and nailed them to the opening (had to double the tabs to make em stiff enough).
IMG_3863.JPG (41.24 KiB) Viewed 32390 times
This is the hook on the end of my stick to hang the waders & stuff
IMG_3860.JPG (41.69 KiB) Viewed 32390 times
I also added a pic of a setup I use to easily hang hip waders upside down.
IMG_3859.JPG (43.82 KiB) Viewed 32390 times

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:27 pm
by Gringo Pescador
What the hell?? All of my pics ended up upside down or sideway #-o

Sorry guys. I got a new laptop - windows 10, I need to figure out what the heck I'm doing here ](*,) They looked good going from my iPhone to my laptop but then flipped when they uploaded to here. I'll try to fix it when I get a chance :scratch:

Oh well, in the mean time flip your screen or stand on your head and check it out [flapper]

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:51 am
by Bodofish
[razz] Just how the heck do you get those waders to stand right up like that?!?!?! [biggrin]

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:21 am
by Gringo Pescador
Gringo Pescador wrote:What the hell?? All of my pics ended up upside down or sideway #-o

Sorry guys. I got a new laptop - windows 10, I need to figure out what the heck I'm doing here ](*,) They looked good going from my iPhone to my laptop but then flipped when they uploaded to here. I'll try to fix it when I get a chance :scratch:

Oh well, in the mean time flip your screen or stand on your head and check it out [flapper]
Fixed it :cheers:

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Y

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:46 am
by Toni
I don't have a garage so my room is the place where storage occurs. I had some one say it was art.
above dresser.JPG
above closet.jpg

Re: Rod Storage Ideas - Garage Door and Wall Mount - Share Yours

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:16 am
by demetriualston
Hey, fishnislife I liked your wall mount. Share some more pictures.