Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

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Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Steelheadin360 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:17 am


It is the mission of “Something Catchy” to expose children to the wonderful world of fishing. We will teach the children fundamentals and give them an experience they may have not otherwise been given. Give a child a fish and they will eat a meal, teach a child to fish and they can eat for a lifetime.

Dates- April 12-13th 2014
Location- Lake Chelan. Awards and BBQ to take place at Old Mill Bay Park- Manson, Washington

Biggest Fish-
1st $750
2nd $500
3rd $250

Most Boat Wieght-
1st $750
2nd $500
3rd $250

Plus Mystery Fish worth $100 and Smallest fish worth $100
Additonal Prizes at awards banquet
Derby Tickets are $50 per person

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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Steelheadin360 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:18 am

1.  The Derby Committee must have you officially registered by 9:00 pm. on Thursday prior to fishing start on Derby Saturday.  You will then be eligible for any cash and prizes.  IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A DERBY TICKET (i.e. lost, forgot, left in boat, etc.) YOU WILL NOT BE ISSUED A DUPLICATE AND CANNOT WEIGH ANY FISH.  All registrations must include address  AND phone number or a ticket WILL NOT be issued.  All tickets must be purchased in person.   
2. All Contestants must fish according to applicable Washington State laws and Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Regulations. Any infractions to the law and regulations will result in disqualification from the Derby.  Any On-The-Water violations will also result in disqualification from the Derby.  We want everyone to be safe and have fun.  Safety is our #1 priority.  Be Smart, Be Safe & Have Fun!!
3. Everyone in any boat fishing the derby MUST have a derby ticket and a wrist band.  If anyone in the boat is entered in the derby with a valid ticket, then everyone in the boat must have a derby ticket.  Any violation will result in not having any fish from that boat allowed to be weighed.  Your boat must have an approved marker visible to any and all Derby Marshalls.
4. Official Derby Fishing times:  Saturday 5:-00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. And Sunday 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
5. All Kokanee entries must be caught on Lake Chelan.
6. Official Derby weigh-in station hours are Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
7. To certify each Kokanee, each entrant must present their Derby ticket, wristband and Kokanee to the check station weigh master.  There will be only one weigh-in station located at the Millbay marina .  All Kokanee weighed will be marked by a hole punch in a fin or cut tail fin.
8. All Derby fish may be inspected at the time of weigh-in by Washington State Biologists and Derby Officials.  All fish may be subject to dissection.
9. Contestants observing violations of the Derby rules should immediately report to Derby Officials.  Violators will be disqualified from the Derby and could be barred from future competitions.  Derby Officials may be contacted at 509-885-6920 or report to the weigh station.  Any false reporting will also disqualify entrant from Derby.  WDFW agents and Derby Officials will be on the water during the Derby.
10. Each Derby entrant may weigh in the WDFW limit for kokanee per day for the Total Weight Side Pot, or Team Average Total Weight Side Pot.
11. Scoring will be by weight, length and girth.  Weight will be the initial factor and scored to the .01 lb. (ie25.06lb) Length will be the first tie breaker measured from the snout to the V-notch in the tail.  Scoring will be to the 1/16”.  Girth will be the second tie breaker scored by circumference just in front of the dorsal fin of the Kokanee.   Scoring will be to the 1/16”.
12. All Kokanee must be fresh-caught by legal sport fishing rules.  No Gill or Dip-Netted or Foul-Hooked Kokanee may be entered.  Any evidence of netting, spoilage, frozen or foul –hooked Kokanee will disqualify entrant from the Derby.
13. The Derby Committee shall have the final word on any and all disputes regarding Derby Rules and Award of Prizes.  ALL DERBY COMMITTEE DECISIONS ARE FINAL!
14. Award presentations and Raffle drawings will begin at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Sunday at the pavilions at the Mill Bay park.  All prizes must be collected at the awards presentation, by the ticket holder, unless prior arrangements are made with the Derby Committee.
15. The Derby WILL NOT be cancelled due to inclement weather.
NOTICE Something Catchy, Jason Williams, nor its volunteers, nor any of the Sponsors accept any responsibility for loss, damage or injury to any vehicle, vessel, boat, equipment, contestant, passengers, guests or observers during this event.  By purchasing a Derby ticket or volunteering in any capacity, you release and discharge Something Catchy and its volunteers, The Chamber of Commerce and its members, The Sponsors and all their associated affiliates and employees, for any and all judgments and/or claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by an entrant to his/her person and/or property

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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Steelheadin360 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:21 am

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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Billm » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:18 pm

Does anyone know when the derby will occur in 2015? I am not sure where to look for information.

Thank you,

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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Steelheadin360 » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:18 am

Im sure Jayson will have everything posted here pretty soon actually!

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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Lip_Ripper87 » Tue May 12, 2015 11:36 pm

I don't know who jayson is so, is there an update to when the derby is going down this year?
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Re: Something Catchy Kokanee Derby

Post by Toni » Wed May 13, 2015 4:38 am

Lip_Ripper87 wrote:I don't know who jayson is so, is there an update to when the derby is going down this year?
It was in April. ... hy#p218160
Look for Wannafish A Lure on FaceBook

He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

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