Looking for a spontanious fishing partner? Got a quick trip open seat/share a ride available? Post it here!
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by Fishin'Daze » Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:36 pm
Hey everyone,
I feel kinda foolish posting for other fisherman to fish with but here it goes. Lived here most of my life (Olympia) and have fished for almost anything that Wa has to offer. I prefer fresh water but at times fish salt. I really like river fishing (Salmon and Steelhead) and fishing local lakes (boat) for trout and pretty anything that decides to hit my lure. I'm usually a catch and release type of guy (occasional Salmon or Steelhead retained), but don't mind if friends keep what they catch (legally). I have a 16' Smokercraft Pro with a 40 Yamaha (alittle underpowered, great gas milage, fresh only) and a co-pilot electric trolling motor.
Anyway all of my past fishing buddies have moved outta state so have been fishing mostly by myself for many years. Although my wife enjoys fishing lakes with me not to crazy about rivers. She always tells me to get some fishing friends and I keep looking in the stores but none to be had.
Sooooo... if your wanting to fish with someone like me and don't mind wading/exploring rivers and the local lakes think about responding. I know it sounds weird.
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by TrackerPro16 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:59 pm
Nothing weird about that at all. I have nearly always fished (and most other things) by myself but have friends that like going with others most of the time. The best way to find them would be here I would think...
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by Let's_Go_Fishing! » Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:08 am
I've posted a few times looking for someone with a boat to fish north county waters (fresh or salt) and MA 8-2 but have no solid responses. Bank or pier fishing's okay too. Early morning or weekday fishing preferred.

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by strider43 » Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:12 am
Fishin'Daze wrote:Hey everyone,
I feel kinda foolish posting for other fisherman to fish with but here it goes. Lived here most of my life (Olympia) and have fished for almost anything that Wa has to offer. I prefer fresh water but at times fish salt. I really like river fishing (Salmon and Steelhead) and fishing local lakes (boat) for trout and pretty anything that decides to hit my lure. I'm usually a catch and release type of guy (occasional Salmon or Steelhead retained), but don't mind if friends keep what they catch (legally). I have a 16' Smokercraft Pro with a 40 Yamaha (alittle underpowered, great gas milage, fresh only) and a co-pilot electric trolling motor.
Anyway all of my past fishing buddies have moved outta state so have been fishing mostly by myself for many years. Although my wife enjoys fishing lakes with me not to crazy about rivers. She always tells me to get some fishing friends and I keep looking in the stores but none to be had.
Sooooo... if your wanting to fish with someone like me and don't mind wading/exploring rivers and the local lakes think about responding. I know it sounds weird.
Which Rivers are you fishing?
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by Fishin'Daze » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:25 pm
I usually fish the Nisqually and Skookumchuck rivers. The skook is still ok to fish but seems to getting more crowded with less fish. The Nisqually (Salmon) was really good until the last few years - crowded, less fish and shorter season outside of the main run. Used to fish the green but haven't for a few years. Used to fish the Skokomish but can't because of no more Salmon season but also was getting tired of the snaggers (line whippers) on this river.
Two rivers that I would like to start fishing is the Cowlitz and the Kalama. Have fished the Cowlitz a few times in the past but not enough to know where to get away from combat fishing. I'm always open to learn new rivers but would prefer to stay south or west. Usually target Salmon and Steelhead.
Because of the shorter seasons, less fish and increase in combat fishing I've been spending more time in lakes (boat) targeting trout and bass - although I'm open to any fresh water lake fishing. One day hope to make it to Roosevelt for the great Koke fishery. With all the lake fishing I've been doing my river trips are dwindling down to a few trips each year. So would like to get back to river fishing. Hope this sheds some light. Usually have an open spot in my boat (unless wife goes) if interested.

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by strider43 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:30 am
Fishin'Daze wrote:strider43,
I usually fish the Nisqually and Skookumchuck rivers. The skook is still ok to fish but seems to getting more crowded with less fish. The Nisqually (Salmon) was really good until the last few years - crowded, less fish and shorter season outside of the main run. Used to fish the green but haven't for a few years. Used to fish the Skokomish but can't because of no more Salmon season but also was getting tired of the snaggers (line whippers) on this river.
Two rivers that I would like to start fishing is the Cowlitz and the Kalama. Have fished the Cowlitz a few times in the past but not enough to know where to get away from combat fishing. I'm always open to learn new rivers but would prefer to stay south or west. Usually target Salmon and Steelhead.
Because of the shorter seasons, less fish and increase in combat fishing I've been spending more time in lakes (boat) targeting trout and bass - although I'm open to any fresh water lake fishing. One day hope to make it to Roosevelt for the great Koke fishery. With all the lake fishing I've been doing my river trips are dwindling down to a few trips each year. So would like to get back to river fishing. Hope this sheds some light. Usually have an open spot in my boat (unless wife goes) if interested.

I'm up North, I live in Gold Bar and work in Mukilteo. I have heard a lot about the Cowlitz and have wanted to get down there to fish. The Cowlitz is open when the Skykomish and Wallace( the rivers I mostly fish) are closed and I hear stories about great fishing down there. I hate the combat scene as well and cant even deal with snaggers. I have to stay away from that mess, especially when their hi 5ing each other talking about being bad a$$ fishermen. There is enough pressure up here that I have thought about looking for property near the Cowlitz for when I retire. If the current trend continues here there wont be any room to fish by the time I retire. Or the governor or AG will ban fishing because its mean to the fish....
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by strider43 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:33 am
On another note I'm going to Omak Lake this weekend to see if the fish are cruising the shoreline yet.
I do a lot of lake fishing in the spring and make several trips over to E WA where there is less people and more fish.

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by cobrar543 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:55 am
Strider, are you shore fishing?
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by Fishin'Daze » Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:57 am
I live in Olympia - yeah Goldbar is a ways up north - great country though. Cowlitz would be quite a drive for you for a day of fishing. I do plan on trying to find lesser fished areas (good luck) on the Cowlitz this year so probably more exploring than usual. If the Nisqually has a decent Salmon season this year - during the main run - you may want to keep this in mind. It gets it's share of combat fishing but I get a 2 year military pass (free) that lets me fish on the military side which gives me alot more elbow room. Although last year was a bust (season not during main run) I usually do pretty well on this river.
Also in spring I target bass and trout from my boat. One of my favorite lakes to fish is Nahwatzel after a recent large trout plant. I catch and release these trout but some of them feel like a Steelhead on light gear - alot of fun. Like I said before I usually have an open seat on my boat as I usually am fishing solo. Good luck during your Eastern WA trip.
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by strider43 » Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:51 pm
cobrar543 wrote:Strider, are you shore fishing?
Yes, for this trip we are. I have a 12' boat that I take over east when I go for a few days.
Omak Lake has decent fishing from shore
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by strider43 » Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:07 pm
Here is a picture of one of the fish we caught at Omak this weekend, my sometimes fishing buddy got one that was 20"plus this one was about 12"

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by branweeds » Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:23 am
Let's_Go_Fishing! wrote:I've posted a few times looking for someone with a boat to fish north county waters (fresh or salt) and MA 8-2 but have no solid responses. Bank or pier fishing's okay too. Early morning or weekday fishing preferred.

How far North??
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by TMBob » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:48 pm
strider43 wrote:Here is a picture of one of the fish we caught at Omak this weekend, my sometimes fishing buddy got one that was 20"plus this one was about 12"
Fire Tiger Kastmaster? Have one, never caught anything on this color combo yet.
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by strider43 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:09 am
TMBob wrote:strider43 wrote:Here is a picture of one of the fish we caught at Omak this weekend, my sometimes fishing buddy got one that was 20"plus this one was about 12"
Fire Tiger Kastmaster? Have one, never caught anything on this color combo yet.
Crocodile lure. They like that in Omak lake. I caught three of my four fish on that last Saturday. I catch a lot of big ones with flies under strike indicator. We have also caught then on all kind of different lures and big spinners. They really liked a Dardevil lure in Crackle Frog I had a few years ago....caught a boatload with that one until I lost it.
Really cool place to go, Omak lake and there quite few great trout lakes not far away....
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by Let's_Go_Fishing! » Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:24 am
North Snoco not too far from the Skagit line and about 20 minutes to the Warm Beach area of MA 8-2. I am interested in fishing north county lakes or 8-2. It's been years since I've fished any Eastern Washington lakes.
branweeds wrote:Let's_Go_Fishing! wrote:I've posted a few times looking for someone with a boat to fish north county waters (fresh or salt) and MA 8-2 but have no solid responses. Bank or pier fishing's okay too. Early morning or weekday fishing preferred.

How far North??