NEW 2010 Licence

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Gringo Pescador » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:48 am

Dustin07 wrote: the 2nd pole one is hard to swallow at $24 but i'm going to do it.
I did it too, I figure I will keep track of how many times I actually take advantage of it this year, then decide if it is really worth it to me for next year and beyond.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by spindog » Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:23 am

Gringo Pescador wrote:
Dustin07 wrote: the 2nd pole one is hard to swallow at $24 but i'm going to do it.
I did it too, I figure I will keep track of how many times I actually take advantage of it this year, then decide if it is really worth it to me for next year and beyond.
For me it comes down to "do I want to help out the state", not so much if it's worth it to me. I cant remember what it helps- I think the hatcheries.
Regardless I don't usually fish for hatchery fish or trout for that matter, but am willing to help out since the state is in the "red".

I'll buy my 2nd pole and probably never use it, but then again you never know- it may be fun changing things up
and switching from bass and doing a little trolling or trout!
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Dustin07 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:37 am

yeah I won't have to log how many times I fished with 2 poles because I am certain it will be always. either trolling with two, or flinging some power bait on the bottom while working for bass on the other side of the boat, I'll get a lot of use out of it.

I was thinking about last summer. My wife and I both like to fish, but we just had a baby last May.. so we took turns taking the boat out on a camping trip. I'd go out for a couple hours, she'd go out for a couple hours, one of us staying back with the little guy. In those cramped opportunities, it would be great to double the output.

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by hewesfisher » Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:37 pm

mav186 wrote:
Gringo Pescador wrote:This doesn't help with the fees, but if you want pay with a credit card, and avoid store clerks who don't know what the heck they are doing. I have been renewing online for the past several years and had no problems. And once you get registered with a WILDID, all you have to do is input that number (printed on your license) and it pulls up all your info (name, address, etc.) so all you have to do the next year is pick what you want and put a credit card # in..
Hey Gringo...I've been tempted to do this for several years...but I know there were some glitches when this first went online, and I became hesitant to do so. And you never have had a problem?? So you enter the info, pay w/ card, then print your license out from home? Hmmmmm
Been doing it this way for years, no problems whatsoever. Print off what you need on the spot and away you go. Some exceptions might be catch record cards, but we don't fish any species on the east side that require them, so I don't know. None of that last minute, "Oh crap my license is expired" the night before departure stuff anymore! [flapper] We had the two pole permits last year and we'll get them again this year.[thumbup]

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Marc Martyn » Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:02 pm

Most states all have the online purchases now. I'll be going down to Boise soon and fishing the Boise River and the Owyhee River in Oregon. It takes only a few moments to get the licenses online. Great way of doing it. They keep your records on file and renewing is really fast.

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Iamfishing » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:25 pm

so even if you don't do any crabbing or catch any you still have to turn in your card??

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by sellis_414 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:36 pm

Iamfishing wrote:so even if you don't do any crabbing or catch any you still have to turn in your card??
If you have a card yes you have to turn it in before April 30th.

I just mailed mine in, but if there is a local Fish and Wildlife office in your neighborhood you can take it there.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by sellis_414 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:38 pm

I know its probably been mentioned but I just purchased my license online and it was simple. Definately the way to go. 7-10 days until it comes in the mail, if you plan on going fishing before then you can print off a temporary card.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Slick_Rick » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:53 pm

[confused] I paid $90 bucks for my new license and got the 2nd pole license for catfishing when things are really really slow other than that, its to much work using 2 poles especially when both are getting fish at the same time.I heard their trying to shut down the winter steelie fishing! where did all the money go to help the hatcherys? Thats probably why our state is in so much debt!!I think our senators or polititians are a bunch of liars!you know alot of them probably just bought new mansions and cars but they will still have their hands out asking us for more money and raising our taxes!I remember when it was only $30 bucks and you were coverd for everything!!Like i said before the game wardens familys have to eat too, i guess.Now you have to pay extra to fish the columbia river and its tributarys!!What's next taxing our taxes or the air we breathe?[cursing]
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Pradeep » Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:37 am

The thing that kills me about the crabbing fine for not turning in your card is that, never once has my cooler been checked to see if I am doing anything illegal. I'm actually fine with paying the "fine" if I knew that the rules were being enforced and that everyone is being treated evenly. I watched a couple boats last year pull up pots with crab in them and not 1 crab was thrown back into the water. Not one. They did that over and over. Sure enough, they were in front of us at the launch and the only questions that were asked is if we were out going for salmon.
Man, at the rate this is going, it's going to cost over $100 bucks to get your license.

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by flinginpooh » Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:22 am

The winter steelie program thats closing is on the cowlitz. But it is the upper cow. I had seen it in the paper when I was down there. The article said nothing about upper or lower. It just said the cowlitz. Another article I found online had said it was the upper only. This honestly should not effect most of us on the river. And this is not to fill pockets of senators on this one. It is what they need to do to get new dams and stuff. I had did a post awhile back. It has links to the articles in there.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by racfish » Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:26 am

Pradeep I agree. I go crabbing almost every weekend during the summer season. I have never seen a warden nor in my entire crabbing life I've been checked once.I'm not complaining about it but it does seem strange.Maybe I dont crab close enough to Krispy King where they all hang out at.With my fine for crabbing they wanted 80.00 for my license.Im going this week to get it minus crabbing cards. I'll give up the crabbing or do it from private property.Better yet the next state job I bid I'll tack on an extra 100 for the license thus having the state buy it for me.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Blackmouth » Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:06 am

Pradeep wrote: Man, at the rate this is going, it's going to cost over $100 bucks to get your license.
License rates aren't going down anytime soon.

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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by racfish » Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:20 am

I packed my gear for the measure at Verlot just too remember I didnt get my license yet either.The place I went to took cash only no checks or credit cards.Seeing that I'm going to the Meth haven of America and the tweekers rule there its better not too have gear with me anyways.They should sell a extra punch card for tweekers. Limit is 12 per year.Any size caliber is ok.
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by Toni » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:12 am

racfish wrote:I packed my gear for the measure at Verlot just too remember I didnt get my license yet either.The place I went to took cash only no checks or credit cards.Seeing that I'm going to the Meth haven of America and the tweekers rule there its better not too have gear with me anyways.They should sell a extra punch card for tweekers. Limit is 12 per year.Any size caliber is ok.
:) racfish, I had to laugh but that is a little harsh.:geek:
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RE:NEW 2010 Licence

Post by racfish » Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:40 pm

I just got back from the most beautiful day up in the Verlot area.Wow !! We went on a 3 mile hike up to these ice caves. Really stunning views all around.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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