Pit Bulls, what do you think?

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by dicinu » Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:25 pm

and as for insurance I am not sure of any major carrier that allows pits rotts german shepards dobies and some toy dogs in thier policy. you could also go with a staffishire terrier look just like pitts and are the same and I blieve safe on the policy also I can ask homeowners tomorrow as I work for an insurance company just not in sales
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by Pradeep » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:13 am

Ugh. You know, saying that you don't like a breed or trust a breed, fine. But to allow ones ignorance to come out and say that they should be eliminated entirely? Really? Sad. I'll leave it at that.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by Rich McVey » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:30 am

reigndawgs wrote:THey are monsters and should be put down -every one. How many other breeds do you read about killing people?
Well, in the first 6 months of this year... 3 breeds.

The first 6 months of 2010 produced 16 fatal dog attacks. The most frequent victims were young children who were killed by their parents' own dogs. Of the 16 decedents, 11 were young children and two more were adult children of the dog owners. Family dogs killed 14 of the 16 victims.

Only three breeds of dog were responsible for all of these deaths: pit bulls (9 confirmed, 2 probable), Rottweilers (4), and a Siberian Husky. There was a reference to "sled dogs" in one case]http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/danger.htm#homicides[/url]
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by bionic_one » Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:41 am

This is where things should be put in perspective. Maybe Pit Bulls are dangerous, but are they as dangerous as a texting driver?

Pretty sure texting drivers are responsible for more deaths every year than all canine homicides.

Should we eliminate all cell phones?
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by Pradeep » Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:49 am

Lee -
Perspective. Now there's a thought. Well said and I'm with ya.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by bionic_one » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:07 am

A news reporter can't make a great story out of a teenage girl running over a little kid with her escalade while texting about her boyfriend cheating with her BFF, but they can make a really great story out of some poor kid getting mauled by a dog.

Fear sells. Regardless of how dangerous the dogs are or are not, they are definitely not as dangerous as we are.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by Rich McVey » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:09 am

bionic_one wrote:A news reporter can't make a great story out of a teenage girl running over a little kid with her escalade while texting about her boyfriend cheating with her BFF, but they can make a really great story out of some poor kid getting mauled by a dog.

Fear sells. Regardless of how dangerous the dogs are or are not, they are definitely not as dangerous as we are.
I cant argue with that!

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by dicinu » Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:14 am

http://workingpitbull.com/ thier is a site for your reading pleasure this will help understand the differences in the dogs and what they love to do more police are starting to use Pitt bull terriers instead of german sheppards. for reasons of health issues and control. I am a avid dog lover and not scared of really any animal I just never turn my back on them as this is when you get attacked in most cases. pitt bulls and other large breeds as stated earlier in the post will always be in the medias lime light it is like they get a bonus to write about a pitt bull attack. not alot of info on other dogs that attack and kill cockerspaniels were top of the list for attacks maybe not deaths but still attacks. chows IMO are the most dangerous of all dogs they have a great method of turning on the owners. all chow owners I ever met thier dogs turned on them. I call them the moody dogs lol. but Pitts are great dogs if you want and have the time to spend with them if you do not they are not the dog for you. I have a sheet I printed out for people that wanted one of my dogs and most people did not want to fil it out as it was personal and whated to know about their daily life. not bedroom wise but those are the ones I never would sell a god too no matter how much i was offered for a puppy. after breeding them they become apart of the family and not so easy to let them go to just anyone. reasons I stopped as so many breeders I did not want to be part of the cause of over breeding and I didn't have the love as I once did with breeding and just plan out tired of finding good quality folks to care for the aminals.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by racfish » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:20 pm

You dont need to ban all cell phones but you do need to ban cellphone usage while driving.Ifin you or anyone wants a pittbull then go for it. I love dogs too. I do not love dogs that roam the neighborhood without a leash or the owner right there. Those dogs in my property will be shot.I dont care if its a Pitbull or a Dauchsund. Ifin your dog runs free he now becomes a target for Rac.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by leahcim_dahc » Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:25 pm

I like dogs, but pit bulls just seem too unpredictable in my opinion. All I know, if an animal, whether it is a household pet or otherwise is large enough that it can cause serious injury or death to me or anyone in my family...I don't want anything to do with it. Doesn't matter if it's a pit bull, a mastiff, a rottweiler, whatever.

On the otherhand, I have only had one issue with a pit bull, and it didn't turn out well for the dog. Considering the circumstances, I didn't entirely blame the dog...but unfortunately for him I had to make a decision within a span of about 1/2 a second and opted for self-preservation. Ended up putting a 5.56mm round through its chest. Every other one I have come across since has been fairly mild mannered.

Like I said, I do like dogs...but as far as pit bulls go, I'm still on the fence.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by dicinu » Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:21 pm

racfish wrote:You dont need to ban all cell phones but you do need to ban cellphone usage while driving.Ifin you or anyone wants a pittbull then go for it. I love dogs too. I do not love dogs that roam the neighborhood without a leash or the owner right there. Those dogs in my property will be shot.I dont care if its a Pitbull or a Dauchsund. Ifin your dog runs free he now becomes a target for Rac.

see thats the difference from a trained dog to a dog roaming wild in the streets only property my dog stepped foot on was mine not a neighbors but we also lived in a cul da sac where kids ran played and what not. other animals ran loose in the street my dogs never flintched only watched the other animals they knew better. but it all reverts back to the owner and the love and attention they give to the dogs any dogs for the matter. great dogs and I agree very scary looking if you do not know the dog. mine would bark while someone was on hte outside of my fence then as soon as they opened the gate it was balls to the wall licking lol tail wagging. putting down dogs that are aggressive to people or other animals I totally agree with. but to blame a breed because of a bunch of Idiots that I do not agree with.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by FishingFool » Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:08 pm

The bad rep is 95% owner, 5% dogs fault.

Sure the majority of them are sweet and playful. But when/if it snaps, good luck trying to control all that pure muscle. If I had a child, I would never leave the child and the dog unattended. Cant take that .01% chance that it might "snap".

Realisticly, smaller dogs are more aggressive and bite the most. But you dont hear too much about it, because they cause less damage in general and easier to control or defend against.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by Splitshot » Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:24 pm

I think owner vs breed is not the issue. I'ts the amount of damage the pitbull can do. Fatalities don't give the full picute of the suffering caused by certain breeds.

Some udated stats

From 2005 to 2009, pit bulls killed 82 Americans, about one citizen every 22 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 21 Americans, about one citizen every 87 days.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by ChrisB » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:09 pm

Didn't you guys see what a Pit did to White Fang ? Those dogs can cause some serious damage.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by saltyseadog » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:25 pm

awsome i got bit two times in the same night while i was walking up to the front door of a house party. it rip my new 100$ jeans. i was pissed! when i got in the house i seen a 2 pound hammer laying there and without thinking i dropped the hammer on its head, it dropped to the floor twitching. turns out it was the 3 time the dog bit somone.... the breed ... rot.
leahcim_dahc wrote:I like dogs, but pit bulls just seem too unpredictable in my opinion. All I know, if an animal, whether it is a household pet or otherwise is large enough that it can cause serious injury or death to me or anyone in my family...I don't want anything to do with it. Doesn't matter if it's a pit bull, a mastiff, a rottweiler, whatever.

On the otherhand, I have only had one issue with a pit bull, and it didn't turn out well for the dog. Considering the circumstances, I didn't entirely blame the dog...but unfortunately for him I had to make a decision within a span of about 1/2 a second and opted for self-preservation. Ended up putting a 5.56mm round through its chest. Every other one I have come across since has been fairly mild mannered.

Like I said, I do like dogs...but as far as pit bulls go, I'm still on the fence.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by bionic_one » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:05 am

saltyseadog wrote:it rip my new 100$ jeans. i was pissed!
:-" Sorry man, but $100 jeans is funny to me. Then again I'm the asshat with a DR and $300 FF on a kayak.

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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by saltyseadog » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:16 pm

lol you said it... lol i was 20 years old single and makin 60 a year and stupid!!!!
bionic_one wrote:
saltyseadog wrote:it rip my new 100$ jeans. i was pissed!
:-" Sorry man, but $100 jeans is funny to me. Then again I'm the asshat with a DR and $300 FF on a kayak.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by sellis_414 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:21 pm

I don't have a problem with pit bulls who are trained and tame dogs... There are people out there that use them as intimidation (little man syndrome) that can't defend themselves... I know of a pit that is a great mellow dog that loves to play and never once had a "mean" side... In my line of work they are harmless compared to the damn ankle biters!
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by sellis_414 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:23 pm

FishingFool wrote:The bad rep is 95% owner, 5% dogs fault.

Sure the majority of them are sweet and playful. But when/if it snaps, good luck trying to control all that pure muscle. If I had a child, I would never leave the child and the dog unattended. Cant take that .01% chance that it might "snap".

Realisticly, smaller dogs are more aggressive and bite the most. But you dont hear too much about it, because they cause less damage in general and easier to control or defend against.
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RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Post by reigndawgs » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:19 pm

Rich McVey wrote:
reigndawgs wrote:THey are monsters and should be put down -every one. How many other breeds do you read about killing people?
Well, in the first 6 months of this year... 3 breeds.

The first 6 months of 2010 produced 16 fatal dog attacks. The most frequent victims were young children who were killed by their parents' own dogs. Of the 16 decedents, 11 were young children and two more were adult children of the dog owners. Family dogs killed 14 of the 16 victims.

Only three breeds of dog were responsible for all of these deaths: pit bulls (9 confirmed, 2 probable), Rottweilers (4), and a Siberian Husky. There was a reference to "sled dogs" in one case]http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/danger.htm#homicides[/url]
Thanks for strengthening my argument. People who continue to make the "it's the owner not the breed argument" in the face to the overwhelming majority of attacks by pit bulls is truly sad because the cost of these attacks are human lives, especially children. The arguments of "should we ban . . ." are patently ridiculous. There is no practical purpose anyone ever needs a pit bull or a rot for that matter. There is nothing they are crucial for that someone could not get another breed for, excpet scare the hell out of people and hurt other animals or people. If a black lab isn't properly trained nobody dies. Not to mention the "owner not breed" argument has not statistical support whereas the fact that Pit Bulls kill more people than any other breed, paws down, is an indisuputable fact. I'm sorry but a breed of dog isn't even remotely important in the scheme of things when compared to a child.
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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