To all of you ,I want to wish you a very Merry,Happy Healthy Christmas. I leave tonite to visit my kid who is serving some time in the grey bar motel.It will his first Christmas away from his family.His family wont visit him so I feel compelled to spend a couple days visiting him.He made some poor choices and now is paying the price. I pray to the Good Lord that all of you will be well and stay safe through the holidays. May God Bless each and everyone of you. Ralphie.....
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.
Merry Christmas to all the family. Hope you guys have a happy holiday. Remember it's all about the family and giving. Be greatful for what you have.
See you guys in the new year. Man did this year fly by.