Hey WAlakers! Just wanted to say fare thee well to all my fellow anglers out there. I just separated from the Navy and I'm headed east. Got a job working for Nucor Steel down in Memphis, TN. Myself and my new wife are gonna be eastbound and down in about 2 weeks. This site has been great and to all those that I've conversed with online and in person I want to say thanks for all the tips, tricks, info, and good conversation. Take care everyone, I'm off to chase them big southern basses!!!!
Good Luck and have fun! We'll miss you here. Be sure to keep us informed from time to time about your fishing adventures. Besides bass, there's some half way decent trout fishing out there too.
Don't forget to catch some of those big cats out there too! My sister is down there in memphis, and when I get the chance to go down there, I get excited about fishing for the big warm water fish.
Good luck. You know Washingtonlakes.com has a out of area reporting spot, too. A resort from Florida is its sponsor. I am sure the bass fisher-people would like to see your bass.
Look for Wannafish A Lure on FaceBook
He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
All the best to you! I live nearby and have enjoyed/appreciated all you have been willing to share on local lakes. I will do my best to pick up the slack and catch the fish you'll be passing on! Take care.