Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by Mike Carey » Mon May 28, 2012 6:18 pm

for sure the penalties for murder by alcohol (as in drunk driving) need to be in line with any other type of second degree murder. It's sickining to see people get 2-3 years for killing someone by drunk driving. Until the penalities change and people understand they are responsible for their actions, sober or not, the drunk driving issue with remain.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by Bodofish » Mon May 28, 2012 6:55 pm

Mike, that's something everyone can agree on, I'm sure. Well on second thought I'm sure there's a few real partiers that wouldn't agree, only because they're next in line....... :-" :-" :-"
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MrJohn » Thu May 31, 2012 9:51 pm

I wonder what they're going to take off the shelves to make room?

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by racfish » Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:26 pm

Thank the good Lord that I dont drink alcohol of any kind. So for me its a big waste of space and energy.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by Marc Martyn » Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:40 am

I don't think that this change in the sale of hard liquor is going to have much of an effect on the number of DUI drivers at all. Repeat offenders are basically maintenance drinkers and having that addition (disease) is very expensive. When a person's body demands more alcohol, it doesn't specifically call for Chivas Regal, Seagrams or Jack Daniels. Any alcohol will do, usually at the lowest price.
When I was in the service stationed in California in the early 70's I worked in a privately owned liquor store called The Jug Shop. The customers that I refused to sell booze to because they were already wasted were trying to buy cheap beer or cheap wine, usually Anne Greensprings, Ripple or Cascade beer. Most of my hard liquor sales were to people just getting off work and on their way home and very few were showing any signs of being intoxicated.
In Spokane, several of the highly publicized DUI cases where innocent people have been killed, the driver had just left a tavern or convenience store and had been drinking beer. There in lies the problem. More regulation of sales to intoxicated people will lower the DUI accidents.
Kids will always find a way to get alcohol, usually beer. It has been that way since the dawn of time. There is always an older sibling or friend to get it for them. When I was in high school, there was always someone in the crowd who could get a hold of a case of beer.
When I was growing up, Washington State was dry on Sundays. No alcohol was sold on Sundays. What did people do? DRIVE OVER TO IDAHO. After they changed that law, the DUI traffic deaths between Post Falls and Spokane dropped.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by racfish » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:19 am

Marc ,you bring back fond and not so great memories. The 70's Wow that was the decade. Boones Farm,MD20/20,Ripple (in 4 flavors) Spanada,Night Train, Thunderbird. How I even drank those I have no idea. they were the rot guts of all. One worse then the next. I spent many a night driving the porcelain bus. They were great wines for $1.99 a bottle.Corks??? WTH was that.? Ahhh yesss the 70's. Im glad they are gone.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MotoBoat » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:27 am

An interesting but annoying tidbit. Grocery store ads come out every week. Peddling that weeks on sale food item, that is not annoying. Now, that add includes the weekly peddling of the booze they sell. Never seen one add peddling booze from a State run liquor store!

In short. Liquor was rarely on my mind, unless opening the liquor cabinet, when reaching for the bottle of maple syrup. Or walking the dogs, past the local State run liquor store. Now, I am reminded every week. I am not a reformed alcoholic, never had a problem with alcohol. But I do not enjoy corporate America, peddling booze to me, each and every week, that is annoying!. How does this effect the problem drinker, reformed alcoholic, or casual tea toadler? It is a subtle, but constant reminder, and I feel a dangerous one.

Maybe I just need to get used to seeing it in grocery adds, but it just doesn't feel right.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by racfish » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:06 am

Whats amazing to me is "how many deaths a year are there with alcohol related"? Our govt is really crazy. If you get caught smoking a J you can get 5 years. DUI and get off on good behavior. I was hit in 1974 by a drunk driver. He crashed into my 72 Cougar XR7. Totalled me and the car. Yet drinking is still a Mans thing to do. I agree on the adds. they are lies especially never mentioning the outragess taxes you get at checkout. I fish with a few heavy drinkers. Its really hard to deal with drinkers at times. They are know it alls and blabbering the whole time. I just dont want that while fishing. I cant wait for the alcohol phase to end allready.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MarkFromSea » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:18 am

Personally, I haven't noticed a difference yet. I haven't seen an ad or entered a grocery store since the hard stuff hit the shelves. I think I'll wonder on over to QFC, Safeway or Freddies to take a gander. See if my old friends are there. WAW or Western American Whiskey was so much smoother than Jack, Pinch or Cuervo. I had a one time affair with Mad Dog at a drive in theater at 29 Palms. We stuffed a truck with jarheads since it was a per vehicle cost to get in, set up lawn chairs, drank Mad Dog and howled at the moon! Good times, I think........
I believe the grocery store sales won't be an issue with those that have learned their lesson. It's those that haven't...... But hey! How about those prices, I've heard they are 27% higher than just a week ago. I guess that's progress!
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MotoBoat » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:17 pm

Fyi, the booze ads are with the grocery ads that arrive in the mail every Tuesday. So far for this week. It is on the outside of the Safeway add. In fact Safeway has done the most mailers, starting before they could legally sell it. In addition to that, a upscale, Hallmark sized cardboard one from Safeway. With a how to make a couple drink potions included.

I can remember as a kid in high school. This time of year being the strawberry daiquiri season. A hand full of us would take a drive up to Barringer farms and pick 10lbs of Strawberries a piece. Think that was a flat or something like that. Then hit the liquor store on the way home for a half gallon of spirits to mix with the berries. Then to the nearest place that sold a bag of ice, since the ice maker wasn't going to keep up with volume that the blender was capable of producing. Or more accurately, the volume the hand full of us could consume. Ice headache is a *****! We liked the daiquiri for it was most like a slurpy. Only spiked! Hey, strawberry season is just around the corner.

Fred Meyer sends there grocery add in the Sunday paper. They have a full page in that add. In small print, there is a 21% and an additional 7% or 11% state tax added to the "sale" price, at checkout. That is a substantial cost increase over the shelf price. That could very well be the cost increase your mentioning, Mark.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MarkFromSea » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:42 pm

Robyn just showed me a couple ads, she does all of the shopping. QFC has a full page as well. I recall something in the news about the price increase, it probably is those additional taxes you're mentioning. Those daiquiris sound good! I might try that, spike it with lime juice or NA bitters instead of spirits. Of course, I'll wait till the weather warms a bit. LOL
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MotoBoat » Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:31 pm

Yes, I agree. Waiting until the weather warms. Then it is time to overheat the blender..LOL! Problem for me, is my significant other, planted a veggy garden in what we call the "crop circle", in the middle of the back yard lawn. It is a circular area of lawn. Killed by a above ground pool, we set up about this time every year!

Well, the crop circle has 10 or more strawberry plants in it. Those little rascals are sweeeet! Some of the best berries I have ever had. Hmmm what to do with all those berries?

On a side note. My pops tried some smoked trout, that I brought over to my sisters for a dinner party. He and several others liked it. He asked me to smoke his trout the same way. I did, but used his batch as a guinea pig for a slight tweaking to the wet brine recipe. Sadly, I have to call and tell him it did not work out like planned. Not very good batch at all. I tried it, and didn't stop until 2 1/2 filets were consumed!! That is 1.5 fish and he only brought over 6 good sized trout.

I must say, since changing back to the wet brine from the dry version. The fillets brine more uniformly. Tweaking with the air dry stage as Rseas and others have confirmed, is paying off too. Cooking time can be increased without drying out the fish. More oils stay inside the flesh. You have to be studiously patient with each process though. Started at 9am on Sunday, just pulled the last piece of fish at 12:30 today (Tuesday).

Unbelievable product though.....I mean, sorry dad. The batch didn't turn out! We should probably go fishin, and I will give it another shot. :-$ :^o :^o :^o :^o

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by Marc Martyn » Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:04 pm

MotoBoat wrote:
Fred Meyer sends there grocery add in the Sunday paper. They have a full page in that add. In small print, there is a 21% and an additional 7% or 11% state tax added to the "sale" price, at checkout. That is a substantial cost increase over the shelf price. That could very well be the cost increase your mentioning, Mark.
The new law imposes two additional taxes, referred to as license fees, that businesses pay to the state for the privilege of selling liquor - 10 percent paid by wholesale distributors and 17 percent paid by retailers. ... 65414.html" onclick=";return false;

When I quit drinking 25 years ago, Johnny Walker Red Label was $7.00 a fifth. I stopped in Yokes today and walked through their little liquor room. It is now selling for $36.00/fifth+taxes. [rolleyes] I'll stick with my Yuban.... [laugh]

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MarkFromSea » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:08 pm

I'm guessing if the state could figure out how to charge you tax on those smoked trout, they would! It would be some sort of luxury or decadence tax..... I can taste them from here! LOL Corned beef cooking on the stove now, the smoked trout in the fridge will be a late night snack.

I wonder if this price increase will boost sales at the reservations. I don't follow their alcohol prices but the Yakimas are selling a carton, King Mountains, for $27.50. Same at Tulalip is $43...... For the non smokers, $85 bucks is the norm at your typical store these days. Need to quit! LOL
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MotoBoat » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:42 pm

You can now roll your own doogins in Shoreline for 34.87 + tax. Smoke shop up by Aurora Costco has this super huge rolling machine that must do a bang up job of packing the powder (tobacco). Cause, again it is huge. Takes up most of the shop space. You buy the powder and the pre-wrapped papers, sit down and roll 200 coffin nails for free.

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by 'OL GREY DOG » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:56 pm

maaannn you's guys gots lottsa vices .. O-:

mmmmm Yuban ... mmmmm western canadian ... mmmmmm smoked trout spread

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MarkFromSea » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:33 am

MotoBoat wrote:You can now roll your own doogins in Shoreline for 34.87 + tax. Smoke shop up by Aurora Costco has this super huge rolling machine that must do a bang up job of packing the powder (tobacco). Cause, again it is huge. Takes up most of the shop space. You buy the powder and the pre-wrapped papers, sit down and roll 200 coffin nails for free.
There's another of those shops 145th and Lake City Way I believe. The SW corner of the intersection........
The state has been trying to tax them out of business as well. I didn't know the price. I still need to quit! [biggrin]

OGD That's Western American Whiskey with the stagecoach on the label, not to be confused with Canadian McNaughton. Used to have more vices, now, a lot fewer. I enjoy my salmon spread with capers or smoked trout while drinking Yuban, Folgers or Starbucks. Pfffffftttttttt [omg] Lighten up OGD, have some fun! :cheers:
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by 'OL GREY DOG » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:00 am

wellllpppp i was have'n "fun" ... and i wasnt confused ... we drink Western Canadian round here ... a very common bar whisk ... might have to change to Mac .... seems the chain stores arnt stock'n it

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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by Gringo Pescador » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:05 am

'OL GREY DOG wrote:wellllpppp i was have'n "fun" ... and i wasnt confused ... we drink Western Canadian round here ... a very common bar whisk ... might have to change to Mac .... seems the chain stores arnt stock'n it
I'm partial to Pendleton myself...
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Re: Coming very soon to a Safeway near you...

Post by MarkFromSea » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:21 am

'OL GREY DOG wrote:wellllpppp i was have'n "fun" ... and i wasnt confused ... we drink Western Canadian round here ... a very common bar whisk ... might have to change to Mac .... seems the chain stores arnt stock'n it
Glad to hear you were having fun! Guess I'm a little dense, I didn't catch the humor. LOL I just googled WAW and she's a no show on the internet so maybe that ole stagecoach has traveled it's last road. I did discover that they are selling liquor over the web. What will they think of next? Russian brides? ;)

"Giving up drinking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times."
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