What I really do

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What I really do

Post by hewesfisher » Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:30 pm

I know I've been posting a lot in the boat forum about our new Hewescraft, and for the last several days it's been the focus of my attention just to get it in the water, but today I had to get back to the "real deal" and get some work done.

I'm a bodyman by trade and have been doing this kind of work for the past 6 years. In that time, I've earned my ASE Master certification as well as completed I-CAR training and certification. These are the two primary organizations that identify and establish repair standards in the collision repair industry.

I got laid off a little over two weeks ago, but that doesn't mean I can't still get some things done. I've had a project in my shop since early November, it's my brother's '90 Miata. It was here for some body work and a full repaint. I got it painted the week after my layoff, and have been working on "cutting and buffing" the past couple days in between applying Sharkhide on the new boat.

First step in the process is to de-nib, which means to sand down any small imperfections due to lint or small dirt particles that get in the clear coat. I went overboard with that since it's my brother's car, and took it one step further, and fully sanded the entire car, first with 1500 grit, then with 3000, and after that, started the buffing process.

Here's what it looked like after going over the whole car with 1500 grit...


After that, it gets another complete sanding with 3000 grit, notice the difference in the reflection of the light on the right side of the decklid vs the left. The right side has been sanded with 3000 and the left side only with 1500, you can see the difference...


The next step is to buff the clear to start to bring the shine up. I do this with a white wool pad and 3M Perfect-It 3000 compound, notice the swirl marks on the left quarter panel...


After buffing the entire car, I begin the first stage of polishing using 3M Perfect-It 3000 swirl mark remover. To show how this process works, I start with the left fender and capture the reflection of the light on it. The first photo shows what it looks like after initial buff with the wool pad...


Same fender after the first polishing stage...


Notice the difference in the reflection, it's much more distinct in the second photo. Normally, I wouldn't go beyond this step, most of the time, this already looks better than the rest of the car and I don't want to make the repairs "stand out" nor do I want to have to buff the whole car to make it look as good as the repair.:-"

Last step in the process when someone wants the extra "pop" on their car really brings it all together. Again, look at the light reflection and compare to the previous two photos. The difference is subtle, yet visible, even in a photo. The difference is huge in the sun. :cheers:


And here are the sides after the final polish...



So, what's all this take you ask? It took 17 hours to prep, mask, seal, and paint and I've probably got 20 - 25 hours in cutting and buffing the car. This doesn't take into consideration the 40 or so hours it took to disassemble car parts, make repairs, and least partially reassemble. I have another couple days worth of work to finish assembling the car and then I get to wash and detail it for delivery, which will take, oh, half a day anyway. I've amassed 80 - 90 hours in this job and that's probably a little light on actual labor.

Just thought I'd share.:cheers:

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RE:What I really do

Post by tommytitan08 » Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:38 pm

Hewesfisher that looks great. Nice job. I went to school for a degree in automotive technology at Bates technical college but by trade i do security for multicare health system at it's hospitals. It's great you stuck with your trade. I just didn't go to work at a stealership because of the whole you don't turn a wrench you don't get paid thing. I like to know what i'm going to bring home every two weeks. I guess its always something to fall back on.

Hopefully the government controlled economy stabilizes, so that people can get back on their feet and move on with their lives.
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RE:What I really do

Post by Gisteppo » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:41 pm

Speaking of, we never got to talk about my pickup while you were here....

2004 Toy Tac TRD with a crappy paintjob on it. I will do the disassembly and initial prep. you do final prep and paint. I don't care much about getting the mirror look you achieved on the Miata, just a good coating of paint to prevent corrosion as it is a truck not a showpiece.


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RE:What I really do

Post by skimpy » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:47 pm

Nice work hewesfisher :thumleft: looks good
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RE:What I really do

Post by kutthroatkilla » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:13 pm

Put a hitch on her and she'll be towin that spankin new boat of yours... :bounce:
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:What I really do

Post by Aaron » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:29 pm

Nice job!

Looking at those photos reminded me of this thread I ran across awhile ago:

http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... hp?t=81391

It's a great read, even if it's not really your thing. It's LONG, with a lot of photos, but OMG I had no idea people went to such lengths to make a car "perfect".

If anyone actually makes it to the end, bravo.
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RE:What I really do

Post by flippinfool » Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:02 pm


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RE:What I really do

Post by hewesfisher » Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:53 pm

Sorry, I don't do custom work.
Gisteppo wrote:Speaking of, we never got to talk about my pickup while you were here....
Hmm, wonder why?:bball:
Gisteppo wrote:I will do the disassembly and initial prep. you do final prep and paint. I don't care much about getting the mirror look you achieved on the Miata, just a good coating of paint to prevent corrosion as it is a truck not a showpiece.
Can do, we need to get together so I can look it over.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

'09 Hewescraft 20' ProV
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Raymarine a78 MultiFunctionDisplay
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RE:What I really do

Post by racfish » Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:30 pm

Id love to have my Toyota 4x4 painted in that red.Is that what you do ?,or some of what you do?Nice clean work youre doing.Look awesome.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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