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Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:46 am
by natetreat
Wow. What is the world coming to?

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Naked woman lost on quest in SW Washington forest


The search continues Tuesday for a Vancouver woman who hasn't been seen since Sunday when she left on a spiritual quest in a southwest Washington forest wearing no clothes.

The Skamania County sheriff's office says searchers with dogs searched until dark Monday in the Canyon Creek area of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The area is steep with heavy timber and brush.

The sheriff's office says 19-year-old Maureen Kelly of Vancouver was reported overdue by a friend early Monday when she failed to return to the Canyon Creek Campground.

Kelly left about 5 p.m. Sunday wearing only a fanny pack with a compass and a knife.

Search operations have been set up at the Forest Service Chelatchie Prairie facility in Amboy

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:23 am
by G-Man
I'm guessing that she forgot that it still gets cold at night this time of year. If the elements or critters don't end up getting her, the banjo playing residents of the area surely will.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:00 am
by Steelheadin360
Apperently I have been hiking in the wrong area!!!! 8-[ [razz]

I will never understand the "extremest hippie" type. A little wierd for me.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:15 am
by strider43
I wonder why she or anyone would think that they need to enter the woods naked for a spiritual experience [scared] ? Sounds painful to me, one does not need to suffer to have a spiritual experience....perhaps she has watched to many TV or movie show's?

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:19 am
by Mordalphus
One too many shrooms

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:50 pm
by zen leecher
Last I read on this she hadn't been found and the search has been called off.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:08 pm
by natetreat
Yep, they called the search off. I'm guessing that some unlucky hiker is going to find a very hairy and distressing dead surprise in the forest somewhere. If it wasn't some crazy rapist that couldn't resist a naked hippie in the forest, there are so many things that can go wrong when you don't respect nature's danger. Cut your bare foot, exposure, bears, infections, poison ivy, unclean drinking water, bears, cliffs, rocks, pedophiles, cold, heat, tweakers, bears, raccoons, trees, splinters, malnourishment, bears, cougars, bears..... But in the end I'm going to guess that she was high on something and walked off a cliff and fell in the first 10 hours she was out there.

I'm not sure I'd call it a tragedy either. There are bears out there! She knew that.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:15 pm
by Mordalphus
I hope the bear doesn't get sick from eating her, those hippies are full of dangerous chemicals

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:35 pm
by Bodofish
I'm afraid I don't agree with the Hippies being full dangerous chemicals. You would be fine saying druggies but hippies are a class unto themselves. Yes many of them were in days of yore but now its more of a philosophy, you know peace, love and understanding and live simply so that others may live and don't forget, the earth is your mother. Most of the real hippies I know don't make or have enough money to buy street drugs nor are they inclined to. I'm going to going to tell you, most all of them live a much cleaner and simpler life than most of the people on this forum.

Don't go bashing Hippies if you don't know what they're about.

PS I know a few that are worth millions, yet you'd never know it to see them peddling their bikes to work every day.

So stop stereo typing.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:35 pm
by Mordalphus
Whoa there, hippie lover! Hold your horses!

Twas only a joke, I myself was once full of hippie.

But I developed an allergy to patchouli and had to join the real world. ;)

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:44 pm
by oneshot
Hippies are way cooler, cleaner, honest and smarter than meth heads.. IMO

Running naked in the forest is called frolicking, its funner with a partner:-"

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:32 pm
by natetreat
I'm not stereotyping here! The girl that went into the forest is stereotyping herself. Some of my best friends are flower child "hippies", and I'll say it to their face. It's not so much an insult but an adjective to define what we all know as folks that live the Steely life with their sprout bag shopping at the co-op. Something went wrong in this girls interpretation of "mother nature". She's not there to nurture you and hold you close with a cup of hot chocolate when you stub your toe. When you come home drunk at 3 am on a school night she's calling the cops and writing you off, because she told you time and again that's what she'd do when you GO ON A NAKED SPIRIT QUEST IN THE FOREST WITH NOTHING BUT A KNIFE AND NO SURVIVAL SKILLS. Maybe the girl wasn't a hippie, maybe she was a yuppie. She was dumb as a stick.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:47 pm
by Marc Martyn
This sounds more like a Vision Quest...." onclick=";return false;

I lived in California in the 60's and 70' and knew many Hippies. I don't recall any of them doing any spiritual quests. The core belief of the hippie movement was a rejection and resentment of "the establishment" and the Vietnam War. Many groups removed themselves from society and formed communes. Some succeeded, but most faded away by the mid 80's.
Vision quests are still performed by Native American Indians and other cultures around the word. In fact, we all at sometime in our lives do our own spiritual quests. I frequently grab my fly rod, vest and waders and "go to the mountain". Standing in a trout stream with no one around for miles and connecting with nature is a very soul cleansing experience for me.
I hope the young girl will be o.k. I also wish more people would do the same thing (not nude though LOL) Perhaps if more people got in touch with there innermost feelings, our society would be better.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:58 pm
by oneshot
natetreat wrote:maybe she was a yuppie. She was dumb as a stick.
i el oh el'd!! [thumbsup]

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:40 pm
by Bodofish
natetreat wrote: She was dumb as a stick.
Now that's nothing but the truth!

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:04 am
by Bodofish
Marc Martyn wrote:This sounds more like a Vision Quest...." onclick=";return false;

I lived in California in the 60's and 70' and knew many Hippies. I don't recall any of them doing any spiritual quests. The core belief of the hippie movement was a rejection and resentment of "the establishment" and the Vietnam War. Many groups removed themselves from society and formed communes. Some succeeded, but most faded away by the mid 80's.
Vision quests are still performed by Native American Indians and other cultures around the word. In fact, we all at sometime in our lives do our own spiritual quests. I frequently grab my fly rod, vest and waders and "go to the mountain". Standing in a trout stream with no one around for miles and connecting with nature is a very soul cleansing experience for me.
I hope the young girl will be o.k. I also wish more people would do the same thing (not nude though LOL) Perhaps if more people got in touch with there innermost feelings, our society would be better.
Hey Marc, always glad to have you weigh in. I couldn't agree more but the days of that war and burning bras are all gone. Those folks I knew from then have pretty much all joined society in one way or another. They've become more aligned with the Mother Earth Jones thing and not the negative but more positive what can we do to make this better. Make a minimal impact on the earth so what we have will last longer.

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:25 am
by Marc Martyn
You pretty much nailed it Bodo :) And let's not forget the burning of the "draft cards". Something totally foreign to the young males of today. A very difficult time for our nation." onclick=";return false; ... ScisGFllPY" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:08 pm
by strider43
I still just dont get the naked in the woods deal. playing naked in the woods for a few minutes is fun.....but going on a "spiritual quest" naked is absurd and why anyone would think this is part of having a spiritual experience is beyond me. In the times that man traveled naked in the woods, man was the dinner for wild animals. If you going to shed your worldly belongings and get back to what god gave you why the knife and compas? I grew up in the 60's and 70's and there were alot of wild times and changes. I dont know that the changes have really been that good.....

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:09 pm
by Amx
So, how many people out there looking for her are from the local nudist colony? :scratch: :cheers:

Re: Hippy lost in forest

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:26 pm
by racfish
I hiked naked before but hunters were shooting at me.She made the headlines, My picture was in the Post Office.