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Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renovation
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:47 pm
by Amx
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091" onclick=";return false;
November 15, 2013
Contact: Kye Iris, (425) 775-1311 ext. 125
Popular boat ramp in Kenmore will close Nov. 18 for renovation
OLYMPIA - A popular boat ramp in Kenmore that provides access to the north end of Lake Washington will be closed for renovation Nov. 18 through the middle of March 2014.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), which owns and operates the facility on the Sammamish River, plans to replace the existing single ramp with a new double ramp, install new wheelchair-accessible flush toilets, and pave the parking lot.
Kye Iris, WDFW regional lands agent, said the timing of the project is designed to avoid disrupting use of the facility by anglers and other boaters during the busy summer months.
"We want to make sure this renovated facility is ready to go by the time the good weather returns to the area," Iris said.
The renovation project is a cooperative effort with the City of Kenmore, which provided funding to upgrade the facility, Iris said, noting that the city will also help to maintain the site once the renovation is completed.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:55 pm
by MarkFromSea
OMG Thanks for posting this! One last trip then before the FOUR month closure!
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:59 pm
by MarkFromSea
I have a tendency to read between the lines..... but.... reading the last part of that: " The renovation project is a cooperative effort with the City of Kenmore, which provided funding to upgrade the facility, Iris said, noting that the city will also help to maintain the site once the renovation is completed."........ is this going to end up with a launch fee? Oh, crap..... Time to make a call!
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:06 pm
by Amx
Good question - probably, ya know how cities are, anything to garner cash.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:35 pm
by MarkFromSea
Amx wrote:Good question - probably, ya know how cities are, anything to garner cash.
I recall reading that construction board down there months ago.... There was no mention of a launch fee or Kenmore taking up future maintenance of the launch or launch area.... I dismissed the idea of a Kenmore takeover at the time, but, reading the above and what I just found, sorta, the writing is on the wall.... I remember Shilshoal, Don Armini and Sand Pt before the fees.....1980s.... Wasn't that long ago! LOL
"Kenmore boat launch
The small parking lot on the west side of the Sammamish River Bridge is used by many local residents to launch boats into Lake Washington. The boat launch will become more useful later this year as the WSDFW is investing $618,000 into the spot.
“It comes out of the jobs now capital funds package,” said WSDFW project engineer John Hansen.
The project will include installing a larger boat launch, which if used to capacity can handle two boats at a time. The project also includes paving the parking lot and restrooms.
Kenmore has agreed to pitch in $65,000 to plumb the bathrooms and bring electricity to the structure.
One of the bigger impacts could be with traffic. On hot summer days the number of boats waiting to launch can backup traffic heading south on 68th Avenue Northeast.
“We’re in a limited site no matter what we do,” said Hansen. “We will delineate the parking and add a 24-foot wide ramp. If people launch two at a time, it will speed up the queuing process.”
Construction on the project will begin in November to avoid conflicts with the current boating season."
Still looking for a number to call...
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:37 pm
by MarkFromSea
delineate - definition of delineate by the Free Online Dictionary ..." onclick=";return false;
tr.v. de·lin·e·at·ed, de·lin·e·at·ing, de·lin·e·ates. 1. To draw or trace the outline of; sketch out. 2. To represent pictorially; depict. 3. To depict in words or gestures; ...
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:53 pm
by MarkFromSea
According to the gal who answered the phone at Kenmore city hall.... "No launch fee will be collected when construction is completed." Additionally, "either the state Access or Discover pass will be required per WDFW requirements to be in the facility.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:54 pm
by Amx
Well, so far so good, but in how many years will the city demand a fee be imposed?
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:14 pm
by MarkFromSea
Amx wrote:Well, so far so good, but in how many years will the city demand a fee be imposed?
Not long I say.... what's the real estate term.... adverse possession!
When Kenmore establishes a "possession" of the said property by showing they pay to maintain it, they will take it.... give it a year or two... it's toast!
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:23 pm
by mallard83
Now if only they took part of that ridiculous near 3/4 of a million dollars spent on such a insignificant job and pay someone to teach half the morons that don't have a clue how to back a trailer or use a launch properly (hard to teach common sense though), they wouldn't have to worry about any kind of backups onto the main road.
That launch is about as aggravating in the summer as cady park on the snoho during humpy season. If you suck at launching, please go practice at a quiet launch during the off season.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:27 pm
by Amx
Ya, and it's not just that launch. You should have seen the guy the other day. His rig was almost jack-knifed at the water and he was trying to guide his boat onto his trailer, and I still beached my boat, walked up to get my rig, trailered my boat, drove up to the far parking lot, all before he even pulled out of the water. My boat was tied down and I was leaving before he even got ready to tie his down.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:05 pm
by MarkFromSea
So, today I wandered on down there with the boat, launched(with out incident)

, headed out just to play around a bit in the wind and waves for an hour or so.... Had fun! Flooded the deck and below deck to rinse any salt, blood, residue out of there.... I flooded it good! LOL Lots of fun riding the waves with and with out the "ballast".. .. Made it home just in time for the opening kick off! Great game!
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:46 pm
by MarkFromSea
Middle of March, still closed. If the rain keeps up, I'll just launch in my driveway! LOL
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:32 am
by Gringo Pescador
MarkFromSea wrote:Middle of March, still closed. If the rain keeps up, I'll just launch in my driveway! LOL
I was just talking to someone yesterday wondering if the ramp was open yet. Thanks for checking! I will try to drive by next week and get status...
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:23 pm
I only live couple miles from that launch. When it does open I assume you guys fish for
Cutts. If you don't mind me being nosey, where do you guys fish? I've fished Cutts in Lake Sam and the south end of Lake Wa and got fish. But the few times I fished Cutts in the north end it was nada! I need to use my Seahawk to get it tuned up for the summer.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:24 am
by MarkFromSea
I used to use a east west track maybe a half mile south of Kenmore and did ok on cutts... any more, I wait for the water to warm and target perch for fun. It's the local ramp for me, I just run around in the boat the rest of the year. Fence was still up last night... man that toilet takes up a lot of space in there right in the middle of the parking lot. Just a drive by......
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:11 am
by Rich McVey
Ah yes... the Kenmore launch. The last time I had my boat in the water with a fully functional engine. Got distracted and drifted off into the shallows. Lower unit was a gonner when I pulled it out. Sigh... We'll see what this season brings.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:34 am
by oneshot
I drive by it daily again now.. still fenced up, yup.. looking nice though, that ramp was in need of an overhaul.. hard to see if its gonna have lanes from the road. that would be nice..
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:47 am
by MarkFromSea
I stopped, talked with a guy working there. They're grading the gravel now and when they get a weather window they will pave. I deduce from what he said that they are behind because of the rain. There's a wooden pole fence along the waterfront, not sure how that will affect the waiting boat arrangement that existed before. We shall see!
1-2 weeks, weather dependant.
Re: Popular boat ramp in Kenmore wil close Nov.18 for renova
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:43 pm
by Bodofish
MarkFromSea wrote:Amx wrote:Well, so far so good, but in how many years will the city demand a fee be imposed?
Not long I say.... what's the real estate term.... adverse possession!
When Kenmore establishes a "possession" of the said property by showing they pay to maintain it, they will take it.... give it a year or two... it's toast!
The only maintenance I've ever seen any Kenmore employees doing is the cops writing tickets! I suspect they're really just wanting to give it a face lift so it doesn't detract from their jewel next door. When I talked to the guys taking care of the pit toilets, they were sent by the State, not Kenmore.