WTB- single pontoon!??

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WTB- single pontoon!??

Post by Lip_Ripper87 » Fri May 15, 2015 7:35 pm

I am in the market for a single person pontoon. Something in the 9ft size. I have $280 to spend. I do know what a good brand is vs a bad one. So please, don't try to screw the pooch please.
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Re: WTB- single pontoon!??

Post by kodacachers » Wed May 20, 2015 3:48 pm

A person named Brianna Bruce posted one for sale on the Northwest Kokanee Addicts Facebook page. $200. Its a Wilderness, don't know if that meets your good brand or not.

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Re: WTB- single pontoon!??

Post by 4n6fisher » Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:34 am

I got mine at Costco last year, not sure if they have them this year. It is a Wilderness brand, basically the same model they had at Cabelas, but for $300 instead of $650. The only difference I saw was the Cabelas model had a nicer guides and stops for the anchor, not worth the extra $350.
I found you do have to get the pontoons pretty stiff even though they warn you about not overinflating. The first few times I used it I did not put in enough air and as the pontoons cooled they lost some pressure (you know like Tom Brady's deflating balls!) and that maid rowing much more difficult.
I have added an electric trolling motor this year.
If that one is still there for $200 and is in good shape, they are decent for the price. These are actually rated for class 1 rapids, while most similar models are only for lakes and still water.

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