How many married fishermen have....

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How many married fishermen have....

Post by fishaholictaz » Wed May 26, 2010 7:34 pm

Been seriously threatened with divorce or been divorced over fishing#-o Just wanting to make sure it wasn't just me:-"
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by The Quadfather » Wed May 26, 2010 8:05 pm

Just the opposite. I consider myself TRUELY lucky in that I fish nearly every day off that I have, and lately I've been working 2-3 days a week. My wife always says that if it keeps me in good spirits then I am a better person to be around. etc. It also doesn't hurt if you take at least one of the kids with you..... but we know you are good about that.:rendeer:
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by rjn cajun » Wed May 26, 2010 8:10 pm

Well buddy at the rate I`m going I`m not to far behind you#-o . She likes the fact that I have a hobby but not the fact that every hour I`m watching bass tv or researching bass fishing on the computer. Can`t live with em can`t live with out em.:scratch:

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by salmonslayer117 » Wed May 26, 2010 10:25 pm

Kinda gotta side with quadfather on this one. Thank god my wife actually doesn't mind when I go fishin' as long as it's not everyday. I try to take my boys as much as possible too. I think that might play a factor, not to mention she actually likes watchin' the sportsmens channel with me. She enjoys the scenery and likes to see the big fish get caught.
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by Marc Martyn » Wed May 26, 2010 11:00 pm

My wife has seen me go out the door thousands of times over our 30 years with fly rod in hand. There were times when she was upset because she felt there were other priorities to address. But, for the most part, she has been o.k. with my passion for fly fishing. I have always tried to take care of my responsibilities around the house and family first before taking time to go fishing.

Rule #1- You NEVER go fishing on Mother's Day if your children's mother does not fish!
Rule #2- Never stop by the florist on the way out to the lake and order flowers to be delivered that day on your wedding anniversary!

If you follow these two simple rules and make sure your chores are done around the house, things will go fairly smooth.[thumbup]
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by flinginpooh » Wed May 26, 2010 11:37 pm

See mine is an unusual circumstance. My wife loves fishing. So much that she dont like me to go fish without her. Problem is we have 4 kids in the house all the time and 1 every other weekend. 15, 11, 9, 4, 2 are the ages. I have taken them all but its much easier without the babies. I try to get them out 1 at a time. Much easier then all of them. But my wife has definately said if I go Ill be in trouble. Its only my overnight trips to the cow she really doesnt like. If I could go for just a few hours locally shes cool with that. Sometimes grandma will take the kids and I get to take her with me. That makes her alot happier.
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by fishaholictaz » Thu May 27, 2010 3:44 am

Wow good responses! It isn't that bad here for me. I do get time to fish but my wife has asked me for it to be once a month#-o I wish I could get her into fishing she just is so jealous of it. Well thank you for the input guys. And Quad I am jealous:-"
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by Rich McVey » Thu May 27, 2010 5:16 am

flinginpooh wrote:See mine is an unusual circumstance. My wife loves fishing. So much that she dont like me to go fish without her.
Im in the same boat as pooh. There has only been 2 maybe 3 times I have gone fishing and my wife wasnt there. But I had 1 or both of the boys with me those days. My wife is the one who is more interested in fishing so I have no problems getting out on the water.

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by RJD » Thu May 27, 2010 7:30 am

My swetheart has been known to say "why don't you go fishing.....I think you need it" Hmmmm That's a good thing-isn't it?#-o

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by Gringo Pescador » Thu May 27, 2010 7:44 am

rdefreese wrote:My swetheart has been known to say "why don't you go fishing.....I think you need it"
Ditto, She has her hobbies and as long as I give her the freedom to follow hers, fair is fair...

But, we always play the game "do you mind if I go fishing tonight/tomorrow/etc.?" I already know the answer, but it keeps the peace. :thumright
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu May 27, 2010 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by FishTank » Thu May 27, 2010 7:58 am

Can. Not. Live. Peacefully. With. Woman. Who. Does. Not. Understand. That. I. Fish.

If I can't work out a way to fish at least once a week while attending to all other responsibilities and her still feel loved, then there's a cooperation issue and a much bigger problem.

I'm not married, so feel free to enlighten me if I'm foolish in my thinking. :)
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by rjn cajun » Thu May 27, 2010 8:12 am

rdefreese thats funny:compress: before I go fishin she says the same thing when I get back I get the silent treatment days#-o
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by kzoo » Thu May 27, 2010 8:24 am

My wife knew that I love to fish before we got married, so she understands. But I can't fish like I did when I was a bachelor. When she has days off, I typically won' t fish. I typically go out at least once a week, lately it's been two to three times a week.

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by kevinb » Thu May 27, 2010 8:40 am

Oh,sorry to hear that and I wish you the best.
My wife usually encourages me to fish,often we go as a family and base our family vacations around
fishing trips.

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by ryan2202 » Thu May 27, 2010 8:42 am

My wife doesn't mind me fishing....its when I don't come home when I say I will while fishing she has the problem with. :-) She thinks its a good hobby, but lately says I have too many hobbies. She lives with it, knew I have enjoyed fishing since I have been walking. So, when it comes to fishing, there's an understanding there.

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by jens » Thu May 27, 2010 10:15 am

Yeah, my honey is starting to grow tired of me going fishing every weekend. I think I need to take a break from it for awhile.
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by fishaholictaz » Thu May 27, 2010 11:12 am

Mine is like yours Jens it used to be ok then I overdid it.... Now she thinks I am always going to over do it#-o I keep trying to get my wife to find a hobby of her own but she can't seem to find one:-"
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by Gonefishing » Thu May 27, 2010 11:26 am

Marc Martyn wrote:
Rule #1- You NEVER go fishing on Mother's Day if your children's mother does not fish!
Rule #2- Never stop by the florist on the way out to the lake and order flowers to be delivered that day on your wedding anniversary!

If you follow these two simple rules and make sure your chores are done around the house, things will go fairly smooth.[thumbup]
In my case it is:
Rule #1- You NEVER go fishing on a day she has a chore list in store for you.... even worse when you know it exists!
Rule #2- Never stop by the fish and tackle shop and give your wife a fishing jig on your wedding anniversary!

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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by Big D » Thu May 27, 2010 11:27 am

My wife told me if I went fishing one more time on a weekend that she was going to leave me.
I'm sure going to miss her.

JK...She's fishing right beside me most of the time or setting in the back of the boat reading a book while I'm trying to hook up. I think that after a couple of practice marrages I've finally got it right. Heck...She's the one that suggested that I upgrade to a nicer "Fishing Boat" Gotta love em.
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RE:How many married fishermen have....

Post by jens » Thu May 27, 2010 11:28 am

fishaholictaz wrote:Mine is like yours Jens it used to be ok then I overdid it.... Now she thinks I am always going to over do it#-o I keep trying to get my wife to find a hobby of her own but she can't seem to find one:-"
Ugh, I just have to remember to make her feel more important than chasing Chrome, but sometimes that's all I think about. I even got up at 3:30am today and fished for 2 hours. Hour there, hour back. Now at work and finished off a rockstar and a triple mocha just to keep my eyes open. Losing steam. Yeah, I am over doing it. I offered to buy her some waders and fish with me, but yeah, that didn't fly. My cuteness is slowly losing it's luster as well. Fish on?
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