pinks next year

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RE:pinks next year

Post by Fish_Bait111397 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:45 pm

I agree with bionic I use 20/17 for all salmon just for the chance i will hook into a big king or big silver so my line will not snap.
~Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.

~My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.


RE:pinks next year

Post by Brian253 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:56 pm

Fish how you want and what works for you! too many people on this site fish accordingly to how they think their "clique" will approve. forget that, do what ever works for you and what makes you happy. this site is getting too political....this is a thread that started talking about pinks and turned to yet another argument about what gear should and should not be used. all you haters can get bent, i hope every one on here continues to fish how they want. i kno i will, and will continue to slay the fish

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RE:pinks next year

Post by Matt » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:02 pm

Brian253 wrote: all you haters can get bent
Wow, really? Settle down there.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by knotabassturd » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:51 pm

Good point Brian253, back to pinks next year.

I think one tool they use is looking at adult #s the last run. That measure should bode well for 2011 with all the pinks we had last year.

I was using pink 1/4 ounce jig w/short pink hoochie skirt off Dash Point pier last year and did fairly well. It was fun getting a big run last year but my wife and daughter missed out. My little one did catch the tail end of coho though and got her first salmon (coho) off the Green.
Next year thinking the pinks will give some good opportunities to get all 3 of us out to fish at least for short easy access excursions.

How big was the Puy run last year? Did anyone fish the lower Puy for the pinks? Hoping there may be a few spots on the Levee rd area where the 3 of us can plunk for some pinks without a big crowd! :cheers: (ya right, no crowds?) Maybe get them to try some simple bobber drifting too.

Did anyone do well on pinks plunking the Puy last year?
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RE:pinks next year

Post by Fish_Bait111397 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:03 pm

Even when the pinks get ugly and turn into zombies idc I love to hook into fish and a salmon is one of my favorites.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by flinginpooh » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:08 pm

If you wanna plunk on the puyallup it wont prolly happen on levee rd. There is sooooooooooooooooo many people fishing there that that is near impossible. If you wanna try plunking you might try in sumner by the bmx track area. That area is not so highly fished.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by gpc » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:12 pm

I know the Puke got a little less than the Green. But when you talking a couple hundred thousand, you are just splitting hairs. I want to say the Green was 1.3 mil. and the Puke was 900k. But maybe that was the original forecast, and not the actual run.

I remember the pinks showed up in the Puyallup a lot sooner that the Green. I was catching chrome pinks from Spokane Street in mid. October. But I swear they turned about 3 weeks earlier in the Puy. But I have never fished the Puyallup, this is just what I remember from last season, so correct me if I am wrong.

Last season I started buying pink hoochies in May, as well as Gami jig heads. Well it took forever for the pinks to get here so I was tossing BB at 3 tree. I never really fished BB for pinks so I ran out of those pretty quick, and so did the stores.

Now with the hoochies I had plenty of skirts for me at least 100-150. But when people saw all the pictures and fish I had, they wanted to get in on the action. So I was bringing new people to the river almost everyday. Some skilled fishermen, some beginner salmon fishermen, and just some flat out beginners. So lots of lost gear. Plus I had days where I would loose 5 hoochies as well. Anyway ran out of those too and so did the stores.

Thats when I really got into pouring jig heads (they ran out of those too) powder coating, and tying jigs. They are way cheaper and the marabou holds up to constant fish a lot better than that rubber skirt. I also found that a pink steelhead worm on a jig head works wonders. But could not get a pink to hit a DN for anything. I think I just dont have the patients. I remember in '07 the pinks really liked green and chartreuse, not last year though. I really was able to fine tune my drifting skills too.

ahhhh pink season.....

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RE:pinks next year

Post by fear_no_fish » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:39 pm

I killed the pinks throwing Dickies. My personal best was 67 (in a day) all on Dickies and with many others lost. Also floated jigs which brought me probably 20 or so throughout the season. Im not a fan of twitching jigs though, i caught my one and only pink twitching for them and just prefer other methods of catching them
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RE:pinks next year

Post by spokey9 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:00 pm

i know i was bashin the humps at dash point with a 1/4 oz jig and mini pink hoochie. when the fish are coming by the dock, jigs work better than buzz bombs.

and as much as i know i'll hate the buggers again next october, i can't wait for some pink action at dash!
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RE:pinks next year

Post by flinginpooh » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:27 pm

Puyallup and carbon both. Small red bead and black yarn 5ft leader up to however long you can toss I dont care. Lite lead and floss the crap outta them. I was using a smaller rod too. Almost every cast you can get one. Its not even a challange. There was a group of us fishing the puyallup behind a friends house. We would hook up and release alot of pinks. Id usually keep 2-4 depending on how much room I had in fridge / freezer. Its alot of fun and really easy to do. Im thinkin next year is when Ill get my daughter onto some of the action shell be 10 then. I also think im gonna try using my ultra light trout rod for fun next year.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by fear_no_fish » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:47 pm

it may be just me but saying your purposely flossing fish might not be the best idea, i dont have a problem with it but im sure other will
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RE:pinks next year

Post by Toni » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:56 pm

spokey9 wrote:and as much as i know i'll hate the buggers again next october, i can't wait for some pink action at dash!
Dude I saw you fishing for pinks last year. It sure didn't look like you were a hater!!! You and that little mini rig.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by bionic_one » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:05 pm

fear_no_fish wrote:it may be just me but saying your purposely flossing fish might not be the best idea, i dont have a problem with it but im sure other will
That's really the only way you can fish the Puyallup and Carbon. Visibility is 4 to 6 inches.

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RE:pinks next year

Post by nickbell » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:15 pm

I never really got into river fishing during the last pink run so I can say I am really looking forward to the next. Though I am not looking forward to battling the 300-400 people down on the puke.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by knotabassturd » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:17 pm

Spokey I am sure I wll run into you next year at Dash Point. I probably have already from last year and just don't recall.

Hey wait, were you the guy out with the cooler most days and sometimes with your wife (or girlfriend?) and then goin' out rescuing those pink buzz bombs off the bottom LOL? :cheers:

PS- Toni hope things are going alright for you. I will likely be seeing you down there next year too :thumleft:

AHA! Just checked your name Spokey. Yep I think that's you :)
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by flinginpooh » Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:13 pm

bionic_one wrote:
fear_no_fish wrote:it may be just me but saying your purposely flossing fish might not be the best idea, i dont have a problem with it but im sure other will
That's really the only way you can fish the Puyallup and Carbon. Visibility is 4 to 6 inches.

Im not trying to start a debate on flossing and such. But there is a way to fish rivers like the puyallup and ways that wont work. I catch fish. I catch alot of fish. I do it for fun as much as I do for feeding my family. You can floss a fish with a 1-3ft leader just like ya can a longer leader. I like to fish as much as anyone. However I like to hook into fish that much more. Im not saying you dont catch fish by no means. Im saying I catch alot of em, and Ive been doing it for along time. I have been brought into this lifestyle before I was in school. I have pictures of me pulling up rock cods and flounders when I was 4 off the peirs of elliot bay. Ive got pictures of me limiting out on sockeyes at lake washington. And that was before I was 10. Ive been doing this for over 30 years, Im not gonna change a whole lot unless I know its gonna produce fish. And I dont mean 1 fish this week and another one a few weeks later. So if anyone has a problem with catching fish then Im sorry and I dont really need the opinions stressed my way. Its really falling on deaf ears. However if anybody has any suggestions on setups that work for you I would be more then happy to discuss them. Tight lines and happy fishing everyone.
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RE:pinks next year

Post by bionic_one » Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:58 am

Hey pooh, I was saying it was a bad thing! Feel free to throw me tips though, I've only been salmon fishing for 2 seasons now, so I'm sure I have a lot to learn! I'm from SC so steelhead and salmon are totally new games for me.

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RE:pinks next year

Post by fear_no_fish » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:47 pm

I wasnt planning on startiing a flossing debate, i was just saying it might be a bad idea to say it. As to how you catch fish on those rivers i wouldnt really know since ive never fished neither. But fishes sense of smell is much greater then sight so im sure using scent would produce too
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RE:pinks next year

Post by spokey9 » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:30 am

hey toni, i suffer from a love hate relationship with pinkies. there aint much in the world i love more than the dash pt humpy run (seems like the only fishery that is still awesome since i was a kid). running up an down the dock, goin in the water at low tide for some free gear (an just to be in the sound lol, yep knot that was me lookin like an albino seal). makes feel like i'm 8 an discoverin salmon fishing all over again. but come october i just wish they would all go away. i only got a couple booted silvers an 2 boot chums in the green cause everycast seemed like a zombie pink on. i do miss them now tho (alot since this years been pretty weird for the runs).
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RE:pinks next year

Post by Fish_Bait111397 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:13 pm

flinginpooh wrote:Ive hit my 100lbs of king from the rivers this year. Im trying for silvers now but just am not having any luck with em. A few pinks her and there would be fun. Its ok though. Chum will be here soon and beating us up good and heavy I hope. They are almost as thick for a few weeks and alot more fun to catch then a pink.
That 100 lbs is mostly from the 21 pounder you got at the skoke. :cheers:
~Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.

~My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.

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