"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

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"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by Splitshot » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:09 am

A few years ago I inherited a fly rod from my father-in-law. The only writing on the rod is “Issaquah Creek”. I don’t know if that’s the brand or the model? It’s short, 6’-6” and has a Pflueger Medalist with braided line. I’m guessing it’s about 40 or 50 years old. I couldn’t find any info online. Has anyone seen one before?

I was going to leave it as a wall hanger but I took it outside today and started casting. Haven’t done any fly fishing for 30 years but it came back quickly. The rod is a little stiff but still sweet. I don’t know if it was because it was so short or if the line was heavy but the line would drop pretty fast on the backcast making a quicker cast necessary. It brought back memories- looking forward to getting out and using it.
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RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by pilchuck » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:50 am

Not positive , but Issaquah Creek would be the maker and that's not braided line on the reel. Thats how fly lines were back in the day. I have a couple old reels with the same type of old fly line on them. Good score! Take care of it, you can't replace neat old stuff like that.

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RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by knotabassturd » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:50 pm

Hmm, I'm envious of you and pilchuck with the old school fly lines.

I don't know anything about the rod excpet as you note that seems real short. Curious what weight it is. With the local name, wonder if possibly someone (not company) built it for them from a blank? The Pflueger medalists are my favorite economical fly reel. The smooth drag system and sound of it are what I like. I have several older Medalists and love 'em:thumright

On a side note, I had the 2 penn reels but also a DAM Quick 330N spinning reel. Guess it was made in Germany. Has a neat little trout emblem on it, works but not thinking I'll use it. Just neat enough looking to keep though LOL (don't let the Mrs know I am 'storing' it, she might give me the [blink] [blink] look)
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by Lotech Joe » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:38 am

That fly line looks like and old silk line. It's the right color at least. They are a pain to use compared to today's fly lines. They get water logged easily and you have to spread them out in the bushes and let them dry during lunch break. Then you have to treat them with something like red Mucilin before you can use them again. For the sake of tradition, some bamboo enthusiasts use them. The new silk lines sell for around $260 each. I wouldn't use that line you have unless you want to go the traditionalist route.

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RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by 8Fish_box » Mon May 16, 2011 4:15 pm

Well I don't know anything about the fly pole but my family grew up in Issaquah. My father who was born 1941 graduated Issaquah high. My father knew a guy by the name of Marty Clark, who lived on North Fork Issaquah Creek. Marty has been building custom fishing poles for 40 + years for my family. Marty lived in Issaquah up till 1999 then he moved to Port Ludlow or that area. I called marty today asked him if he knew about a custom rod that has Issaquah Creek as name. Marty states there was a old hermit who lived in Issaquah. Husky Prew tinkered with bamboo & glass rods. Husky was his nick name Marty didnt know his real first name. But if you look up the last name Prew you will see that someone in Issaquah still has this last name. I hope this info helps you .

Best of Luck 8fish_box:fish:

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RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Post by Splitshot » Tue May 17, 2011 12:51 am

Interesting. Thanks for the information guys.

(And thanks Chris for giving me the heads up)

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Post by sealegs » Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:20 am

what a great historical fly fishing story! [thumbsup]

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Post by tyee4me » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:53 pm

I'm sure he built the rod if you really want to know, here is the contact info..........contact Marty Clark, martysrods@q.com or 360-477-6095 Yes Marty is still building rods one at a time if you need a reference. My family have been having Marty build rods for us since 1970. I own 5 rods built by Marty and would like to get some more done soon. :fish:

Tight Lines

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