by knotabassturd » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:13 pm
Geeeez jens U are a serious egg man LOL. So did U get that backup storage space yet?
Them there fish U caught are... uh... ugly and um... dead on the stringer. And that live one underneath is just plain... Ummm, uh, well DIRTY. Yuk
Those fish weren't fresh dude, I'll take 'em from you for no disposal charge as a friend.
Go get yourself some clean steel:cheers: Looking forward to watching your every post this winter:cheers: Geez I still ahven't been out fishing sinc eOctober.
And here I thought I might get cocky and get a 2nd salmon card. Knew I shoulda stayed quiet#-o

"Its the coming back, the return which gives meaning to the going forth. We really don't know where we've been until we've come back to where we were. Only, where we were may not be as it was, because of whom we've become. Which, after all, is why we left." -Bernard Stevens Northern Exposure