flinginpooh wrote:Ok I never fished there and Ive been wondering for awhile. Why the heck does rufus woods produce such big deformed looking fish? Is there a nuclear testing site around there? Gov. agency testing biological or chemical warfare? I know trout can get big but I constantly see big fish pics from there.
Hey Mr Pooh, I'll put out my laymans perception on the issue. Most of the big fish in RW are triploid, so all the nutrition they eat goes to growth instead of the energy for reproduction. Also, lots of the big boys have a rich diet of fish pellets, which drift out of the pens during feeding time. It is easy pickins, and the buggers don't have to work for their dinner. Now, not all the big ones come from the pens area, but at some time or other, they will have had the opportunity to benifit from the free feedings. This enables them to have a rapid growth rate, hence the big body, small head. This is just my guess, not based in science, so I'm sure there will be some better answers crop up. Since I don't know anything about, or live close to good salmond fishing, the Rufus Woods fatboys have to do.LOL I know there is some pretty good salmond fishing in the columbia up here, but I just can't bring myself to enjoy the combat fisherie. Guess I've not learned the proper techniques for it.
Also, one of Taz's monster trout above looks disappropriate sized, body to head, so maybe genetics, and a great food source comes into play. MAN, I'm jealous, that is some great looking trout he has caught, and I can't imagine the fight they would give you.