I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
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- fishingboy
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I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
Is there walleye and channel catfish in I-82 ponds?
PB: 6 pounds
2011: 6 Pounds
PB: 5 pounds
2011: 4 lbs
PB: 6 pounds
2011: 6 Pounds
PB: 5 pounds
2011: 4 lbs
RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
They had a trial on walleye in pond #2 I believe. they stock'd channel catfish in 2005 in most of the ponds (I'll get a list later). The cats are big enough to pull your hooks straight though!
RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
Never have fished those ponds but I heard that the walleye never did too well. And the cats are big, but few and far between
- Anglinarcher
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RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
If the Cats were Channel Cats, then they shoudl be 10 pounders or more by now, but I doubt that they water warms fast enough in the spring to allow them to spawn. Sounds like fun to me.
If they are Bullheads, then they will spawn, they will get over populated in time, so catch them while you can. I doubt they will ever get big enough to "straighten" a hook. PS, use a better hook, like a Mustad of Gami.
I am not supprised that Walleye would not do well in a pond that size. They would eat themselves out of house and home pretty quick.

If they are Bullheads, then they will spawn, they will get over populated in time, so catch them while you can. I doubt they will ever get big enough to "straighten" a hook. PS, use a better hook, like a Mustad of Gami.

I am not supprised that Walleye would not do well in a pond that size. They would eat themselves out of house and home pretty quick.

Too much water, so many fish, too little time.
- Angler
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RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
new to typing in these things, and not very computer lit. either,but here goes the wa. state channel cat record is 36???something lbs.caught in I 82ponds #6 if i remember right. getting old you know it was in 2006
- racfish
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RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
The I82 ponds must be frozen pretty solid by now. Does anyone here ever fish them during winter months? Are they even open. I need to go to Yakima soon..
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.
- Angler
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RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
they were open last week but, we've had a 5 day cold front and with daytime highs @ 24 and night lows at 6 I wouldnt expect them to be now and the fish would be lethargic maybe a trout but not much else. ice fishing does NOT run in my blood. tried it did NOT like it. these are slow and smaller sized fish at the best of times I've fished for the cats and never caught one over 2 lbs. I'm 15 miles away and with the chill factor I'm just spending quality time with my computer and 110 lb dog inside
live, learn,love'&fish
live, learn,love'&fish