Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

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Stacie Kelsey
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Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:47 pm


I am about to embark on a super cool new program with regard to warmwater fishing for kids. I'm putting this in the freshwater section though, because we want all sorts of groups/volunteers and sponsors for what is going to be the first of many!

Our Silver Lake is located in Cowlitz County east of Castle Rock, Washington.

Our very first meeting will be this coming Friday April 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cowlitz Valley Wildlife League located at 300 Lakeview Drive, Silverlake WA 98645.

There is a gate so wait and someone will let you in.

We will be discussing what type of event we want to put on since there is very little shore access it will be some sort of volunteers with boats and pre-registration for the kids.

Other thoughts are a crappie feed after the event.

If you can't make the event, any thoughts and suggestions are welcome. This is the first of its kind in our area and we want to do a great solid event.

If you would like to sponsor the event, please contact me at stacie.kelsey@dfw.wa.gov

Please pass the word onto warmwater and trout clubs. Sorry for the short notice, but if you can't make it Friday, there will be other meetings.

Thanks in advance!

Inland Fish Program - WDFW
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by kevinb » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:13 pm

Hey Stacie,

This is something I would be VERY interested in participating with and I know I can easily round up a few more anglers,along with members of Cascade Musky Association
and probably get a few bass clubs involved as well.
I will email you in just a bit.

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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:14 pm


I think this can be a pretty spectacular event and we need all the input we can get. Even if you are out of the area, but have suggestions on how warmwater events have been run in your experience, please share.

I've contacted a few F&W agencies in the south and got some input.

The first meeting will be a very basic, how do we do this sort of thing.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Inland Fish Program - WDFW
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Amx » Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:02 pm

Call Jim Owens at 'Cast For Kids' in Renton. He's put on MANY events for kids since about 1990. I'll see if I have his number/web site. And Joe Jacoby of the Kent Bassmasters will know how to get in touch with him. I'll PM you Joes' info.
Last edited by Amx on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:11 pm

Hi! I know Jim real well, I've run events with him when I was doing the Fishing Kids events.

I'll give him a call and see how he runs his events with boats.
Inland Fish Program - WDFW
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:45 am

We had a really great first meeting. Thanks to everyone that showed up.

If there are other warmwater clubs, trout clubs or anyone interested in participating in this event, please let me know. We are going to have a lot of fun! I'll post more of the details we have worked up so far later.

Inland Fish Program - WDFW
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by muskyhunter » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:20 am

Heyah Stacie and AMX,
Stacie, how is your event different from the "Fishing Kids" events? I know C.A.S.T was involved with the WDFW's Fishing Kids. CMA was involved with 2, 2 years ago and one last year. Then the Fishing Kids events were, I thought, stopped because of lack of funding. I know those had trout planted by the WDFW. So obviously it would kind of like the C.A.S.T event that CMA is involved with in Sept where we would take the kids perch fishing right?
AMX/Tom, go to www.castforkids.org for their info. Looks like they have a full slate. They have an event on June 4th at Gene Coulon at Lake Washington and a bunch of others over the summer. They can always use help at that event with the kids fishing. You should give it a whirl. Todd
Todd Reis
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:35 am

I worked with Jim Owens the last 10 years for the two events in my region that I oversaw as well as a few others statewide.

The big difference between the Silver Lake event and those is we are not netting off fish (trout in the case of the Fishing Kids events).

We are going to ask for volunteers to bring their boats up and have a combination of kids in boats and kids on the shore and let them switch up so each kid gets the opportunity to be in the boat if they want.

Still a lot to work out, but we are on the right track I think.
Inland Fish Program - WDFW
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by muskyhunter » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:53 am

Right on..You going to have release of liability in there too? And as long as one of the parents is in the boat that would be helpful. Are the kids going to be special needs? Just wondering. And any dates being thrown around yet? Thanks, Todd
Todd Reis
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RE:Warmwater Youth Event Silver Lake Cowlitz County - Meeting 4-8

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:18 pm

Any child that pre-registers will be allowed to participate. The date we have is August 13.

There will be a waiver on the Registration Form.

I'll get more info posted here as soon as I can get it together!

Inland Fish Program - WDFW
Region 5 - Vancouver, WA
http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/washington/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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