'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

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'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by Rich McVey » Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:42 pm

OK, who wants to go throw rotten fish heads at the PETA folks?

SEATTLE - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) scheduled a Noon news conference in downtown Seattle on Tuesday to protest sport fishing and the people who teach it to their children.

Hayden Hamilton of PETA's Los Angeles office was the only person carrying the message and the catch line: "Don't Let Your Children Become Hookers."

The signs worked. Curious people accepted literature and asked questions but most seemed surprised to find out what this protest was all about.

"When parents take their kids fishing they are really sending them a dangerous message, that it's fun to torment and abuse animals," said Hamilton.

"What about plants?" asked one man. "Studies show they react to negative stimuli."

That's how it went for Hamilton and the two other PETA who joined her later. They all understand they are not in the best place to search for sympathy. Just a few miles away anglers were packed shoulder to shoulder on a bridge over the Duwamish Waterway giving it their all to hook a humpy salmon. For miles up the river, the banks were covered with people enjoying a late summer tradition.

"Even if we don't catch a fish, it's a great bonding experience with my boys. It's great to get out in nature and as long as you're humane, I mean we're not torturing them," said one man fishing with his son.

But PETA claims hooking a fish and dragging it through the water is no different than hooking the family pet in the mouth and dragging it behind the car. The analogy didn't go far with some people who pointed out their pets eat fish too.

Hamilton said the whole idea is to get people talking and thinking about what catching a fish does to the fish and maybe some will feel bad about it.

"I don't think about feeling bad," said one fisherman, "I feel like catching a fish." :cheers:
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by edge540 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:05 pm

Fucktards..... :-#

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by racfish » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:06 pm

People Eat Tastey Animals=PETA.... I saw that article in the times and cracked up. What a bunch of Losers. Our mayor is a Sierra Club member Another bunch of losers. JMO.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by Gonefishing » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:29 pm

Don't let your children become hookers let them become drug users........

I'd rather kids be out fishing than doing other things like drugs, car theft, bank robbery, or vandalism myself.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by knotabassturd » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:12 pm

My opinion is they are free to have their opinion.
Maybe if we slip them some smoked salmon they'll come around.:-" :)
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by natetreat » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:26 pm

Bah! Humbug. If they care so much about animals they should have themselves spayed or neutered. More resources to go around. I personally didn't climb my way up to the top of the food chain to eat a gosh darn salad. Well, I like my ceasar salads with shrimp and smoked salmon.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by G-Man » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:15 am

There is always someone who feels the need to take a movement to the extreme. I understand the basic priciples of the PETA organization. However, to apply it towards fishing and hunting is just moronic. Fishermen and hunters dispatch their catch in a much more humane way than most any other animal. I wish they would just stick to pet abusers and folks who run puppy mills. Some folks just need to get a life!

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by tnj8222 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:52 am

hahahaha go to a fishing city with this lol. Wonder how many people they convinced?
http://static.photobucket.com/player.sw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... EO0054.mp4
if everyday was a good day there would be alot more fisherman.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by returnofthefish » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:17 am

Yet another way for PETA to lose credibility. Anybody remember when there were protesters against the guys at the Pike Place Market tossing salmon in the air? I dont really care what they believe in, just dont press down society's throat.
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by Amx » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:23 am

They ALL should be used as fish bait = shark bait that is.:cheers:

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by kzoo » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:48 am

Never ceases to amaze me, can't believe these people actually exist. There are much serious issues here in this country than fighting for fish's health. Imagine if they had their way, the amount of revenue this country would lose from fishing. Seriously, the US economy is at the edge right now and these 'butt' [edited] clowns are coming here in the Northwest to protest fishing, Incredible. I bet all of these protesters were born rich and have no clue whats going on in this country.
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by guitarfisher » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:33 am

G-Man wrote:There is always someone who feels the need to take a movement to the extreme. I understand the basic priciples of the PETA organization. However, to apply it towards fishing and hunting is just moronic. Fishermen and hunters dispatch their catch in a much more humane way than most any other animal. I wish they would just stick to pet abusers and folks who run puppy mills. Some folks just need to get a life!
Amen! Moral: Instead of beating your dog, take him/her out fishing with ya!

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by racfish » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:17 am

Every year around this time of year Peta people walk the woods lighting firecrackers trying to drive the deer up the hills out by Teanaway and the Blewett area. This has been happening for years. Another waste of human energy.
When youre up to your rear end in alligators,its hard to remember that the initial plan was to drain the swamp.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by kevinb » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:45 am

PETA's new mission seems to be "save" the animals while degrading women.
Maybe the PETA folks should protest naked in the Sahara,I mean seriously. Go after the poachers of elephants looking for ivory.
After seeing there "protest" on the local news,it inspired me to be a "Bad Dad" as they put it and take my son fishing,....I'm such a terrible father:^o
I doubt they were able to get much recruitment but they certainly got attention,which is what they seem to crave. PETA = media whores

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by A9 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:30 am

I understand PETA's mission but their methods and the way they conduct themselves is absolutely obnoxious.... I'd love to sit down with some of them and ask them what their rendition of a perfect society looks like....
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by natetreat » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:18 am

A9 wrote:I understand PETA's mission but their methods and the way they conduct themselves is absolutely obnoxious.... I'd love to sit down with some of them and ask them what their rendition of a perfect society looks like....
We all eat organic plant based food, tofu and soy based protein. Our vehicles are electric and run on hydrogen or electricity. We all get homeopathic naturopaths paid for by free health care and cats and dogs live like all the other animals. All the beef cattle get to run free and get to vote like the rest of us. Salmon get their pictures taken when they're spawned out and jumping around in the river and anyone that swims in the river during salmon season gets a ticket and/or jail time. We all wear synthetic clothing. You're not allowed to step off the trails, or face jail time. We're all vegans.

We all should be eating soylent green. Soylent green is made out of PETA.

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by nickbell » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:41 am

Well lets see, I hooked a few rock bass today at American lake, I "dragged" them through the water. They all sped off as soon as I put them back in the water, completely ok. I don't think my dog would be so full of energy after being dragged behind my car. Just when I thought peta couldn't say anything stupider (fancy vocab, huh?), they prove me wrong.
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by Bodofish » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:10 am

They obviously have never been in a fresh fish processing plant. Fish do not feel pain in any way that could be construed as cognitive. With a very live fish and a very sharp knife, shoved the knife in the no sunshine zone and ripped it up the belly all the way to the collar. Not so much as a wiggle of flip out of them. No pain sensation. Many, many fish have come through the plant with half of their body chomped of by a sea lion or other, still cruising to the best of their ability. If they felt pain the way higher animals do they would be incapacitated by the pain. They aren't wired the same as higher animals.
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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by 'OL GREY DOG » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:27 pm

A9 wrote:I understand PETA's mission but their methods and the way they conduct themselves is absolutely obnoxious.... I'd love to sit down with some of them and ask them what their rendition of a perfect society looks like....

EEWWWW ... not me ..

i think that they should make it a condition of joining PETA .. that you have to remain a virgin for life to join... O-:

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RE:'Don't let your children become hookers', says PETA....

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:12 pm

I haven't been on their website for quite a long time. What I found when viewing their site is really alarming. This "organization" has some very sick people operating it. They are selling their cause through sex and graphic violence. The videos are really bizarre. This is an example of an organization run by extremists sending a mixed message.....sick. Someone is making a lot of money off of this scam!

http://www.peta.org/tv/videos/psas-vege ... 05001.aspx

http://www.peta.org/tv/videos/celebriti ... 41001.aspx

http://www.peta.org/tv/videos/companion ... 73001.aspx

http://www.peta.org/tv/videos/general-a ... 07001.aspx
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