We got a Dell because we were able to get a nice discount on it through work - but the is not turning out to be so great now!
So now I am starting the process if figuring out what I need/want to replace this one.
I have always used Windows, just because that is what we were always directed to use at work. I am not against making the switch to Apple.
Physically, I don't have a space in my house for permanent placement/use, but also don't have need to travel with it.
So I am thinking something that I can pull out, use, & put away (like a bigger laptop).
My main uses for it are/will be (in no particular order)
Video conferencing (Skype)
Pictures (editing & storage)
Music (storage & listening ((I-tunes, Pandora))
HD Video (Editing & storage)
I also use MS Word and MS Excel quite a bit.
I am not a gamer, never have been, so that is not a consideration.
What do you have?
What do you use it for?
What should I look for?
What would you recommend I check out?