Amx wrote:So, what is YOUR story?
Well. I was fishing my favorite high water spot, woke up at 5:30 to get there. After catching and releasing three or four Coho, I moved to a different spot next to some folks that just showed up. Of course down stream there were a group of russions and a few others throwing trebles and keep fish hooked in the motor. I walked a reasonable distance away from them and called enforcement and then walked back to a spot with only one person fishing a bobber and roe.
I'm always friendly to other fishermen, and have no problem fishing by myself or with a bunch of other guys. I don't keep illegal fish and don't attempt to snag fish. Ever. I don't need to.
So this guy, who is just hanging out, starts to heckle me as I'm fishing. "Snagger! Why don't you go home! We don't want your kind here." I'm a little irritated. I tell him I've never tried to snag a fish and I always fish legally. He tells me, :aint no way your not a snagger. Put some eggs on, there's no way that a fish in going to bite a corky. That's a snagging setup." And as I'm fishing, he keeps heckling me. Telling me to get off his river, go home because I'm a filthy snagger. At this point I'm through reasoning with him and tell him to get over it. This just encouraged him. I'm not the kind of guy that backs down or leaves when someone is harassing me, so I keep fishing, even though I was planning on going to a different spot. It just peeved me off that this punk was trying to strong arm me into leaving the best spot on the river. And then he started to get to me. I know that he's just a dumb ignorant punk, but there is no excuse for it. I shouldn't have to leave a good spot on the river just to avoid idiots that think they are god's gift. It's not right. So yea, I got in a shouting match with him. I was right, I've fished corkies in low clear water and watched wary coho leave their strainers and stump covers to travel ten or more feet to slam my corky and yarn. I fish barbless and I feed my family salmon 4 days a week on legally caught salmon. I know what I'm doing and I deserve respect. But just because I'm five six and skinny, I become a target for punks who think I'm 16 and in highschool. When people disrespect me it gets to me. That's what I tell him just hoping that the coward would throw a punch so I could teach him a lesson. Then I get my senses back and realize it aint worth it and start to pack up and my pops comes over to see what's going on and this punk starts insulting my father, trying to step up to him. My dad is 52 years old and a very gentle and respectful person. He's even tempered and rational, the opposite of me. This kid starts harassing and pushing my father around, trying to start a fight, and my father, the well meaning guy that he is, starts trying to talk to him rationally, telling him that he's being childish and the he shouldn't treat other people that way. At this point I'm packing up and telling my father it's time to go, that this is retarded and not worth it. My father is starting to get irritated. Then this guys buddies come over like some sort of posse and start pushing us around trying to strong arm us. We're just trying to leave at this point and they're pushing us around like bullies. I'm embarrassed that I got my father involved in something so childish, and these guys want to get violent, telling me they fish this river every weekend, calling us filthy snaggers, trying to push our buttons while not letting us leave. And man I was peeved. Finally the enforcement that I called shows up and these yahoos leave us alone anbd pretend to go about their business. We start to leave and they get written up for not marking their fish, and the Russians all get snagging tickets and gear revoked. But man, I really shouldn't have to deal with folks like that. Just coming to the river trying to start a fight. Calling me a snagger is equivocal to calling me a racial slur it really pushes my buttons. At least I held it together and didn't do anything illegal, but it really sickens me the way some people think they have the right to treat people that way. If I were fifty pounds heavier and six inches taller, they wouldn't even bother me, but I always end up a target because I catch more fish than anybody at the hole, and I look like a highschooler. Argh. It's bad enough when they disrespect me, but when they have the gall to harass a 50 year old gentle and kind person like my father, it really steams me. I've been steaming about this for a while, but I'm over it now.