Stun Guns

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Stun Guns

Post by Gringo Pescador » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:30 am

I am looking into stun guns and am wondering if anyone on here has any experience, recommendations, etc.

I am talking about stun guns (you have to have physical contact with your assailant), not Tasers (that fire the darts from a distance).

I have been researching state regulations as well as regulations on traveling with them.

Do you have experience with them?
Do you carry one?
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Re: Stun Guns

Post by oneshot » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:24 am

I have one I keep in the top of the closet at home. it looks exactly like this one -" onclick=";return false;
forget the brand, I don't consider this one much of a defense as you have to get close and the shock really isn't enough to render some to the ground. but it was a cheaper one and i got it mostly to keep in defense of the buddies that all bought one too at the same time ;) :pirat:

I think having one of the longer pole types with a little reach is better and those seem to deliver more shock.
I think if someone is serious about using one or keeping one around for defense, they need to be powerful enough to put some one down on the ground. those Taser guns would be ideal..

i'm old fashioned mostly though.. i like loud bangs and gun powder :)

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Big D » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:21 pm

Hey Gringo,
I know that you said the you didn't want a Taser but after working many years in law enforcement I would recommend that you take another look.
Here's their web site: ... s/taser-c2
Take a couple minutes to read through it and you'll understand the difference between a "Stun gun" and a Taser.
A "Stun gun" just causes pain while a Taser will cause incapacitation allowing you the time you might need to get away safely.
Taser.png (61.54 KiB) Viewed 7879 times

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Gringo Pescador » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:48 pm

Yeah I know the difference between the two, but it is my understanding that a stun gun (with enough juice) can incapacitate someone just like a Taser, the only difference being you have to be close enough to punch.

Is that not true?

My wife is the driver of my research - she wants something for personal protection and though has nothing against guns, is scared to fire one. She was asking about stun guns (we watched "The girl with the dragon tattoo" series - I think that is where she got the idea).
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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Big D » Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:18 pm

Gringo Pescador wrote:Yeah I know the difference between the two, but it is my understanding that a stun gun (with enough juice) can incapacitate someone just like a Taser, the only difference being you have to be close enough to punch. Is that not true?
I'm not sure that you could purchase a "Stun gun" with that much juice.
Mostly because all the person would have to do to avoid being zapped is move away where as the Taser wouldn't allow them to move away once zapped.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by deepbuzzer » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:20 pm

Just carry a firearm.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Mike Carey » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:07 pm

what about the pepper spray?

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Dave » Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:05 pm

I would highly recommend you don’t waste a penny money on a stun gun if you are considering electronic personal protection. A Taser can be applied without using a cartridge (called a direct tase) and it is without question the most effective electronic defensive device on the market today based on my training and experience which is why we carry them on duty. The public can purchase cartridges that have a range of 15' which allows you to deploy it without having to make up close contact with your assailant.

These are the ones available to the general public (non commissioned) folks." onclick=";return false;

Tasers are not cheap but they are very effective if you reach the target. I do not recommend the utilization of a Taser or any other less lethal device if you are met with deadly force. In other words, don’t bring a Taser or any other less lethal device to a gun fight.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Mike Carey » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:55 pm

thanks Dave, good advice.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Gringo Pescador » Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:34 pm

As always, I learned a lot from this string and a little research - distance aside, stun guns and tasers definitely do not carry the same effect on a person, which is not what I thought at 1st. Haven't gone in any direction ye, but if we do, it'll definitely be taser.

Thanks for all the input! =D>
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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Bodofish » Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:11 am

Dave wrote:I would highly recommend you don’t waste a penny money on a stun gun if you are considering electronic personal protection. A Taser can be applied without using a cartridge (called a direct tase) and it is without question the most effective electronic defensive device on the market today based on my training and experience which is why we carry them on duty. The public can purchase cartridges that have a range of 15' which allows you to deploy it without having to make up close contact with your assailant.

These are the ones available to the general public (non commissioned) folks." onclick=";return false;

Tasers are not cheap but they are very effective if you reach the target. I do not recommend the utilization of a Taser or any other less lethal device if you are met with deadly force. In other words, don’t bring a Taser or any other less lethal device to a gun fight.
That is by far the best advice I've seen in this thread!!!! Many years of working graveyard out in the field (a lot of not very nice places, some would shock you.) I can say the best defense is to stay very aware of your surroundings and avoid the scum at all costs. If that fails, you want your "friend" at your side, not a toy.

Remember folks, a Taser is not a defensive weapon, it is offensive, when you see the police use it, it is offensive. If you Taser someone from a distance, you are going to be the one going to jail for assault. Maybe just until dust settles but none the less, not a pleasant experience.
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Re: Stun Guns

Post by natetreat » Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:24 pm

If anything, i'll throw my 2 cents in here. Have her take a few self defense course for one. My wife is a black belt and I don't have to worry as much about her. Taser would be the best bet if you're going less lethal, but if it's a surprise mugging attack etc. it won't do much good either. If you're looking to protect yourself from creepy perverts rapists or the seattle groper, they're going to go with the element of surprise, but if they get a strong wrist lock, broken arm and broken nose, they'll be too busy running away. Those kinds of creeps prey on the weak.

That being said, for the armed assailants, take her to the range, let her fire a few rounds and she will lose that fear. A firearm is the best protection, but only as long as you know how to use it. I know it sounds a bit scary, but once you get comfortable around them they're just another power tool, albeit one that you'll never have to use. Hopefully.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Idstud » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:26 am

natetreat wrote:If anything, i'll throw my 2 cents in here. Have her take a few self defense course for one. My wife is a black belt and I don't have to worry as much about her. Taser would be the best bet if you're going less lethal, but if it's a surprise mugging attack etc. it won't do much good either. If you're looking to protect yourself from creepy perverts rapists or the seattle groper, they're going to go with the element of surprise, but if they get a strong wrist lock, broken arm and broken nose, they'll be too busy running away. Those kinds of creeps prey on the weak.

That being said, for the armed assailants, take her to the range, let her fire a few rounds and she will lose that fear. A firearm is the best protection, but only as long as you know how to use it. I know it sounds a bit scary, but once you get comfortable around them they're just another power tool, albeit one that you'll never have to use. Hopefully.

I will have to say well said take her to the gun range. I did this with my friends wife who was against guns and now they shoot often. Think of a stun gun like this. Remember as a kid standing in a line of 20 and one at the far end pointing there finger at a metal door knob and the other at the other end rubbing there feet on the ground and sending static shock through the line. I just feel at that close of range the zap will get you too. I would say a gun is a better bet and let her get lots of practice so she can make a kill shot. Dead man cant lie. Also I tell my wife to shoot through a door. Its easier to for most to shoot a door than a person. Good luck

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by BentRod » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:43 am

If you do convince her to go to the range, suggest starting her with a small caliber for introduction. .22 pistol doesn't pack much kick. Once comfortable with that, move up to a larger caliber if desired. Walk before running, they say.
Good luck in your decision. I also support the self defense course idea. Even a stun gun is useless if the person doesn't have the confidence and training to put it to use.....that goes for firearms too.

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Re: Stun Guns

Post by Gringo Pescador » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:27 pm

BentRod wrote:If you do convince her to go to the range, suggest starting her with a small caliber for introduction. .22 pistol doesn't pack much kick. Once comfortable with that, move up to a larger caliber if desired. Walk before running, they say.
Good luck in your decision. I also support the self defense course idea. Even a stun gun is useless if the person doesn't have the confidence and training to put it to use.....that goes for firearms too.
Interesting how posts resurface every once in awhile. The original request for information was for family in Mexico. With all the crap going on down there we were wondering if we could provide them with something for self protection that they couldn't get down there (guns are illegal for private citizens down there, that is why only bad guys & police have guns). Turns out stun guns and tasers fall under that same law, so for us to pack some down in our luggage or try to ship them wouldn't be a wise idea.

I do have a little 22 pistol and took her to an indoor range. She was all ready to go, wanted to sign up for classes before we even entered the booth. We put on the ear muffs and go into the booth and I show her how to load/unload, safety, etc. when the guy in the next booth fires a few rounds. She jumped and her eyes got pretty big, but she shook it off. Then I had her step back and watch me go through a clip (7 shots). Open the gun up, set it down, turn around and her eyes are a little bigger still. At that point I thought I lost her, but she stepped up for her turn. Showed her how to fill and load the clip, stepped back and let her go at it. She fired off the 7 rounds, did pretty good actually. But the looks on her face when she put the gun down and turned around [scared] told me that was the end of that adventure for her. I'm not going to push it - if she wants to try again sometime I am all for it.
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Re: Stun Guns

Post by BentRod » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:50 pm

LOL. Didn't even look at the OP date. Well, firearms certainly are not for everyone. My in-laws don't even like to look at one, let alone hold one. The whole topic makes them uncomfortable. They don't mind that I hunt, but guns make them nervous. To each their own.

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