Catch of Kings

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EAmon ___hoffman123
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by EAmon ___hoffman123 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:04 pm

My turn haha
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There are some achievements which are never done in the presence of those who hear of them. Catching salmon is one, and working all night is another.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by schu7498 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:07 pm

dont forget to write a little story about the catch!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by FishingThePacNW » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:17 pm

Here is a king i caught back in september on the wallace river, didnt eat it, but i saw it inhale my yarn!
photo (4).jpg
10lb king
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by fear_no_fish » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:20 pm

That is a nasty king, and should be in the water.
Theres is no time ever when your allowed to pull a king out of the wallace..

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by EAmon ___hoffman123 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:45 pm

Isn't there a photo of you holding a king in your topic you started, "a few fish pictures"
There are some achievements which are never done in the presence of those who hear of them. Catching salmon is one, and working all night is another.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by fear_no_fish » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:23 pm

mine was in the water, never left. I got it close to shore, pulled the hook (with camera ready for picture), picture, gone, less then 30 seconds from getting control of fish.
But thats besides the point. his is illegal, mine isnt. Im not trying to start some stupid fight im just saying thats not allowed.
Other people new to fishing see it. monkey see monkey do. Set a good example no matter age or experience. Thats all im getting at.
Last edited by fear_no_fish on Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by FishingThePacNW » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:53 pm

I pulled it out for 5 secs!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by fear_no_fish » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:06 pm

FishingThePacNW wrote:I pulled it out for 5 secs!
please explain how you were exempt from the law for those 5 seconds?

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by primetime » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:37 pm

fear_no_fish wrote:
FishingThePacNW wrote:I pulled it out for 5 secs!
please explain how you were exempt from the law for those 5 seconds?
Take it easy high horse! He is a kid. Now we all now what upstanding fisherman you are...great!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by RiverChromeGS » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:59 pm

primetime wrote: Take it easy high horse! He is a kid. Now we all now what upstanding fisherman you are...great!
Looks to be holding it properly and healthy, no big deal. now if it were 10 feet up the bank covered in dirt, thats a problem. but in this situation, no big deal at all

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by fear_no_fish » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:31 pm

primetime wrote:
fear_no_fish wrote:
FishingThePacNW wrote:I pulled it out for 5 secs!
please explain how you were exempt from the law for those 5 seconds?
Take it easy high horse! He is a kid. Now we all now what upstanding fisherman you are...great!
Once again not trying to start a fight. Ive never stated im a "upstanding fisherman" thanks though.
sorry to steal this wonderful thread, i was telling him what he did was not okay so it wouldnt happen in the future.

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by strider43 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:59 am

Hello all, I thought I would add a post to be reviewed By Duncan and others. This is a fat hen I caught Sunday on the Wallace. This was a great fish to catch as it went airborne several times and otherwise put up a great fight before submitting to me the upstanding and outstanding fisherman that I am. I would of loved to open this fish up to steal the eggs but would have been against the rules so she was set free unharmed. I was cruel enough however to pull her to the water’s edge and snap a shot of her with my boot next to her for comparison as my boot is rather large. Would this be considered illegal as the fish a partially out of the water and partially in? Once I had my pictures I quickly held her by the tail with her body submerged until she sprang to life and returned to the depths of the Wallace. My boot is all you will get to critique for my personal appearance as I am rather shy and don’t want to be recognized on the river for the astute fisherman that I think myself to be.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by schu7498 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:28 am

Haha funny

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by chrome_chasin » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:42 am

fishenfreak wrote:
primetime wrote: Take it easy high horse! He is a kid. Now we all now what upstanding fisherman you are...great!
Looks to be holding it properly and healthy, no big deal. now if it were 10 feet up the bank covered in dirt, thats a problem. but in this situation, no big deal at all

I see absolutely no difference in a fish being taken out of the water for a quick pic if handle and released properly versus a fish being held with only its belly or fins in the water, which technically is legal and just about every pic of a Nate or released fish that is posted is posed just like this. Seriously what is the difference, legalities aside? If concerned for the health of the fish then should the fish not be removed at all form the water, especially the head of the fish?

Back to the original purpose of the thread, lets see what kind of rating this kid gets. Im guessing a 4

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by gfakkema » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:46 am

fear_no_fish wrote:
FishingThePacNW wrote:I pulled it out for 5 secs!
please explain how you were exempt from the law for those 5 seconds?
+1 fear_no_fish!
Hate to say it, but I agree with FNF. READ and UNDERSTAND the rules before you go out. It probably did no harm to the fish, but the rules are in place for a reason. Also not usually a good idea to post pictures of wdfw rule violations (although you probably did not know that this was a violation when you posted it). Not only that, but like FNF said, it sets a bad example for anyone else that does not quite understand the rules.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Gringo Pescador » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:16 am

I can think of only 1 fish that I got a pic of that I didn't bonk (ok let me qualify that I am talking trout, steelhead, or salmon, bass is another story)- and that was just because someone else had the camera while I was resting the fish before letting her go anyway. I don't have pics of my PB coho or king just because I was releasing em. I just don't see why the need to take pics all the time, enjoy the fight, enjoy the moment but when the battle is done, if someone has a camera at the ready - great, take a legal pic, but if not, just treat em with kid gloves, keep em in the water as much as possible, don't let em smack thier head against the rocks, and give em every chance to reproduce and/or fight again.
Just my opinion....
I fish not because I regard fishing as being terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant, and not nearly so much fun. ~ John Volker

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by RiverChromeGS » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:24 pm

Gringo Pescador wrote:I can think of only 1 fish that I got a pic of that I didn't bonk (ok let me qualify that I am talking trout, steelhead, or salmon, bass is another story)- and that was just because someone else had the camera while I was resting the fish before letting her go anyway. I don't have pics of my PB coho or king just because I was releasing em. I just don't see why the need to take pics all the time, enjoy the fight, enjoy the moment but when the battle is done, if someone has a camera at the ready - great, take a legal pic, but if not, just treat em with kid gloves, keep em in the water as much as possible, don't let em smack thier head against the rocks, and give em every chance to reproduce and/or fight again.
Just my opinion....
This is true. If you do not have a camera ready do NOT keep your fish out forever trying to get a pic. My buddies and i, as you already know like to get pics of fish. Especially big beautiful wild ones. But my camera is always in my front pocket ready to rock. 2 pics and a wild steelhead is back in under 10 seconds. Some fishermen, such as you gringo dont care about having a pic. And thats cool, but for those of us who like to take pics (most fishermen), make sure your camera is ready, dont make the poor fish wait while you run to your backpack to dig it out!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by RiverChromeGS » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:28 pm

gfakkema wrote:
fear_no_fish wrote:
FishingThePacNW wrote:I pulled it out for 5 secs!
please explain how you were exempt from the law for those 5 seconds?
+1 fear_no_fish!
Hate to say it, but I agree with FNF. READ and UNDERSTAND the rules before you go out. It probably did no harm to the fish, but the rules are in place for a reason. Also not usually a good idea to post pictures of wdfw rule violations (although you probably did not know that this was a violation when you posted it). Not only that, but like FNF said, it sets a bad example for anyone else that does not quite understand the rules.
Its a debate that never ends. In fishinpacNW picture he held it out for a second. Yea, its illegal. But so is going 61 in a 60 mph zone. Yea, illegal, but who cares. Like i said at least its not 10 feet up the rocks covered in dirt. I see wayyy too much of that around our rivers with wild or released fish, and although illegal, seeing him hold it up for just a second with care is a breath of freah air after seeing what some people do to wild fish

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by FishingThePacNW » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:19 pm

Just wanted to add in he is 14 and I'm 13

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:56 pm

Holy cow! Y'all are young
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