Catch of Kings

A place for readers to talk about river fishing in Washington.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by FishBaitThe2nd » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:10 pm

Heres one from early august at the Skok of course! I remember catching them both, the small one i hooked, i felt a headshake, and started reeling! Absolutely no fight at all, i thought it died or something. But it was in the mouth and a hatchery so it had to be retained. On the stringer it goes. I keep on fishing, when I cast to the far side of a root ball. I saw a nice school move in there. It didnt take me very long for a hook up. He wrapped around a stick, and i got lucky and he turned around and upwrapped himself. I then proceeded to get the fish in when someone yells "hey your the kid off of WALakes" Hahaha. I got the fish in, and he took the picture for me with his phone and sent it to me.

I, myself am not a fan of eating fish. Though my grandparents love it. We made our own smoker, so we smoke our fish that are starting to turn. Both of these fish were very nice chromers, both still had steel lice. Fish like this that we catch, we will fillet, and wrap up in aluminum foil scales down. We'll make pico de galo, and put it on top of the fish but not too much. And then wrap it up the rest of the way and throw on the bbq! [thumbup]

By the way, to give you a view point of how big the fish is in your own eyes, I am 5'5 and 140 pounds during wrestling season. But at that time I was 5'5 and 155 pounds! Haha
I got these when i was still free, i was 14 at the time. Now 15, next year i have pay to fish! ): lol
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If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. ~Doug Larson

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by The Quadfather » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:29 pm

So just checking... Did you say that you want fish from 2013, or the year does not matter. Not meaning to bust the chops of the kid, but I would consider posting a pic, but it is from 2012.

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by FishBaitThe2nd » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:33 pm

I asked before I posted, i was told it could be from 2012.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by BlakeP » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:39 pm

Heres one for ya! A "nice" dark coho. Also the other side of the fish was nice and moldy. No, i didn't eat the fish. I hardly eat even chrome salmon. Was gonna release the fish, but someone really wanted it so i gave it to him. Said it was gonna smoke up fine?
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by strider43 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:34 am

HAHA HOHO HEHE, Great review Duncan, you are truly remarkable! I hope you get the garage door opener back soon. You can go buy one and program it to your sisters door.................then you could reclaim your sealed bucket....

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Steelheadin360 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:41 am

That email to your sister is amazing!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:47 pm

Today at cascade.

First cast first fish! Never happened to me while steelheading! Anyways, Duncan wants a story, so I'll give him one.

Woke up at 5am to the sound of my iPhone alarm. -------------------------. I pack a lunch and prey to the all mighty fish gods of washingtonia, I then head out on a journey that no man has dared to go on. We get to the river at about 8:30am. I throw out thinking first cast? Nothing happens on a first cast. What happened next could of made the front page of time magazine! Bobber down!!! Fish on!!!
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Brat Bonker » Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:26 pm

have you kept 5 steelhead or hooked 5 steelhead?

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:28 pm

Hooked and landed brat, hooked and landed.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Brat Bonker » Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:05 am

DannyL wrote:Hooked and landed brat, hooked and landed.
so you didn't keep 5 you just landed 5, thats not bad good job, what side of the river were you fishing?

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Cozmo4196 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:03 am

I didn't catch this in a river but I'm posting it anyways because I want to show off this beast. Spent a weekend back in October up on San Juan Island and stayed at my friends parents resort that they run(Lakedale if anyone is familiar with it). My girlfriend has been wanting to learn to fish ever since we met and witnessed first hand my passion for the life style...I mean sport*. It was a stocked lake, the weather was perfect(sunny and mid 50s) and we had lots of beer so I figured this was a better time ever for a 101 Lesson. I rigged her up with a slip weight, a ball of neon powerbait and about 24" leader. I tied on a roostertail to practice my accurate side-arm casting so I'm ready for the upcoming bass season because I thought I'd be coaching more than actually fishing.

We fished for about 20 minutes before she started getting some nibbles but had a hard time knowing when to set the hook. As I'm watching her rod tip and retrieving my cast, out of the corner of my eye I see a large dark "blob" slowly chasing my lure. As soon as it gets within 6 feet of shore, it quickly turns around heads back to the deep water. "Man...that was a huge catfish."

Since I wasn't actively targeting fish I attempted to still fish on the bottom(assuming I saw a catfish) for that monster while I released consistently large planters(12"-17") that were striking my girlfriends rod.

I switched to a slip weight setup with some Powerbait that matched colors of the lure I was using and tossed it out about 20 yards off shore. 2 minutes later my rod tip began to jump. I set the hook and knew right away that I was into whatever I saw swim to shore(or else his older brother). With 4# leader and 6# mainline the fight lasted a good 10 minutes. Its my biggest trout to date.

We ate it that night along with a few of the other planters we landed. This is a day I'll never forget. :cheers:


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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Cozmo4196 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:36 am

Cozmo: Read the first post, gotta be anadromous, I will give you a short review but you may not consider your self in the Catch of Kings.
My apologizes. Didn't read the rules top to bottom #-o . I think it was more of an ego stroke than anything...caught that guy in October and have only landed 3 fish since then. Winter steel= slow learning curve.

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:59 pm

Was being funny Duncan.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:04 pm

Until next time? Looks like your falling behind in your elder age.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by gonnahookit » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:11 pm

Well seeing as to how my first pic of my first steelhead didn't get a review, (probably due in no small part to my inability to read and/or follow the directions, errr, rules (I am a man, afterall, and we are known for setting aside the instructions/directions/rules. At times. Ok, most of the time (all the time according to most of the wimmen-folk (no offense, shu! (yes, I forgot to make sure I was in the pic (man this is a lot of parenthesis)))))) I humbly submit a pic of my first river King, with my mug, fugly as it is, included.

Took me nearly a month of losing tackle finding all the snags in the Nisqually, to finally find a sweet spot around the end of the Chinook run. Landed this one, and a week later, in the same hole, another one to match in size but nearly chrome . Ate them both, this one got smoked, the chromer was BBQ'd.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by DannyL » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:40 am

My second entry in this contest.

No story cause I don't feel it needed. As I told one before and I guess it wasn't good enough.

Side note, the fish laying in the water are not all mine. Only one if those is.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by gfakkema » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:16 pm

Duncan Dharkeez wrote:Dannyboy:
While I do admit to lagging behind, please consider the handicap of my connectivity challenges and the sudden increase of submissions to be responded to. Because of my values and strong conviction to never deviate from excellence I am not always able to respond quickly to everyone. After the distasteful digestion of your poorly prepared posts I have come to conclude that any or all of my thoughtfully prepared critique would most likely be wasted on you. It might be your age, it might be your upbringing or even something as simple as your appetite. As you continue down the toilsome road of life consider slowing down and smelling the roses, but above all remember Quantity is not always better than Quality. Ask yourself this question would you rather have a small harem of say 5 extremely ugly and disfigured concubines or one stunning and seductive strumpet?

Regardless Danny all of your submissions have been rejected due to your failure observe the rules clearly outlined in the first post of this thread. Please consider your self banned from the Catch Of Kings, but Eagerly accept your place with the Champions Of Catching Krome.

Reviews for our other patient participants will follow shortly.
+1 Uncle Duncan. =D> Patience is a virtue all too often lost in todays culture of instant gratification. Champions of catching krome, classic!
Founding member of P.I.N.K. (Pink Idiots Need Killing), for the prevention of IDIOT pink salmon "anglers" everywhere!

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by strider43 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:33 pm

Dear Uncle Duncan,
I hope all is well and that you have gained access to the remote control to your dear sister’s garage.
I know that you are busy and connectivity is an issue, but I hope you find the time to review and critique this picture as it is another prize fish seen with my boot. My boot size is a 13 but the outer portion of the wader boot is much larger. To assist you in your important work here I will help you out; the boot is 13” long and 5” wide. I am providing this information as I believe you shorted me on your last weight quesstimate. This fish was caught in the same area last year on jig with shrimp. I often fish alone so I can only get a “boot” shot which is in line with the condition of the fish. I know you love color so I hope you like this one. Unfortunately this one was out season as well so I was released to his awaiting harem.
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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Brat Bonker » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:44 pm

I would rather eat the boot on the bottom... [scared]

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Re: Catch of Kings

Post by Dustin07 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:24 am

Duncan Dharkeez wrote: Ask yourself this question would you rather have a small harem of say 5 extremely ugly and disfigured concubines or one stunning and seductive strumpet?
You'll have to be more specific on the details of the first 5 and whether their is alcohol involved. :-"
