Heres one from early august at the Skok of course! I remember catching them both, the small one i hooked, i felt a headshake, and started reeling! Absolutely no fight at all, i thought it died or something. But it was in the mouth and a hatchery so it had to be retained. On the stringer it goes. I keep on fishing, when I cast to the far side of a root ball. I saw a nice school move in there. It didnt take me very long for a hook up. He wrapped around a stick, and i got lucky and he turned around and upwrapped himself. I then proceeded to get the fish in when someone yells "hey your the kid off of WALakes" Hahaha. I got the fish in, and he took the picture for me with his phone and sent it to me.
I, myself am not a fan of eating fish. Though my grandparents love it. We made our own smoker, so we smoke our fish that are starting to turn. Both of these fish were very nice chromers, both still had steel lice. Fish like this that we catch, we will fillet, and wrap up in aluminum foil scales down. We'll make pico de galo, and put it on top of the fish but not too much. And then wrap it up the rest of the way and throw on the bbq!
By the way, to give you a view point of how big the fish is in your own eyes, I am 5'5 and 140 pounds during wrestling season. But at that time I was 5'5 and 155 pounds! Haha
If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. ~Doug Larson