When to start bass fishing

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When to start bass fishing

Post by Buckhunter123 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:04 pm

Hello I am 14 and I am getting into bass fishing.
I am wondering when is the earliest I can start fishing Lake Washington for bass. Also, where is that? Good spots to go?

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Amx » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:13 pm

You can fish year round for bass.

If you want warmer weather, then mid-late March, or early April, or even May.

As a beginner I'd say start in late March when the air temperature gets and stays in the 50s so YOU are comfortable while fishing.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:36 am

The proper time to go fishing is always determined by the word "NOW!"

Seriously, the more time on the water, the better you know the depths, and the better you can cast. If you want to be a great bass fisherman, learn casting to the point you don't have to think about it at all, and you can land a lure of any size in a teacup at a moderate range. Experiment with different lines and lures, and think about what the fish see. Play with a dog or cat and see what twitches, pauses, speeds, etc get their predatory instincts riled. Predators are similar above and below water. Go to any body of water at different times without a rod, and see when the fish are active. If you are limited in access, read till you need glasses, especially here and In Fisherman magazine, among others. Find a mentor that knows his or her stuff. They're out there. As far as AMX commented, he's absolutely right for catching, but I encourage you to also learn automaticity with as many lures and styles as you can manage. In Washington, May is the prize month, and it lasts into June, but most of the 8lb plus fish I've caught came before then, and several after. Good luck! Oh, and you probably know this stuff already, but just in case, I thought I'd toss this out there. Hmmm... Toss it out there... Goin' Fishin! Seeya!

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Bigbass Dez » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:29 am

WOW 8lb + fish ? got pics [cool]

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:30 pm

Over 50 years worth. Been very few years where I haven't at least caught a 7. Most of the pix before digital. Hmmm... New designation of years? BD, instead of BC? Someday I'll get around to converting them... I think... Or I may just do what I usually do: Go fishing instead!

I have found though an inverse relationship between availability of camera and size of fish caught over the years. Not so much with salmon and steelhead, but bass and sturgeon especially. No pix at all of my biggest sturgeon, so no revealing its size. Still, the exceptions have added up.

With a handle of BigBass, you must have a bunch as well. Most of mine came from the east side, but my second biggest came from Silver in Cowlitz county, and one really nice one from Big Lake. You East or West of the hills?

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Amx » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:52 pm

I don't have a picture of my biggest bass either. Back then if I put the polariod in the boat I wouldn't catch a bass big enough to be worthy of a picture. The biggest from back then that I do have a picture of is 6lb 12oz out of Silver-Cowlitz country, taken on my 35mm by the owner of Streeter's Resort, Oct. 30, '89 on a black with chartruse spinnerbait, on a spinning rod. Another picture shows a 6lb 8oz from Silver on a Uncle Buck's 1/2oz jig and sassyshad trailer, on a casting rod from the pads on July 3rd. '87 onboard my brand new Bass Tracker aluminum boat while it still had my old Chrysler motor before I bought the new motor. [blink] My biggest is a 10 even Largie out of Sawyer May, '94 on a crankbait. Yes on a spinning rod. [biggrin]

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Bigbass Dez » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:20 pm

Hey there FC :

Dont take my comment the wrong way brother Im not questioning your credibility at all . Living over here in westeren washington we dont chance to see many bass over 8+lbs so i thought that maybe if it was convenient for you to show us some those trophy catches that would be a thrill for everyone [cool]

You should take a look at the trophy thread here on the site . If you read the heading it states smallies over 5lbs and LMB over 6lb , Yep those are trophies to us here in washington ..haha We look forward to you seeing some pics from you in the future , take care


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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by BassSlayer1981 » Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:05 pm

do you know where the past years trophy galleries are? I can't seem to find them. I posted a picture of my buddies 8.3 pound largie he caught with me back in july of 2012. The picture and review of it i posted is still on the lake index for lake roesiger. But I'd like to hop back and look at past years trophy galleries. Maybe its on here and iam just not seeing it. anybody know? thanks

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Amx » Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:16 pm

3 posts down on this page;

http://washingtonlakes.com/forum/viewto ... 3&start=80" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

in here someplace;

http://washingtonlakes.com/forum/viewto ... 13&t=14843" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
BassSlayer1981 wrote:do you know where the past years trophy galleries are? I can't seem to find them. I posted a picture of my buddies 8.3 pound largie he caught with me back in july of 2012. The picture and review of it i posted is still on the lake index for lake roesiger. But I'd like to hop back and look at past years trophy galleries. Maybe its on here and iam just not seeing it. anybody know? thanks

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:21 pm

BigBazz: Wasn't taking it that way at all. Just was wondering where you were so I could suggest possibilities. Over there I like Big, Silver, sometimes Crocker, and a few others that have produced bass over 7. There's some small lakes that have produced well over there, too. We are blessed over here, but your season runs longer for open water. I will convert some of those pix. Get a big'un!

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by dea » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:15 am

If you can, buy a cheap 10foot kayak, a PFD ( where it please ). You can find one for about $300. Nothing, I repeat, nothing will help you catch more bass than that kayak...hands down. If you have money, a better choice is an Old Town Pack Canoe. They are a little, but they are so light weight that you can trailor it around with your mountain bike. I love that about my Old Town pack canoe. However, I do use my 10ft Old Town Vapor more because I can fit it inside my SUV - which makes it too convenient to pass up most times. When I take my two teenage boys out, I rack them on top.

Chuckle...my two boys are completely hooked on kayak fishing now. The don't even want to go out on the boat anymore because they catch so many more fish from the kayak. The independence of tooling around in your own kayak I'm sure plays a part in their excitment as well.

Email or PM me and I'll tell you how I plan to catch tons and tons of bass again this season.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:25 am

dea's right, and if you can't get a kayak, see if there is a pontoon boat available. Either one improves your chances at least tenfold.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Buckhunter123 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:07 pm

What about those small boats make you catch more fish? My dad has a drift boat would that work?

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by Amx » Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:07 pm

small boats HELP you to catch more fish because you aren't temped to RACE around the lake to another fishing spot. In a small boat it takes too long to get somewhere, so you stay in one spot longer and so have a better chance to catch something where you already are.

Yes you can bass fish from a drift boat. Or inner tube, been there done that, back in high school.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:38 pm

Floater tubes were a mainstay for about 20 years for me. Always had a boat, but used the floaters more, as with the pontoons now. Cheap, easy, and the exact reasons Amx so eloquently explained. I've outfished tournament anglers in their bass boats when in a floater tube. And you're right there with the fish, for an exciting battle, and can take 'em anywhere. 5 mile hike? No launch? No problem. They are hard to make clunking noises in, too. Low profile to not spook fish, etc.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:40 pm

http://www.washingtonlakes.com/forum/vi ... =9&t=18304" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This sounded like a good deal, if interested.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by BassDood » Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:54 pm

I like the idea of the kayak, makes sense. I have float tubed for the last 14 years and for me, it's the only way to fish. As mentioned...a hike, no launch, small waters, no worries. I catch fish after others in their $40,000 bass boat have fished an area. I've caught numerous bass over 7 lbs and one at 8 1/2. I typically carry my gear in my car and can fish at the drop of a hat. My sons do the same. It's fairly cheap and easy to do. Check my photobucket to see what you can do. If you have any questions...feel free to pm. Here's a 7 pounder from last year...
rsz_img_20130811_080041_397.jpg (82.32 KiB) Viewed 7779 times
http://s783.photobucket.com/albums/yy11 ... =slideshow" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by PokeyPrasch » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:11 pm

I really like my personal pontoon as well (9ft Sportsmans Warehouse), here in Eastern WA we have a lot of electric motor only ponds and lakes and even on large lakes I use it because I'm usually fishing alone and haven't been able to justify buying a bass boat. I think it's great and relaxing and oaring around a lake is good for the arms.

I used to drive a 2001 Honda Prelude and I'd put it in the trunk but it did get tiring putting it together and then taking it apart after a long day of fishing. Now I drive a larger SUV w/ a roof rack and I just take it with me assembled. Only complaint is that at 75-100lbs, portaging can be rough, even for a larger guy. Looking into making a wheel attachment for easier portaging like the outcast one- might post once I'm finished if anyone is interested.
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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by 3footvis » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:10 pm

Buckhunter123 wrote:Hello I am 14 and I am getting into bass fishing.
I am wondering when is the earliest I can start fishing Lake Washington for bass. Also, where is that? Good spots to go?
All through May and early June is best. Arboretum, Gasworks, Leschi, lots of place to choose from.

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Re: When to start bass fishing

Post by fishinChristian » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:11 pm

We've been catching bass, crappie, perch and walleye for weeks now. Get going!

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